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Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 22:31
by Blade
I want to know does he use his paws or his truncheon to press the buttons on his keyboard ???? Either way he is a clever little pussy.

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 23:06
by Jack
I've seen him ride - he's just a pussy ...

sorry Monty I couldn't resist

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 07:30
by Monty

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 16:41
by duke63
Jack wrote:No Who involved merely How .
So who or what made the how? :D

It's all to clever to be an accident.

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 18:07
by Monty
duke63 wrote:It's all to clever to be an accident.
Not if there is an infinite number of universes, as there'd be an infinite number of accident universes and an infinite number of everything else in-between.

People have argued that the (our) constants such as force of gravity, strong and weak nuclear force etc are all in such a close balance that if you change any one of them even slightly then everything would be completely different. However these constants exist in what you might call our sweet spot and there maybe many other sweet spots for totally different universes.

If you throw a pack of cards in the air it's just as likely to land in order as it is in any other combination.

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 21:55
by kiwikrasher
Regardless of who, how or why it all happened, we have ended up with bikes, beer, free internet porn and cake. We all should be thankful (lol)

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 23:19
by duke63
Simple answer is we have no idea how or why we are here. That's why no one can be right or wrong in their views.

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 00:10
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:Simple answer is we have no idea how or why we are here. That's why no one can be right or wrong in their views.
(y) Totally agree mate. I may deplore organised religions, but I am by no means bigoted against the concept of spirituality.

The more we learn, the more we realise that we don't have a clue about anything.
The more we think about what we (believe) we know, the less confident we become about our existing knowledge.

Kiwicrasher is right, we should just try to enjoy life & not worry our silly little minds with tying to understand something that is (in every respect) utterly beyond us.

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 15:58
by D41
This thread could have led to such an interesting theological discussion......

Re: These Terrorist Attacks Are Not About Religon

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 17:59
by Kwacky
For what it's worth I do believe in a god. Whether it's the god or God or whoever, there is something there.

When I was young I used to go to Church and I sang in the choir. Neither of my parents are religious so I wasn't pushed. My dad was taught to reject religion after what his mother went through. I was quite active with the local church and was even allowed to be confirmed a year earlier than usual for Anglicans as the Bishop of Birmingham had seen me a couple of times discussing various issues and attending overnight vigils and events.

I have no issue with religion. Faiths generally provide a set of guidelines with a view to us living peacefully. Christianity sits quite close to Indian religions. Some say Christ went off to India when he was young and studied Buddhism. What I don't like is the way religion is used as a vehicle for political means, to suppress, for money or for evil.

it's good to see the trend on twitter with Muslims taking up Lent.