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Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 17:16
by Rossgo
I have watched this throughout and please be aware there is poor language on this video so don't open while you kids are about!! ... OjUL8LwUsE" onclick=";return false;

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 17:20
by Kwacky

There are some dickheads on the road.

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 17:29
by Jack
I swear more than that entire video just going to the shops ...... on foot .

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 17:36
by StMarks
LOL, is that me @ 1:31.

Our vocabulary is distinctly limited in those sorts of situations, isn't it.

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 19:58
by DaytonAndy
There's a few genuinely arse twitching moments in there!

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 20:30
by Blade
Wow almost don't want to go out after watching that.

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 20:38
by duke63
What is a little concerning is just how many drivers are using dash cams these days.

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 20:50
by Blade
I saw an advert on a petrol pump when filling up the other day advertising a dash cam avaliable in the shop for £14.99. No wonder they are taking off.

Who ever said big brother would be watching us all :?

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 21:38
by rocket
some of them are close calls and mistakes or poor driving however quite are few are aggressive driving they can see what's going on and instead of preparing and maybe being polite they are just being plain aggressive.

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 22:46
by Frankie
Thats my day every fecking day, most days I try to avoid getting upset, some days when its just plain in your face "I dont give a crap" (Not mine theirs) attitude I bite and make my feelings known. I ccould do with a camera on every corner of the car for these muppets.

Oh yeah I got shunted while getting onto the M40 this morning from the 25... by a big fecking truck!!!!!! I am ok, but feeling a little weird this afternoon. Cars ok as far as I can see, a little dink and his paint work now on mine :( fecking stupid twat! Did not even bother to stop,just drove into my back off side and pushed me a round a little :(

It was a big artic, I have blanked out the company details for now.


Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 22:58
by C00kiemonster
I never knew there were so many ways of saying those words :)

There were some genuine idiots in that but lots of angry drivers who didn't look ahead enough and some who could have avoided issues.

I have a dashcam and use it, too many idiots now. No one seems to care :(

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 22:59
by C00kiemonster
Frankie wrote:Thats my day every fecking day, most days I try to avoid getting upset, some days when its just plain in your face "I dont give a crap" (Not mine theirs) attitude I bite and make my feelings known. I ccould do with a camera on every corner of the car for these muppets.

Oh yeah I got shunted while getting onto the M40 this morning from the 25... by a big fecking truck!!!!!! I am ok, but feeling a little weird this afternoon. Cars ok as far as I can see, a little dink and his paint work now on mine :( fecking stupid twat! Did not even bother to stop,just drove into my back off side and pushed me a round a little :(

It was a big artic, I have blanked out the company details for now.

Hope your ok Frankie.

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 23:18
by StMarks
Could have been nasty that Fkkr1s, isn't the same lorry that we saw in Rossgo's thread @ 6:48

Fwiw if you've caught it on film, then you can prove failing to stop (& probably Due Care too ).

Re: Wow...

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 23:37
by rocket
Happend to my Mrs years ago was shunted in a car she was a passenger the truck kept going and they pulled over. It had creased the boot of the car they chased the truck got his details. They put a claim in for the car and the truck driver denied it apparently investigator went to see the truck and it had red paint on matching the car it had rammed but they denied all knowledge. it got sorted but i don't think they claimed off the lorry i believe they got away with it.

Re: Wow...

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 11:55
by Rossgo
Hope you get it all sorted Frankie and they don't mess you about

Re: Wow...

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 11:56
by Rossgo
Just admit some of those looked like they were doing insurance scam in my opinion. I think a dash can is the right move for us all

Re: Wow...

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 18:44
by kiwikrasher
I'm re-thinking my bucket list plan of a UK bike trip after seeing that!