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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 22:20
by Kwacky
Sounds like the tide is turning for you mate

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 22:23
by Cav
Thank you. I don't think it is but I have turned a personal corner and I feel better for it.

I think I've been so afraid of getting held back at work that I became a bit of a "yes-man" and it's biting me in the butt. I've had enough of it and have decided that my judgement of my priorities is best.

My manager hasn't mentioned any of the things I've not done in the past 2 weeks so they couldn't have been that important in the first place. Only downside is that appraisals are around the corner. What he doesn't know is that I'll be looking for vacancies from April onward.

How are you getting on at your place now? I know things have taken another turn for the worse but any more news?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 22:25
by D41
Are you writing 2000 words-a-post, also??

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 22:26
by Cav
I can do if you want? :D

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 22:27
by D41

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 22:29
by Cav

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 22:33
by D41
Impudent youth.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 18:11
by Kwacky
I went to Worksop to interview someone then popped over to Bennetts to look at some sexy Italian bikes.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 18:39
by C00kiemonster
Packing. Off to Dubai early tomorrow with Mrs C and our girlies. Been a while since we have been on hols as a 4 so quite exciting.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 18:40
by duke63
First part of a root canal filling.

To be fair it wasn't as bad as I was assuming.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 11:41
by Cav
I used my new pressure washer on the car last night and tried the ultra foam that came with it. Besides using nearly the entire bottle on my A4 it's bloody good!

Soak the car and get any loose dirt off
Foam the car and leave for 5 minutes
Pressure wash the foam off.

I haven't cleaned this car more than once in the past year and it is sparkling again. Most of the dirt is removed including the majority of the brake dust.

I would highly recommend the Karcher K2 + Ultra Foam!!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 12:26
by T.C.
Today is being spent preparing for a job interview tomorrow.

I have my fingers crossed, legs crossed, in fact anything that can be crossed is crossed.

My presentation is ready, shoes shined, haircut done, travel arrangements sorted....

It has been many many years since I had to go to a formal interview, thinking about it, probably 1976 when I had my formal interview to join the Police, so I am starting to get a little nervous now.

Oh well, all I can do is give it my best...

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 12:28
by Kwacky
Good luck TC.

I would give you a job. Any man who polishes his shoes is a good 'un in my book.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 12:31
by Cav
Good luck, TC! Hope you get the job

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 13:53
by C00kiemonster
Sat in an airport boarding the biggest plane I've ever seen. A380. It's massive!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 14:28
by D41
Staying inside & hiding from the rain for the next couple of days. Might try & get a quick MTB ride in this morning, maybe.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 14:30
by D6
you're up early. 5.30am?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 14:53
by D41
Yep. All those years of waking up at 5.15am .....I stopped using an alarm clock years ago.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 15:34
by Stonesie
Nothing too exciting, I was about to get the bike out again and got a phone call from my dad, his car battery has gone flat at the supermarket and can I help.
One swift rummage behind the toolbox and I found the jumper cables so off I went in the car. Amazing how many passers by were interested in what I was doing, I can't remember the last time I saw someone using jumper cables come to think of it.

About to have a coffee then off to find a battery for a Pug 206, shouldn't be expensive.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 15:37
by Cav
I had similar looks when I jump started someone's car about a year ago. The people I helped were clueless - literally no idea you could do that, "but won't it damage my car?!"