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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 08 Dec 2014, 23:02
by Kwacky
I think scart is considered new around these parts. No chance of a tv with hdmi.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 08 Dec 2014, 23:24
by kiwikrasher
Rossgo wrote:Back at work and I feel so screwed already! Jet lags a bitch! Went to sleep at around 1830 last night! Putting me in a right foul mood and when I got in this morning I have found the department in a disgrace. So flipping angry. Looks like the guy who was covering didn't even look after the place

Now you know how I feeling coming off 3 weeks of straight night shift.

I used to have the same issue getting offshore Rossgo, the guy I took over from was a lazy messy prick and is spend the first three days sorting it all out to my OCD standards. But there is anew guy in that spot now and I trained him up so I'm hoping it won't be so bad this trip, well I don't think it could get worse!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 05:40
by Rossgo
Kiwi I don't know how you do that 3 weeks of night shift mate, especially as you don't get a break through them! I hope they pay you well!!

I have trained our evening guy up too so i will see this morning if he has kept up the high standards I expect! If he hasn't there will be words.
Hope the guy has kept your area neat and tidy mate [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH]

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 07:51
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:I think scart is considered new around these parts. No chance of a tv with hdmi.
Really, all the budget hotels I've staying in have a HDMI TV. I normally plug in an Apple TV or just a HDMI cable. The only problems I've had is when the TV is set to hotel mode and the HDMI is disabled, but that can be turned off.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 12:54
by kiwikrasher
Rossgo wrote:Kiwi I don't know how you do that 3 weeks of night shift mate, especially as you don't get a break through them! I hope they pay you well!!

I have trained our evening guy up too so i will see this morning if he has kept up the high standards I expect! If he hasn't there will be words.
Hope the guy has kept your area neat and tidy mate [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH]
They pay well indeed (nod) it's the only reason I put myself thru' it all.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 13:11
by bb41
Unpacking loads of boxes after the house move, what a nightmare and I just hope it works out as it's been an absolute nightmare (gah)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 13:58
by D41
Good luck BB.

Dunno.....I fecked up last night, big time.

Was at home by myself yesterday evening, and thought I'd take a shower (which I do every month, whether I need it or not).

I saw the kitchen door was unlocked....locked it, turned, and my mother*ckin' hip went out...and went down hard....I knocked myself out.
I woke up 20 mins later in a pool of blood from a split around my left eye....tried to get up twice, and both times slipped in the blood, resulting in another two faceplants, then finally had the sense to take off a sock to wipe away the blood on the floor.

My face is the size of a bloody melon today, and I have quite the black eye.

Give me internet hugs or sommit. (giggle)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 17:23
by Kwacky
Back in the house. My 3 day trial collapsed (in my favour).

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 17:32
by Rossgo
Sorry to hear that Darren heal quickly

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 17:55
by Kwacky
There you go.


Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 19:21
by D41 sucks......I'm left eye dominant, and can't see a bloody thing for the the feck do I do my show tonite, looking like this?? I suck.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 19:40
by Rossgo
Don't go take it easy, I'm sure that's what everyone else would say to!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 21:13
by Deegee
I'd say don't go as well, but turn it to your advantage and try some observational stuff based on on the melon face and reasons, hey if we can't laugh at ourselves we might as well pull the pin now. Lemons/Limoncello my friend.
On a side note it sounds like you need some exercises to build up the muscles that stabilise the hip when you turn on it.

Today I have been try to do the job of a three handed man, I've been wrestling with the evergreen problem of holding something in place with two hands whilst needing a third hand to start the bolts that hold said item in situ. I won eventually btw.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 21:50
by StMarks
Deegee wrote:....... I won eventually btw.

Fwiw I enjoy doing things myself, and those types of situation that beg the need for asking assistance always frustrate me.
I'm going to try to teach myself how to remove, rebuild & replace a 6 speed gearbox from a Vito 639 in the near future, and I can already see potential issues arising from the above type situation. (sweat)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 22:07
by Deegee
One of my colleagues is an ex-MB tech, I'll see him in a week or two and ask him if there's any tricks or hints for dropping and stripping the box on a Vito.
Fwiw I've always found that if you think what the easiest way to put it together was, that's generally the way it comes apart. Of course sometimes the vehicle is upside down on an assembly line......

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 14:33
by D41
Deegee wrote:I'd say don't go as well, but turn it to your advantage and try some observational stuff based on on the melon face and reasons, hey if we can't laugh at ourselves we might as well pull the pin now. Lemons/Limoncello my friend.
On a side note it sounds like you need some exercises to build up the muscles that stabilise the hip when you turn on it.

Today I have been try to do the job of a three handed man, I've been wrestling with the evergreen problem of holding something in place with two hands whilst needing a third hand to start the bolts that hold said item in situ. I won eventually btw.
Well, I went,.....but I bowed out of performing, as I looked a bloody mess and I do like to support the new guys if I can....left once the pros hit it.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 15:01
by rocket
At a soft play telling other kids off as there mothers are to bother discussing what brand of hair dye they are using to pay any attention to what there kids are doing.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 19:21
by Itchy
rocket wrote:At a soft play telling other kids off as there mothers are to bother discussing what brand of hair dye they are using to pay any attention to what there kids are doing.
I fricking hate those places for exactly that reason. I always come away thinking "I should've told that little turd that THIS IS SPARTA".

Obviously I wouldn't front kick a child in the chest, but when your 3 year old comes out of the ball pit with another child's footprint on her face, there's only so much holding back!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 07:56
by Frankie
Sales meeting all day today. This will be fun :(

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 08:37
by Bratty
Computers down all day yesterday so today is gonna be a nightmare if it's not fixed, I have over 50 orders of spectacles that will have to be ordered over the phone.