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Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 13:01
by Kwacky
This seems to be the hot topic for the press at present.

Subway made an announcment last week or the week before that a lot of its shops will be selling halal only.

Quite a few KFC places are halal. No KFC shops sell pork products.

Pizza Express have admitted that their chicken is halal.

About a quarter of Nandos are halal.

Loads of schools, colleges and even pubs give halal meat but you're not told about it.

Denmark has banned ritual slaughter of animals (Kosher and Halal)

I like this article from the Guardoan about the subject. It (in my opinion) rightly points out that most people who object to halal and kosher do so because of the way that the animal is slaughtered. But they don't care how the animal is kept before slaughter. ... al-welfare" onclick=";return false;

The cruelties of factory farming extend over an animal's whole lifetime whereas the cruelty of ritual slaughter lasts minutes at most. To complain about the halal slaughter of battery chickens or factory farmed veal is a truly monstrous absurdity.
sums it up for me. Most people have never seen where their meat comes from. They have no idea how the animals are kept, feed and killed before arriving in a nice bit of packaging at a supermarket.

I've banned Danish pork for years because of the way it's kept.

So is it right to worry about the introduction of halal meat or should we be more concerned about how the animals live before they are killed for our tables?

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 13:18
by C00kiemonster
I agree the animals should be kept better however I don't agree with halal. At all.

Another nail in the coffin of the British way of life as it will make more money for those who want to sell to those who will only eat halal. Rather than spending the money and marketing on animal welfare and then a quick end. Why should those who like to eat from these organisations be forced to eat halal meat? Works both ways.

Religion should be kept out of food as with many other things. Too late now. Tesco in Birmingham (five ways) opened a halal meat counter, so I stopped shopping there.

I know there are bigger issues but it does boil my piss this one :(

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 16:09
by duke63
Not that fussed on the halal issue to be honest. I know kosher meat is more expensive than non-kosher meat.

There is a chicken farm not far from me ( though i use the word 'farm' in its loosest sense as its more like a factory) which seems to treat the place like its own personal playground. Place smells fowl!!, big juggernauts going in and out down a country road 24/7 not made for the purpose.

We should be looking at the way our food is produced fullstop as most of it is unethical once the supermarkets and big business get involved.

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 17:08
by Godzilla
I agree with cookie. Why should I have to be careful what places I go to to eat if I don't want Halal.

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 17:11
by Godzilla
duke63 wrote:
There is a chicken farm not far from me......Place smells fowl!!,
That did make me laugh. :D

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 18:01
by Blade
Never given halal a second thought to be honest but I do buy good quality meat that has been raised and kept in decent conditions and like others I find this more important .

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 19:57
by Godzilla" onclick=";return false;

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 20:36
by Binno
Halal is an abomination. Anyone who has seen the two methods of slaughter and still thinks it's as humane is just a massive w#nker.

It's an unpleasant business is slaughtering animals. The least we can do is spare em that final few moments of terror.

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 20:45
by duke63
I'd be more concerned about what we are eating and how its' been kept than how its been killed.

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 20:51
by Godzilla
duke63 wrote:I'd be more concerned about what we are eating and how its' been kept than how its been killed.
So you really don't care about whether the animals suffer or not? And how much?

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 20:58
by duke63
I think you will find many more suffer all their lives simply due to the appalling conditions they are kept in to meet financial restraints. The chicken farm down the road from me being a case in point.

I think too many are getting upset at headline news. The BBC Countryfile programme visited a halal abbatoir a few weeks back and its nothing like what the media would like you to believe. You are being stirred up to hate by those with a vested interest.

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 21:04
by StMarks
I'm interested to hear what Hippy's take on this will be.

I struggle with the morality of "meat production" as it is. But when the creatures are killed inhumanely, just to pander to the beliefs & customs laid down by our ancestors, it really makes my blood boil.

In many ways I could quite easily become a vegetarian, then again.... :?

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 21:05
by Binno
If you had a choice, would you rather be conscious or unconscious when you were hung uside down and had your throat cut, then bled to death?

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 21:32
by bb41
Binno wrote:Halal is an abomination. Anyone who has seen the two methods of slaughter and still thinks it's as humane is just a massive w#nker.

It's an unpleasant business is slaughtering animals. The least we can do is spare em that final few moments of terror.

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 21:36
by Monty
StMarks wrote:I'm interested to hear what Hippy's take on this will be.

I struggle with the morality of "meat production" as it is. But when the creatures are killed inhumanely, just to pander to the beliefs & customs laid down by our ancestors, it really makes my blood boil.

In many ways I could quite easily become a vegetarian, then again.... :?
My thoughts exactly, although I'm not convinced halal means the same thing in a British abattoir as it does in Muslim countries.

I really struggle with the idea of meat production regardless of how they are treated and have been very close to going vegetarian at many times in my life.

If I lived in India I would definitely go veggy and happily live on puri bhaji for breakfast and thali for lunch and dinner

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 22:14
by Kwacky
80% of Halal meat in this country is pre-stunned before slaughter.

Don't believe non-halal is all flowers and pleasantries" onclick=";return false;

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 07 May 2014, 22:50
by Monty
Mmmmm chick nuggets!

I went to Burger King today and had a Chicken Royal. Seriously felt sick after I'd eaten it.

If we carry on buying shit they will carry on selling shit!

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 08 May 2014, 07:33
by bb41
I am not in agreement with even selling it in our supermarkets, it abhors me.

I have written to them many times to express my opinion on the matter. I am not vegetarian as I eat fish and chicken and occasionally other meat, but I am also very careful where I buy.

I keep ex battery hens and even when you think you are buying free range eggs you are probably still buying from caged birds. Danish bacon is a definite no as well.

Evil bastards especially Bernard Mathews

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 08 May 2014, 08:29
by Stew
StMarks wrote:I'm interested to hear what Hippy's take on this will be.

I struggle with the morality of "meat production" as it is. But when the creatures are killed inhumanely, just to pander to the beliefs & customs laid down by our ancestors, it really makes my blood boil.

In many ways I could quite easily become a vegetarian, then again.... :?
I did go veggie once for about 6 months, it was mainly because I was concerned about the freshness of meat tbh,however animals are effectively dying to keep us alive, I remember being told a horror story from a driver taking pigs into an abattoir for slaughter and how they were treated, they were being beaten with chains even before they got inside, he never ate meat again, maybe if we had to slaughter the meat ourselves we might see it differently.

Re: Halal meat

Posted: 08 May 2014, 09:03
by bb41
I couldn't do it, I really don't think I could,

I was saving a Bumble last week with sugared water .

All my animals are from either rescue or bad homes and have undertaken them to get them away from their rotten lives , apart from my last dog.

This was solely because it is a very damaged breed and by buying from back street breeders will only endanger them even more., so to kill anything would be beyond my capabilities I think even to survive

If there are animals that you could eat then there must be some source for them to live on , so would try and manage that way.
Eating another human would be OK though