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Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 15:40
by T.C.
It is hard to believe that on this day 12 months ago, I had arrived home from holiday to be taken straight to our local A & E where I was put straight onto oxygen and admitted into the cardio ward having been diagnosed with heart failure.

There were times in that first 5 weeks where I wondered if I would ever get any sort of life back. Strange how I now feel better and fitter than I have done since I was about 30 years old.

But that day of 12 months ago seems only like yesterday

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 16:14
by D41
I think this is where the old adage "life is for the living" comes to've got to 'want it' in order to get it.

What age are you, BTW??

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 16:31
by Kwacky
At times life seems very fragile. Every so often we're reminded we're only here for a short time.

Glad you're still with us and sharing your knowledge.

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 17:33
by Blade
100% what Kwacky says.

Take care of yourself

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 17:37
by T.C.
D41 wrote:
What age are you, BTW??
I was became ill just before my 56th birthday.

I was 57 last Friday

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 18:09
by D41
Happy belated birthday.

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 19:54
by Rossgo
Hope you had a great birthday T.C.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 20:16
by T.C.
Rossgo wrote:Hope you had a great birthday T.C.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
No, it was crap :( Seriously

On Monday before, I was down in Hove on business when I fell down some steps in the heavy rain we had that day. It was my own fault as I slipped.

Although only suffering from bruising, it was dammed painfull and it went black and various shades of purple, but black was the predominant colour extending from my hip across my backside and then down to just above my right knee and into the small of my back. I am not trying to make a joke of this but the swelling of my backside actually had me quite worried. Then to top it all, blisters started to form after about 36 hours which then popped and made a right mess. So apart from the pain, the swelling an the mess of blood, my Mrs became concerned that an infection may set in and because I am on warfarin, it may be difficult to stem the blood flow.

So, on Thursday evening I was taken into our local A & E who checked me over, did further blood tests, provided some decent dressings and eventually released me at around 2am, some 7 hours after I arrived. This was 2 hours into my birthday ;(

So on my birthday, having got to bed at around 3am, I had a meeting in Aylesbury to go to at 10,30 which although uncomfortable and painfull, I managed to get to despite being about an hours driving each way.

I was in the meeting whenthe phone goes, I apologise and take the call. It is a colleague from work telling me that the firm has run into serious financial difficulty and that they had to terminate my contract.

I am supposed to have 1 months notice in the first year, I was given 6 days as I actually finished on Thursday evening. And instead of a months notice I should receive 1 months payment in liue of. I got neither.

There are other issues of my contract they have failed to comply with which I won't bore you with, but sorry to take so long to get ther, the answer to your question is -

I had an absolute crap birthday.

I do have a picture, but I have no desire to plaster a picture of my bruised arse on the net :D

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 22:57
by kiwikrasher
Jeez TC, you don't do anything by halves do you!!

Hopefully it's only up from here. You sound like s very experienced and knowlegdeable chap so I hope you don't have much trouble finding work.

Any chance of setting up your own consultancy at all? If your rebuild employer is going bust surely there's a gap in the market opportunity?

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 23:20
by Rossgo
Bloody hell T.C. I really hope you recover quickly that sounds awful.
I hate how some companies do that, absolutely ludicrous how they think that's fine and make up their own rules [GRIMACING FACE]

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Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 23:46
by T.C.
Rossgo wrote:Bloody hell T.C. I really hope you recover quickly that sounds awful.
I hate how some companies do that, absolutely ludicrous how they think that's fine and make up their own rules [GRIMACING FACE]

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Some Law firms are the worst of the lot. They think that because they are in the legal profession the law does not apply to them or they are clever enough to circumnavigate the law by the use of legalise.
kiwikrasher wrote:Jeez TC, you don't do anything by halves do you!!

Hopefully it's only up from here. You sound like s very experienced and knowlegdeable chap so I hope you don't have much trouble finding work.

Any chance of setting up your own consultancy at all? If your rebuild employer is going bust surely there's a gap in the market opportunity?
I have been down that route before and I have no interest in going down that route again. Apart from the fact that I am too old to start all that again, last time I had my own business/Consultancy, I ended up doing 18 - 20 hour days. That really did nearly kill me.

I had several advanced training contracts, plus accident investigation consultancies, plus another business developing PPE for motorcyclists and the emergency services, as well as an office in China.

I actually did London to Singapore to Sialkot in Pakistan (where bike leathers are made) to China to Australia to West coast USA back to London in 5 days. I was having meetings in the airport, showering and then just sleeping an eating on the plane. That was when I decided that despite the fact I was making money, I was not going to be around to spend it if I continued, so I shut it all down. Bearing in mind I had already retired from many years as a bike cop.

My Mrs would go nuts if I started my own business again.

As far as finding a new job is concerned, I will just have to look around and see what comes up.

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 03 Jul 2016, 07:27
by Rossgo
T.C. you clearly have a lot of experience in this!! 18-20 hr days is ridiculous, I can see why you shut it down!!

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Re: Where does the time go?

Posted: 03 Jul 2016, 09:15
by Kwacky
Blimey, that's a birthday you won't want to remember.

I'm sure you'll find some work pretty quickly. There's always call for good accident recon experts.