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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 07:26
by Kwacky
The seated upright row :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 08:18
by Cav
130lbs because we all know Kwacky is weak ;)

Upper back movements are probably my strongest movements and it sounds like you're the same Kwacky. Very satisfying to pile on the weight and everyone looks at you like, "he'll be taking those straight off"

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 08:49
by Kwacky
Yep, I do like working my back. I'm not very big but my back is pretty strong.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 09:40
by D6Nutz
6.5 mile trail run last night, really wasn't in the mood but as I was leading I had to turn up. Fortunately there was only one other guy, and just a fortunately he was quick enough as well.

We did the route in 1:08 which is pretty respectable fit a 10k, but then throw in some decent hills, several styles and gates, and in pretty happy with that.

Should go out with a "can't be arsed, CV let's just get this over" attitude more often..

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2019, 06:46
by kiwikrasher
So now I’m allowed to do ‘no impact light cardio’ I went for 3 km walk, took just under 32 mins and had an average HR of 115, which is right in the fat burning rate (60-70% max HR) I’ve put on 8 kg since I’ve been home so time to start reversing that.

I’ll leave it tomorrow and see how the body is and if it’s ok have another crack on Friday.

I’ve got a mag trainer for the pushbike somewhere so might dig that out and do some spinning as well.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 10:39
by Cav
In terms of Couch to 5K, I'm doing alright. Only on week 7 as I haven't been running as frequently as previous, however, I'm consistently running 5km distance in 30-35minutes and it isn't that difficult..

Am I daft to think I can just double that time and try to do 10km this evening?

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 10:59
by Kwacky
How's the foot injury?

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 11:04
by Cav
Was sore the day after my last run but otherwise not terrible

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 11:34
by kiwikrasher
Don’t double it.

10% a week is a good rule of thumb. You still have an injury so I’d even drop back a bit till that’s 100%. I learnt the hard way about that. I was running 10-20km a week and decided to train hard for the Sydney City2Surf to break the magic hour ( had done 64 mins yr before). My training jumped up to 40-50 straight away and by 5th week I was doing 70-80. Blew out my archillies. Rested 5 weeks and ran a 61.58. Re-injured my archillies and gave myself a hamstring injury and 4 yrs later and I still haven’t run again.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 11:38
by Cav
I'll stick to a smaller more manageable time :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 12:01
by D41

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 04 Mar 2019, 20:25
by Cav
So I ran 6km this evening in a smidge over 40 minutes (including 10 minutes of warm up and cool down walking).

My VMO on both legs (lower inner quad) are fooked! (lol)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Mar 2019, 22:42
by Itchy
Getting back into the gym before work.

This is the first time I've felt like it was worth going since my Dad died. I had a couple of sessions the other week but wasn't really feeling it. Now that we've had the funeral and said goodbye, it's been sort of a stepping stone into getting on with life.
I haven't forgotten, it still hurts, but time isn't standing still, and I can't keep comfort eating without doing something. I can't afford the trousers!!

And I even managed to drag the missus out for a run on Monday. Well, a run/walk. But it was a start. Her legs are still aching!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Mar 2019, 11:00
by Cav
Great to hear from you and glad you are taking some good actions.. I don't know how it feels to lose a grandparent let alone a parent so I can't imagine how difficult it is for you. Well done though mate !!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Mar 2019, 16:22
by Cav
Lessons Learned: Check a route before you run it.

Monday I ran the 6km route I planned - it went well and I enjoyed it.
Last night I ran 7.1km because I didn't check the route. My planning went like this, "yeah that'll be about 6km".

Still, I ran the majority of it and smashed my last 5K Strava PR by over a minute (30mins 14) (muscle)

Did I enjoy it? No
Am I glad that I did it? I think so

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Mar 2019, 23:24
by D6Nutz
Lol, you soon get used to the ish when planning a route. When I do the long runs with one of the group's the ish can be quite spectacular. I remember one run being 12ish miles, well 15 miles later we got back after a "minor" detour...

Tonight, 7 mile trail run. Tough route, quite muddy, and very windy.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Mar 2019, 09:26
by Cav
Aha.. that's what I'll start calling my runs I think.

Yeah the wind hasn't made it very pleasant. Especially when you put on one too many layers so unzip the gilet and end up creating a sail

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Mar 2019, 18:51
by D6Nutz
Check out my activity on Strava:" onclick=";return false;

27 miles, 3000ft of elevation, 50mph winds. You could say that was a tough run.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Mar 2019, 18:58
by C00kiemonster
D6Nutz wrote:Check out my activity on Strava:" onclick=";return false;

27 miles, 3000ft of elevation, 50mph winds. You could say that was a tough run.
Thats impressive Jon.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Mar 2019, 19:19
by D6Nutz
Good bling though..Image