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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 15:23
by Blade
Top skills Cav. Time for a well earned beer me thinks (y)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 15:39
by Cav
I had a pint at lunch... that on top of this new cold I have has not gone down well - I feel like I could die at any moment

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 19:58
by Cav
So I'll chuck this in here..

I've not long gotten home from the 135mile round trip to university after submitting my dissertation - I feel giddy and light headed from the relief I feel. I can't thank you all enough for the kind words, encouragement and support over the past few months. It's been bloody tough but I'm glad this part of my final year is over. I still have 1 exam and 1 assignment left to hand in May 2nd and May 8th.

I'm flying early tomorrow morning so I'm going to grab a bite to eat soon and try to catch some zeds.

I probably won't be on here for a week but when I'm back I'll be putting some footage together - probably a highlights, a fastest lap, and a raw session.

It's a much needed break of eating, drinking and riding motorcycles... oh, and the Fiancé has instructed the people going that I have to visit a strip club.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 20:02
by duke63
Enjoy, Cav, you have earned it.

I did visit Portimao once not long after it opened. Was on holiday so it was only a quick look but its an awesome place.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 21:36
by Kwacky
She's a top lass that one.

Enjoy it mate, you've certainly earned it.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 22:21
by D41
:D I'm light-headed with relief too, Cav.

Congrats. Treat yourself to a pack of Embassy Regal & a six-pack of beer. It's heaven.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Mar 2019, 22:25
by C00kiemonster
Packing. I hate packing. Off back home tomorrow via London to be honest we will be glad when we get there, full car, two dogs and two tired humans.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 22:17
by Kwacky
Daughter is in a strop over nothing and son is playing PS4 so me and Mrs K went to the pub for a beer and a burger.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 09:32
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Daughter is in a strop over nothing.
So how long does that crap last? Jorja is 10 in May and she’s already like a moody teen.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 09:48
by Kwacky

Mate, I'm not even sure there is a tunnel, let alone being able to see the light at the end of it.

Tuesday night she gets dropped off from dance. She can't be arsed to look for her key so she's banging on the door like it's the flying squad doing a raid.

"where's your key? " asks I

"why would I have a key"? retorts my angelic princess as she shoulder barges me out of the way.

Last night I suggested a family trip to the local for a pie and a pint. Going on my daughter's reaction we had instead asked her if she wanted to be dragged for 100m over hot coals. She wanted to go to dance but as she said to my wife "you and dad have clearly decided you want to go out so I'll just have to stay at home then".

So yeah, enjoy. You have my sympathies.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 09:51
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Ha!

Mate, I'm not even sure there is a tunnel, let alone being able to see the light at the end of it.

Tuesday night she gets dropped off from dance. She can't be arsed to look for her key so she's banging on the door like it's the flying squad doing a raid.

"where's your key? " asks I

"why would I have a key"? retorts my angelic princess as she shoulder barges me out of the way.

Last night I suggested a family trip to the local for a pie and a pint. Going on my daughter's reaction we had instead asked her if she wanted to be dragged for 100m over hot coals. She wanted to go to dance but as she said to my wife "you and dad have clearly decided you want to go out so I'll just have to stay at home then".

So yeah, enjoy. You have my sympathies.

And I could very well have a 12 yr old girl under the same roof by the end of the year (facepalm)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 13:10
by Rossgo
Today car serviced. And sorting out my bike

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 15:14
by Blade
Dying from man flu and eating the entire box of almond magnum ice screams I just found in th4 freezer.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 15:55
by D41
I can think of worse ways to go, Blade.

I'm fcuking freezing. Staying home waiting for a new oven to be delivered & installed.

Guitar time!!!!!!!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 17:04
by Deegee
Blade wrote:Dying from man flu and eating the entire box of almond magnum ice screams I just found in th4 freezer.
Good move Blade, the brain freeze and bellyache will take your mind off the man flu no problem. (y)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 18:13
by C00kiemonster
Driving and more driving, but back home in France.

Easy journey, but eventful at the end. As we pulled off the motorway the car died, managed to restart her and drag her home but she's dying - trusty mondeo will have to go.... ;( Its been a fantastic car and owes us nothing, so quite sad really.

She got us home though - what a star.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 20:13
by Blade
Felt a little better (must of been all those magnums :P ) so went in the garage and hard wired the satnav onto the bike.

Just need to find somewhere to go now (lol)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 20:47
by kingfixer
Sorted out hotel for this weekend trip to Wembley ,” Haway the lads “ “ red and white army “
I know D41 would agree with me :D :D :D

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 20:53
by D41
Fcukhead. :D

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 20:54
by kingfixer