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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 10:42
by duke63
There are too many pressures on working people these days. Both my son and his girlfriend are about to start out on their working lives and already you can see how it is affecting them.

I have attempted to go the 4 day week this year but with MiL problems it hasn't quite worked out as i thought it would. But still its a step in the right direction.

Once we reach 60 then we will hopefully be able to make some substantial changes to our lives.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 10:52
by bb41
It is so difficult when the youngsters are still around, it adds heaps of pressure into the equation , and yet the very thing I was trying to do was give my children a great life and it had the opposite effect.

All they really wanted was me around a lot more and not be at the end of my tether 24/7 . I worked at home most of the time so I was around physically but not in reality. I worked at night so as to give them time for the school run etc but my mind was always elsewhere and no knock off time either

I've learned one lesson and it's not what I have is important it's who I have that matters the most . Living a lot more within my meagre means is difficult to start with but after a while you realise a lot of what we thought we needed we actually don't

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 10:54
by bb41
Right, enough of my emotional side to make plum and damson jam... this house might be a wreck inside but it has the most amazing produce in abundance in the garden..always an upside ... fresh hen, duck and turkey eggs and home made jam... life can be good sometimes

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 11:07
by Cav
Oooooh fresh eggs! Supermarket eggs just don't taste the same

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 11:25
by kiwikrasher
I’m very lucky bb41, I’m have shared custody and I have a minimum 50% custody. I work fly in fly out so when I have the kids I’m not working and work is 3,500km away so they are my absolute first priority. I do school canteen duties, reading groups, attend and volunteer at all the sporting events etc and when I don’t have them I’m immersed in my work and earning at full potential.

A lot of my stress comes from not work but beating myself up for not thinking I’m enough of an advocate for my autistic son. It doesn’t matter how much people tell me I’m going a great job, I always feel like I should be doing more

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 12:03
by bb41
kiwikrasher wrote:I’m very lucky bb41, I’m have shared custody and I have a minimum 50% custody. I work fly in fly out so when I have the kids I’m not working and work is 3,500km away so they are my absolute first priority. I do school canteen duties, reading groups, attend and volunteer at all the sporting events etc and when I don’t have them I’m immersed in my work and earning at full potential.

A lot of my stress comes from not work but beating myself up for not thinking I’m enough of an advocate for my autistic son. It doesn’t matter how much people tell me I’m going a great job, I always feel like I should be doing more
My Grand sons half brother is autistic and he is here sometimes , it is so difficult at the best of times and his parents have the same fears as you.

They have 2 other children and my grand son and it is such a juggling act to, A give their lad as much time as they can with all his special needs and B, not ignoring the others as well . A task I don't think I could have dealt with well

Although not as hard as your situation my eldest who is now 34 went down a wrong route from the age of about 14, she kept the wrong company and made very bad life decisions especially when she had my grandson.

We have been estranged for 3 years although starting to communicate positively in the last few months and she finally seems to accept what she has caused is her fault, but finding the solution to putting it right is not so easy

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 12:21
by kiwikrasher
Not ignoring my beautiful high achieving, athletic, and sensitive daughter is always playing on my mind. She is so much more self sufficient than her older brother I sometimes am guilty of expecting more from her. But sometimes she just wants to be a 10 yr old and not my second in command. I have to be very mindful of that.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 13:06
by bb41
kiwikrasher wrote:Not ignoring my beautiful high achieving, athletic, and sensitive daughter is always playing on my mind. She is so much more self sufficient than her older brother I sometimes am guilty of expecting more from her. But sometimes she just wants to be a 10 yr old and not my second in command. I have to be very mindful of that.
I'm sure you are doing just fine

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 13:52
by duke63
I wonder at what point people will stand up en masse and say we are not accepting the way we are conditioned by those in charge?

I bet it would take about two weeks of a National strike to bring the bastards in charge to heel?

Now where did I put my gilet jaune?

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 13:54
by C00kiemonster
duke63 wrote:I wonder at what point people will stand up en masse and say we are not accepting the way we are conditioned by those in charge?

I bet it would take about two weeks of a National strike to bring the bastards in charge to heel?

Now where did I put my gilet jaune?
I'll post you some 8)

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 15:12
by D41
duke63 wrote:I wonder at what point people will stand up en masse and say we are not accepting the way we are conditioned by those in charge?
"We will not go quietly, into the night!!"

......Which was either Bill Pullman in "Independence Day", or Dylan Thomas, in a poem (or whatever else it was that Dylan Thomas did...which was probably not that much).

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 15:00
by Kwacky
The England cricket team (gah)

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 15:05
by duke63
Red light jumpers.

It seems to be an epidemic. Bikers beware.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 16:40
by Blade
See it all the time where Iam Duke. Rush hour is terrible. I now pause briefly before I move at t junctions and crossroads for that reason.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 16:51
by duke63
Twice this week I have seen vehicles jump the queue waiting at a red light to cross the light whilst its red. One even nearly mowed down a pedestrian on the crossing.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 16:53
by Blade
Driving standards are shocking these days absolute shocking.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 26 Aug 2019, 00:57
by kiwikrasher
So... in Perth for work at the Head Office for a week and to see a company doctor to get final clearance to go back offshore.

They’ve put me up in an apartment, all nice and well but..... the fecking bed. I literally have slept on nothing worse. I took the quit cover off and doubled it over and tried sleeping on that and still crap. Ended up on the couch and feel bloody old today with about 4 hours total sleep.

Had to check in this morning as I did an after hours arrival. Talked for the receptionist and she was horrified. Apparently all the mattresses were replaced a month ago, but think the one I scored slipped through the cracks. So getting a change of apartments once I get back this afternoon.

Not the best for my neck issues that’s for sure!!

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 26 Aug 2019, 05:33
by Rossgo
Jeez Kiwi that's not good. Hope you got your change of apartment or change if mattress so you can get a proper sleep

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 26 Aug 2019, 07:38
by Blade
Not good kiwi hope you get a better nights kip tonight.

Hopefully there is some nice eye candy at head office to help keep your mind bright and alert (happy)

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 26 Aug 2019, 07:49
by D41
I had to Google Perth.....apparently it's not right next to Sydney as I had previously suspected. And it isn't in the far north either, which was my second's all the way over on the left. Who knew??