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Re: School over reacting

Posted: 23 Sep 2014, 14:23
by Mac
kiwikrasher wrote:Jesus, I didn't know you guys had that level of bullshit to deal with!! That's craziness. I don't understand how the hell a school has the authority to fine parents?? The school my son goes to doesn't even charger school fees. It's a rural school and all costs are meet by local fundraising and parental donations.
What he said (f1)

Re: School over reacting

Posted: 24 Sep 2014, 22:52
by Monty
This has nothing to do with a child's development and learning and everything to do with the schools Ofsted rating. Nothing more nothing less and it sickens me.

If I ever need to take my children out of school (haven't needed to yet) I will simply lie to them.

Re: School over reacting

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 09:34
by Deegee
It's difficult for people not involved in education to see that Ofsted is not a positive force within the School system, the reverse is true in fact, they are not there to make schools better, they're there to provide political influence and so called "authentic" information at election times.

It is a corrosive and negative organisation.

Re: School over reacting

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 19:00
by duke63
Ofsted is useful to catch the failing schools and staff.

But it doesn't work for those who are not failing and indeed provide a very good education for their pupils.

Re: School over reacting

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 20:06
by Deegee
Sadly in my locality I've seen good schools destroyed by Ofsted and bad ones acclaimed simply because they have the right paperwork in order. The mandate is good, the execution flawed, it really is a crying shame tbh.

Re: School over reacting

Posted: 26 Sep 2014, 08:46
by Kwacky
It's great for providing short term fixes for problem schools. I have seen some very poor schools turned around, but that just pushes the problem to another school

I've yet to see a school turn around for the better and stay like that while the schools around it maintain their previous standards.

Re: School over reacting

Posted: 04 Oct 2014, 09:40
by Rossgo
This happens to a guy at work a few times a year. His kid is pretty young but the school demands he collect her even when he's working. He leaves work and has to come in on Saturdays to make up the time he lost. He gets so annoyed that he has to waste his time off (that could be used to spend with family or earning extra for family outings).

Re: School over reacting

Posted: 04 Oct 2014, 14:41
by D41
Hmmm....similar state with schools here....all too often it's the result of a language barrier, or at the very least the perception of one. End of the day the school trades down to the lowest common denominator....and that's OK too, except my kid did not just spring over the Mexican border from El Salvador. And it's usually not the kids who are the adapt fast - it's the parents, it's always the parents.

The education system has gone soft......members of a certain age will remember the canings and beltings we used to get....but corporal punishment is a major no-no these everything can be "talked out"...utter crap.