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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 Feb 2017, 21:48
by Kwacky
Chest and arms tonight, Nicely distracted by a girl with a proper hourglass body. I couldn;t look for long, her boyfriend was built like a brick shithouse

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Feb 2017, 19:22
by Kwacky
Nipped in early today as I got home about 4pm. Not one barbell was free so I did a load of back and shoulder work on the cables.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Feb 2017, 22:20
by Kwacky
Boxercise was a kilelr tonight Lots of pace work and circuits.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 11:08
by Cav
I'm not sure how many of you have already seen but I played football yesterday. Terrible match - should have won 15-0 but we only won 5-1. I was handed the captains armband at half time, got man of the match and their striker told me I was the best Centre back he'd played against.

Further to that, I used my Heart Rate monitor throughout warm up and the match. I ran over 5miles, burned over 1700kcals and my max heart rate was 196bpm. Feel pretty happy with that

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 12:21
by kiwikrasher
Cav wrote:I'm not sure how many of you have already seen but I played football yesterday. Terrible match - should have won 15-0 but we only won 5-1. I was handed the captains armband at half time, got man of the match and their striker told me I was the best Centre back he'd played against.

Further to that, I used my Heart Rate monitor throughout warm up and the match. I ran over 5miles, burned over 1700kcals and my max heart rate was 196bpm. Feel pretty happy with that
Good effort all round mate (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 12:37
by Cav
kiwikrasher wrote:
Cav wrote:I'm not sure how many of you have already seen but I played football yesterday. Terrible match - should have won 15-0 but we only won 5-1. I was handed the captains armband at half time, got man of the match and their striker told me I was the best Centre back he'd played against.

Further to that, I used my Heart Rate monitor throughout warm up and the match. I ran over 5miles, burned over 1700kcals and my max heart rate was 196bpm. Feel pretty happy with that
Good effort all round mate (y)
Cheers mate.. it made the whole thing feel quite a bit better actually. My gf came to watch too and was telling me what everyone on the sideline was saying about me - many compliments and also many laughs when people bounce off me.

It was also very funny when I jumped to head the ball but ended up sitting on some guy's shoulder where I jumped so high (lol) (wasntme)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 20 Feb 2017, 11:38
by Kwacky
Well played Cav.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 20 Feb 2017, 23:37
by D6Nutz
5 mile run tonight, and walked 6 miles in London today according to the watch.

Might have burned off yesterday's breakfast :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 23 Feb 2017, 21:47
by Kwacky
A quick session tonight as I've not trained for over a week and I've got boxercise tomorrow. Deadlifts, bent over rows, shrugs, some core work and a couple of triceps exercises.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Feb 2017, 13:29
by Kwacky
Upper back and traps are sore today. I must have done something right yesterday.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Feb 2017, 23:39
by Kwacky
Boxercise was good tonight. It's nice being able to do circuits without getting a headache.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 Feb 2017, 17:39
by Cav
So as of tomorrow I will have had 7 days with absolutely no physical activity and eating as much food as I can stomach every day...

I've been overdoing it for sometime and became very run down. Was off work for a few days too which isn't good.

Tomorrow will be the usual start of the week stuff and I'll be going to football training tuesday night.. fingers crossed I can stay well for more than 2 weeks soon

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 11:11
by Itchy
First day back after 2 weeks off.

Also changed things up so instead of my usual sets of 5, I was doing sets of 20.

MASSIVELY overestimated my ability to do 20 reps of bench press with 60kg. Yeah, that wasn't happening. Got to 12 reps with my chest on fire and had to rack it.
Other sets were done, or not, with 40kg and that was still hard work.
Lots of cable work to supplement the bench and it's left me shaking like a shitting dog!

I suspect tomorrow is going to be painful.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 11:33
by Cav
Itchy wrote:instead of my usual sets of 5, I was doing sets of 20.
Well that's just silly...

That's an anobolic steroid workout if ever I've seen one haha. I'd be amazed if you aren't hurting for 3 days, maybe more !!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 11:36
by Kwacky
I did chest on Saturday. I really struggled with incline bench barbell press but after that I flew through my routine. I went up 4kgs with the dumbells.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 13:21
by D6Nutz
Went out for a gentle potter round the new forest, did just over 8 miles in 1:25. Not bad considering it was a little hilly and I drank a little too much Saturday.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 14:43
by Itchy
Cav wrote:
Itchy wrote:instead of my usual sets of 5, I was doing sets of 20.
Well that's just silly...

That's an anobolic steroid workout if ever I've seen one haha. I'd be amazed if you aren't hurting for 3 days, maybe more !!
Time will tell.
I wasn't in the gym too long, about 45 mins all in. 4 sets of 20 bench press
4 sets of 12 low cable crossover
4 sets of 16 cable crossover
4 sets of 16 machine flye, which was broken so ended up doing guessed it, cable crossovers!
Then some leg raise thing for abs.

I don't particularly think it's too much, but it's definitely a massive difference from doing 5 reps and then sitting around for 5 minutes at a time.


Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 14:54
by Kwacky
No dips?

I don't do much for chest

3 x 10 flat barbell bench
3 x 10 cable crossover
3 x 8 dips
3 x 10 seated fly machine
3 x 10 incline dumbbell

10 reps is what I aim for. It depends how my shoulder is feeling and how quickly my chest tires. The Dumbbell set can be entertaining sometimes.

We get to do push ups in Taekwondo and boxercise as well.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 15:37
by Itchy
No dips this time around. Just following the program I picked up to see if something different would work for me.

Never say never though!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 16:12
by Cav
Everyone loves dips.. you end up pulling your shrug face on the last set haha.

For me, chest day includes:
5 x 8-10 Incline crush dumbbell press
5 x 8-10 Flat dumbbell press
5 x 8-10 Decline cable crossover
5 x 8-10 Upper cable single arm "crossover"

All of this superset with back:
5 x 8 wide grip pull up
5 x 8-10 seated row
5 x 10 bent over row
5 x 8-10 decline cable row
5 x 10 straight bar cable lat pull down

Usually do a 10 minute run to start with and some biceps/triceps at the end of the workout. This is about 1hr 40