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Re: Remember that Cat and Fiddle crash?

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 15:23
by Deegee
Tbh I've watched that vid numerous times and whilst generally I have some sympathy for bikers and the law due to most of it being aimed at cars there is no way I want this guy anywhere near me on a bike. Ever.
And then broadcasting his idiocy? (facepalm)

It's a shame there isn't something available to the judiciary for (nearly) terminal stupidity, but I suspect we'd need a few more jails for that.

Re: Remember that Cat and Fiddle crash?

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 15:36
by Perkles
I have a real pet hate of people crossing solid lines on the road they are there for a reason,two bikers did it to me down fish hill a few weeks ago and nearly hit an oncoming lorry

Re: Remember that Cat and Fiddle crash?

Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 22:18
by Roadrace
There's no way that arsehole was in control during any part of that video.
I would suggest a motorcycle licence ban...for good.