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Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 06 May 2014, 21:25
by bb41
I'm still confused as to why this has always taken so long for him and others to get convicted .

I still wonder if the media play a big part in the outcome of these

Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 06 May 2014, 21:28
by duke63
The reason its taken so long is, i suspect, because too many people in positions of power and trust chose to ignore all these goings-on.

Its fairly obvious those at the top of the Liberal Party knew about Cyril Smith but decided not to do anything about it and Saville even had top police officers on his side.

Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 06 May 2014, 21:34
by bb41
Duke, if that's the case then why aren't officers who were in charge then are not also bought to court as well?

Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 06 May 2014, 21:38
by duke63
Because they are above the law it would seem.

Just a sense of justice and common decency to protect the innocent would have made most people make sure he was brought to book.

Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 06 May 2014, 21:39
by Kwacky
There are a few circles in place where people in power have been doing all sorts of stuff you don't want to know about. It's been going on for generations. I heard about one in the North West a few years ago, which ties in with the Savile stuff. I've told some of the people on here about it. I won't post it for obvious reasons.

Dozens of people have over the years complained about people like Savile. It was swept under the carpet. It's been allowed to come out now because most people involved are dead or not far from death's door.

Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 06 May 2014, 21:50
by bb41
If that's the case then I'm glad I live in my own little world.

I'd also hoped that our justice system although not perfect was better than other countries.

When something of this scale happens then we have no hope for future generations. I fear for my grand child and all the other future generations.

I'm not naive , or maybe I am.

It's just a worrying trend that seems to be occurring a lot ,

Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 07 May 2014, 12:47
by Kwacky" onclick=";return false;

Stuart Hall raped a teenage girl. He did so for months. The attacks took place at the BBC.

Surely someone noticed what was going on?

Likewise when Savile's driver complained he got the sack.

Re: Max Clifford

Posted: 08 May 2014, 08:39
by bb41
My daughter is a rape counsellor and a lot of her job deals with rape that has never been reported and most can't function at all in their normal lives.

They have difficulty trusting anyone let alone another male.. they aren't all young some are middle aged plus.

She also has had male victims but they are unable to help them which brings attention to the fact that where do these victims go.? It must be just as harrowing for a male victim as well as a female although not common

Holding down a job is nigh on impossible and a relationship is out of the question so I do sympathise with the victims, however to then agree to be interviewed by the media afterwards must be very difficult as you will be open to even more scrutiny.

I also wonder that as this was so rife then to various degrees, would the same happen to Joe public if he was bought to the attention of the police after so many years?

I still have reservations about the whole thing especially as the entire Yew Tree operation was looking a bit like a failing witch hunt.

I'm a firm believer of anonymity for both parties until after the court case.