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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 19:53
by Blade
Time will tell I guess, but he is offering all MPs a 6k wage rise and which ever party your a member of that's a big carrot to dangle. Would also be suicide for him to offer this and then not deliver.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:20
by Kwacky
Blade wrote:Time will tell I guess, but he is offering all MPs a 6k wage rise and which ever party your a member of that's a big carrot to dangle. Would also be suicide for him to offer this and then not deliver.
Because a politician failing to deliver a promise would be a first?

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:26
by C00kiemonster
I'm watching the debate on BBC presently. None of them can deliver by the sounds of it.

What a mess.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:34
by Kwacky
The whole debate is a mess. A poor selection of host IMO

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:41
by bb41
I agree terrible choice of host ..

Rory has blown himself in the foot and I can see why Boris doesn't like this blue on blue's rubbish.

My estimation of Jeremy Hunt has raised a little but Boris is the only one who doesn't look desperate .. it's cringeworthy .. Maybe it's Emily doing an absolute dire job.. but the hasn't done anything but confirm the obvious.

It's so clear who will be the two going forward

I'm sick of Rory's voice now ... he has lost the plot... he couldn't run a bath let alone a country

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:45
by duke63
You need to do a bit of research on his career. He is the only one to have actually done something useful in his life.

Not like the adulterous lying cheat that Johnson is.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 20:50
by bb41
I just don't think he is the man to be head of the Tory Party and as a tory voter that is my opinion .. I wouldn't expect someone who opposes my view in it's entirety to offer any positives to any of them , but Rory is a closet remainer

We certainly don't want another one of those...again IMO

I think they could get rid of Emily and let them discuss the questions between themselves !!

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:04
by C00kiemonster
Waste of an hour.

None of them will make any difference.

I gave up after 40 mins.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:07
by duke63
I gave up after 5. British politics is ****. None of them have a clue.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:26
by StMarks
Fwiw I also didn't feel we learnt anything from that debate, except that the candidates were all very prepared to say whatever they thought the viewers would want to hear irrespective of how hypocritical & shallow it showed them to be.
Well, all except one & his body language said what he thought.: Looking positively embarrassed by his colleagues comments most of the time, & looking far from the stage as though he wish himself away from there.
Boris looked comfortable though, and entirely un-fazed (even when his innate bigotry refused to let his brain remember Abdul's name).

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:29
by Monty
bb41 wrote:I just don't think he is the man to be head of the Tory Party and as a tory voter that is my opinion .. I wouldn't expect someone who opposes my view in it's entirety to offer any positives to any of them , but Rory is a closet remainer
(rolf) (rolf) (rolf)

No no he's not, but don't mind me while I grab the popcorn and watch you guys rip the shit out of your party x

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:36
by duke63
I still think the Party will struggle to survive this. Corbyn will be PM by Christmas and the Tories will only have themselves to blame.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:41
by duke63
West life have let themselves go a bit.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:44
by D6
duke63 wrote:West life have let themselves go a bit.
Are they all midgets apart from the guy on the right. He's the only one who can touch the ground. I'd vote for him. Whoever he is

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:46
by Monty
duke63 wrote:I still think the Party will struggle to survive this. Corbyn will be PM by Christmas and the Tories will only have themselves to blame.
I wish I had your confidence, if we have a general election before BREXIT the alt-right will win, after BREXIT the left will win.

Either way, I will be blaming you!

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:48
by D41
Yep....look like a bunch of levitating bow-legged dwarfs.
Guy on the right reminds me of Bruce Spence.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:50
by duke63
Monty wrote:
duke63 wrote:I still think the Party will struggle to survive this. Corbyn will be PM by Christmas and the Tories will only have themselves to blame.
I wish I had your confidence, if we have a general election before BREXIT the alt-right will win, after BREXIT the left will win.

Either way, I will be blaming you!

No problem. In a years time I might not give a ****. :D

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 21:59
by Monty
duke63 wrote:
Monty wrote:
duke63 wrote:I still think the Party will struggle to survive this. Corbyn will be PM by Christmas and the Tories will only have themselves to blame.
I wish I had your confidence, if we have a general election before BREXIT the alt-right will win, after BREXIT the left will win.

Either way, I will be blaming you!

No problem. In a years time I might not give a ****. :D
Rightness sucks!

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 22:00
by Kwacky
Boris did what Boris does - waffles whilst throwing in a few sound bites whilst failing to commit to an answer. You could hear him still talking when it was someone else's turn.

Gove presents himself well. I thought Hunt looked slightly nervous in both debates.

Javid trying to win over the working class voters isn't going to fool anyone with his tales of a working class background.

As I said after the first debate, anyone who thinks a no deal brexit is the way forward instantly dismisses anything Rory has to say. He's not right wing enough to appease Tory party members.

What is clear is that the Tory party is shit scared of falling apart.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 22:07
by duke63
The waffle on the Irish border was enough for me. None of them have any idea of a way forward. They are devoid of ideas and are counting on the EU caving in to their demands. That will not happen.

Why should the EU allow to the UK to have a free and open border in Ireland and not anywhere else? If the EU said they wanted an open border but only in Portsmouth can you imagine the uproar.

Having spent a few hours at Portsmouth and Caen last week, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain cell that anything other than a border as it is now, will cause utter chaos at every border post.