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Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 09:52
by Kwacky
So what's everyone up to?

Today I will mostly be dying of man flu. I'm taking some work home and going to die there.

Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. 14 years. I'm taking wifey out for a meal and a few drinks.

Sunday the kids have a taekwondo competition then I'm off to Norwich in the evening,

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 10:00
by Cav
Congratulations on the 14 years! :)

Glad it's not just me with the now-medically-recognised man-flu!

Tonight: Doing the brakes on my bike and possibly a cardio gym session and/or swim. Mum is doing a roast for me and my girlfriend

Tomorrow: Seeing my little cousin (5 months old), playing football and going out for a mate's birthday in the evening

Sunday: Recovering and dieing all at the same time !!

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 10:32
by Monty
Were're all ill as well, nasty virus going around and 40% of Will's school is off with it. Planning a weekend on the couch and maybe a few hours out on the bike Sunday.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 10:39
by Perkles
Tonight starting a beginners taekwondo class bad timing because my throat feels like ive been eating glass,im still going though to give it a try
Tomorrow take my daughter to kids taekwondo,afternoon maybe take her to the pictures or in the trailer buggy for a bike ride to the park
Sunday faf all

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 12:46
by TonyB
Seems there's been a secret Tankslap meet where you all gave each other illnesses.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 13:08
by Monty
I'm ill for about 40% of the year. 4 kids (or virus incubators as I call them), two schools and 1 nursery

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 17:11
by D6
On way back from states. So will probably sleep most of it

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 20:28
by D6Nutz
@kwacky congratulations for tomorrow, @Mrs kwacky commiserations on above ;)

Tonight is chilling out time after a hard week.

Tomorrow will be time with the kids, and hopefully a long run (10+ miles)

Sunday, Mrs nutz is off on a spa break so I'm in charge.. So wearing the kids out and going to the pub for a meal well be the order of the day.

Monday will be "fun" as I've got to get the kids up, dressed, and to school..

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 21:12
by rocket
Playing in the garage with my truck tomorrow

Sunday family time depends on the weather

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 05:54
by kiwikrasher
Chilling with the kids. Still trying to get my sleep pattern back to normal.

Hot weekend so probably swimming tomorrow.

Currently watching Monsters Inc with the little lass curled up with me and a beer in hand.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 09:15
by Itchy
This weekend, much like the rest of next week, will be spend defending the Base from potential terrorists/suicide bombers/threats to national security.

Or a fit bird who's lost her purse!

Guard duty, carry on.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 10:15
by Deegee
Occasionally braving the fetid teen boy atmosphere in mini Gee's room, where his mate and himself are esconsed with an Xbox, we feed and water them then Mrs Gee gets to muck them out later on when I'm taking them shopping. We might get a bit of lunch out but it's big fat steaks for dinner tonight so I don't want their appetites dulled too much. We'll put a film on tonight and let the boys sleep it off.

Tomorrow oldest son is coming over for lunch with his other half and our grandson - who's just discovering proper food - so that'll be messy, but a roast dinner for the rest of us is a dead cert.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 13:59
by TonyB
Itchy wrote:This weekend, much like the rest of next week, will be spend defending the Base from potential terrorists/suicide bombers/threats to national security.

Or a fit bird who's lost her purse!

Guard duty, carry on.
Stag on

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 21:35
by TonyB
I'm off for a quick blast tomorrow. My dad was going to come along but he's at his Regimental Association meeting(read pissup)tonight. Think I may check out Lucys and make sure the cake is okay still [THUMBS UP SIGN]