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Re: Work

Posted: 31 Jan 2020, 20:22
by duke63
Going out your comfort zone, is where life's best experiences lie.

Re: Work

Posted: 31 Jan 2020, 20:32
by D41
Generally, but not always.

For instance...the body cavity searches at Heathrow?? - Highly overrated, IMHO.

Re: Work

Posted: 31 Jan 2020, 20:55
by duke63
The dogs have never sniffed me out.

Re: Work

Posted: 31 Jan 2020, 21:03
by StMarks
Sounds like things are really lining up for you Cav, fingers crossed it all follows suite with the next stages mate.

Re: Work

Posted: 02 Feb 2020, 07:48
by Rossgo
Cav - I'll have to be honest here I habent been on TS for a while due to being busy/ honeymooning but I saw you were unemployed and accepted for redundancy and now you have an opportunity with another company and sounds like a good company at that. You are young and I have 100% faith in you, you will smash the interview. They want people like you because you won't be stuck in your ways yet you can take everything on board their way and your attitude is great.

You will be fine enjoy the interview and let us know when you start

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Re: Work

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 18:10
by Cav
Telephone interview done. Confirmed 2nd interview on Thursday near Watford.. I haven't got the address yet but apparently it's about 4 hours. I'll be getting a hire car as mine is buggered!

Apparently it'll be a 12 question test followed by a tour and meet & greet. Apparently I get time to walk around and talk to members of the team to gain a better understanding of the role from other people's perspective. I like how honest and open this company seem.

Doing prep for tomorrow's interview now them I think i'll unwind at poker tonight.

Re: Work

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 18:39
by Kwacky
That sounds very promising if you're being let loose to talk to people

Re: Work

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 20:14
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:That sounds very promising if you're being let loose to talk to people
I agree, they are doing their checks and balances to ensure you are suitable but it also sounds like they are doing their part to encourage your decision as well.

Also part of it will be feedback from people in the team you interact with to gauge how they feel you’ll fit in no doubt.

Re: Work

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 16:40
by Cav
Well my fingers are crossed for that one anyway. He said they have basic salary then contractual commission based on machines sold. Essentially I'm knocking on the door of higher rate tax with the company car which is usually a 330e. FYI, I deliberately didn't ask about any of this, he was forward with the information to which I replied, "it sounds like we'd get all the tools we need for the job".
I've got tomorrow off interviews but it'll be prep time for Thursday. I've got the hire car booked (£66 plus 12% cashback) for the overnight hire and will leave in good time. I'm more nervous about this one because it's the one I want the most. A lot to learn in this role and I just need to convince them that I will be able to learn it quick enough for them to invest in me.

I had a 3 hour intensive interview in an Oil & Gas company today. I'd be working in their drilling technical centre (predominately RSS and MWD) and depending how well I did determines which role they would consider me for. I think I did well to present myself for the Design Engineer rather than the CAD/Technical Drawing guy. I was persistent in my mentioning of creativity and self management; both of which aren't heavily required in the latter role.

Re: Work

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 21:44
by kiwikrasher
Sounds like you are giving it a red hot go. I fully expect we’ll be dealing with a thread on ‘which awesome offer should I take’ 8)

Re: Work

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 00:42
by Cav
"Which awesome offer should I take?" would be the dream! haha.

I have my preference currently but things can change when you get the offers through

Re: Work

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 09:50
by Rossgo
Let us know Cav. All sounds very promising. Good luck to ya buddy you will be fine

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Re: Work

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 12:41
by Blade
Hopefully celebrating good news and an offer soon Cav (y)

Re: Work

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 15:28
by Cav
Yeah that'd be good. Doing prep for tomorrow's interview.

I also have another interview confirmed in the Aerospace industry for this Friday. I'm lacking the specific experience but I have exposure and I think I use the same CAD package as they do so that's one less training course for them. Security galore for Aerospace though

Re: Work

Posted: 06 Feb 2020, 04:36
by kiwikrasher
Cav wrote:Yeah that'd be good. Doing prep for tomorrow's interview.

I also have another interview confirmed in the Aerospace industry for this Friday. I'm lacking the specific experience but I have exposure and I think I use the same CAD package as they do so that's one less training course for them. Security galore for Aerospace though
I’m bias but it’s a pretty cool industry though. I enjoyed my aeronautical work far more than my oil and gas work

Re: Work

Posted: 06 Feb 2020, 10:11
by Kwacky
I was supposed to be meeting the head of department next Monday but she's been called to a meeting so it's been moved to the following Monday.

In the meantime she's told me that they are re-structuring so they can't offer me a lead role at present. They are considering me for secondment with a client if I'm interested. I've asked for some more details.

The overall tone is that I won't be working for my present boss. Which is a good thing. I had to have a word with her yesterday as she's clearly not taken on board what I said at my review meeting.

Re: Work

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 21:19
by Cav
Got a job offer coming through this week. Very reassuring to know I'm wanted

Re: Work

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 21:28
by C00kiemonster
Cav wrote:Got a job offer coming through this week. Very reassuring to know I'm wanted
Is it the one you wanted or a good backstop should the others not come off?

Re: Work

Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 01:01
by Cav
It's a suitable backstop. I've also got other things brewing which are at the upper end of appeal.

I should be hearing back about the most appealing role by the end of this week.. 3rd interview would be with directors and practically means I have the job so long as I'm not a cock

Re: Work

Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 09:52
by kiwikrasher
Cav wrote:means I have the job so long as I'm not a cock

Oh well, can't win them all... (lol)

Seriously, best of luck mate and fingers crossed for you.