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Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 13:03
by Monty
That's not good news BM but I'm sure you'll kick it's ass.

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 18:55
by Stew
Sorry mate only just spotted this, how shit is that ? you need to get a side car fitted to your bike and have someone thrash you around in it , seriously though good luck with it all :)

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 10:10
by Kwacky
Beermonster, any updates?

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 16:30
by beermonster
Yes, lots has been happening!

I went to the QE the day before Good Friday expecting to have a few tests and be on my merry way....5 days later they let me go home! My consultant wasn't happy with the initial diagnosis of non-arteritic ischemic anterior neuropathy.

There may still be some permanent damage, but most of my problem is actually optic neuritis (swelling of the optic nerve) and while they don't know what's caused it they are treating it with a very high dose of steroids. These have some pretty bad side effects (but as I'm aware of them then it's easy enough to deal with), but the good news is that some of the vision that disappeared between the problem coming on and my trip to hospital is returning. Its going to be a long old journey, but my mates have been great, work have been very supportive and I'm hugely gateful to Miss Mollan and all the staff at the QE Hospital for giving me a second chance. When the NHS decides to go into action it's amazing!

The really good news is that I may not have to give up my drivers licence so there's still a chance I could drive / ride again.

I'll keep you all posted as things develop. :)

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 16:37
by Cavetroll87
that sounds promising mate and glad everyone around you is offering lots of support! hope the side effects from the steroids arnt too bad but very glad to hear its relatively good news!

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 16:38
by D6
Brilliant news. I'll stop crossing some of my fingers now as they were going blue

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 16:43
by Kwacky
Great news. I'll have to take you out for a pint to celebrate.

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 17:01
by StMarks
Well, that sounds far better than before BM. Fingers crossed the quacks get you sorted mate.

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 18:09
by C00kiemonster
That sounds really promising BM. Fingers crossed for you :)

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 18:41
by Blade
Glad it sounds promising.

Not sure of the condition but a lady I work with lost her vision and was off work for 18 months good news is she is back as good as before so hopefully a full recovery is possible for you too mate.

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 19:57
by duke63
Much better news than you had posted a few weeks back, Beermonster.

I hope the good progress continues.

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 20:58
by Deegee
Beermonster that is exactly what happened with my Mother - the steroids completely arrested the degradation of her sight and fixed a bunch of other issues including aching joints she had developed but "didn't want to bother the Doctor with".

Good luck with it all, and all my fingers and limbs are crossed for further improvements!

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:30
by Kwacky
I'm worried he's going to get roid rage and rape me in the pub.

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:45
by beermonster
Kwacky wrote:I'm worried he's going to get roid rage and rape me in the pub.
Sole purpose of visit! (devil)

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 01 May 2014, 22:02
by Itchy
Ditto what everyone else had said. I'm really pleased there's a silver lining around this cloud.

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 02 May 2014, 01:50
by Mac
I'll add my relief and well wishes for you as well BM (y)

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 02 May 2014, 05:58
by Rossgo
This sounds better mate :-)

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 02 May 2014, 07:23
by Bratty
Really pleased to hear this mate (y)

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 02 May 2014, 09:55
by Stew
Sounds like good news, hope it continues for you, good luck

Re: The eyes no longer have it

Posted: 02 May 2014, 16:08
by Godzilla
Glad to hear this news.