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Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 01 May 2020, 12:05
by duke63

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 01 May 2020, 12:11
by D41
(rolf) (rolf) (rolf) (rolf)

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 01 May 2020, 12:13
by D41
Coldplay played a concert in China once.

And it was all yellow.

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 01 May 2020, 13:59
by Monty
I liked the first album, there I've said it!

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 02 May 2020, 01:19
by D41
No-one seems to have seen North Korea's leader for a while now.
Is Kim Jong ill??

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 02 May 2020, 22:32
by Stonesie

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 03 May 2020, 08:37
by Stonesie

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 03 May 2020, 10:11
by D41
My new coronavirus mask is great. It puts a smile on everybody's face.

And who knew there were so many Zorro fans out there??

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 03 May 2020, 18:23
by Stonesie

Borrowed from Facebook :D

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 03 May 2020, 19:02
by D41
I asked my North Korean friend...."What's it like to live in North Korea??"

He said "I can't complain."

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 03 May 2020, 19:15
by D41
Why is it that every time Kim Jong promises to "hold an 'election'" people start laughing??

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 03 May 2020, 19:23
by Monty
HAHA took me a minute! In Thailand, everyone called me Lobert

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 03 May 2020, 20:48
by duke63

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 04 May 2020, 07:43
by duke63

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 04 May 2020, 08:24
by Kwacky
Radio 2 pulled that tweet because of the hundreds of "HMRC" tweets in reply

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 04 May 2020, 08:30
by Blade
It wasnt just Barlow, there were lots of celebrities in that tax avoidance scheme.

Sickens me these high rollers and big corporation's like Amazon don't pay their full UK tax. Who will make up the short fall to support people and rebuild the economy. Hard working people or the mega rich? Yep you guessed it, hard working families who are easy pickings to target and exploit.

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 04 May 2020, 08:34
by Kwacky
But companies like amazon and Boots will continue to get away with it while they're still popular.

I've started looking for stuff on amazon then buying directly from the seller. The seller makes more money, it keeps them in business and amazon gets nothing from me or the seller.

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 04 May 2020, 08:42
by Blade
Great tip Kwacky (y)

Problem is Amazon should be forced to do the right thing, not have individuals like yourself trying to compensate for their short comings. And never more so than now, when public money is needed more than ever to keep people in their homes and jobs.

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 04 May 2020, 08:43
by D41
When our parents and grandparents were called to war, they didn't complain, they went.

We're being asked to stay at home and watch Netflix, and people are still complaining.

Come on, people....We can do this!!!

Re: Joke of the day

Posted: 04 May 2020, 08:44
by Blade
Who is complaining?