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Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 00:23
by Blade
Excuses excuses.

Ducati need to deliver results simple as that. Hopefully with Casey helping with development progress can be made.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 09:41
by Kwacky
They had the power and the speed. Handling is the main issue but Casey likes his bikes planted so he's probably the right person to tell them how to fix that.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 09:44
by duke63
I think there biggest issue now is not having one of the very fastest riders and a proven race winner, telling them what more they need to do which is why they have brought Stoner in.

Until someone pushes that bike to race winning lap times they wont know if its already capable of race wins.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 09:56
by Kwacky
They finished 5th and 7th, which is pretty good IMO, especially when you look at who finished in the top 4. Ducati won't be able to attract one of the aliens until the bike handles well.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 10:13
by Blade
I can't see any of the current aliens signing with Ducati. Why would they tbh ? It nearly broke the GOAT and besides all the current aliens already have all they want and need at Honda and Yamaha.

Personally I see Casey being a big aset to development and then imo their future lies in devleoping their own alien. Someone like Iannone or similar. Iannone has the pace and natural talent he just needs the right support and management to help him to the next level.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 10:16
by Kwacky
Yeah, that was kind of my point, but badly worded. Ducati have to get the bike sorted then show it's capable of taking on the Honda and Yamaha before they can hope to get one of the top 3 or 4 riders.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 10:36
by duke63
But how do they know that it isn't already there? Maybe they just dont have a rider capable of race wins on a regular basis?

If Stoner were to wildcard and win on it i can imagine other riders may well consider a move there.

I think the Corse division has moved on in leaps and bounds since Rossi left, all down to D'all Igna.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 10:47
by Blade
D'all Igna has been a superb crew chief.

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 11:27
by Perkles
I think they have had a good year with Iannone ,Dovi has struggled though no idea why.The bikes a missile in a straight line but im sure it can be improved in other areas

Re: Late start to programme costly - Ducati

Posted: 02 Dec 2015, 18:55
by Blade
I read they improved the front which had always been a problem and this effected the rear which is now where the problem lies.

Hopefully the Michelins and control software will level the playing field and enable Ducati to get back in the game.