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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 22:23
by Rossgo
D6Nutz wrote:
Rossgo wrote:Awesome Nutz. I Should be heading over there on Friday weather permitting, I need my Wales ride fix!!

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If your thinking of the a44 have a look at the a480 from Hereford, fairly sure that was the road I had a real blast on.

The weather looks to have brightened up for you, enjoy the day.
We used loads of roads to be fair. We rode a roads B4560, that was fanatic, it had sheep in the fields and even on the road so couldnt go too crazy but the views were amazing! By the time we got to Hereford time was ticking and we bumped into a road block that my Sat nav couldn't seem to navigate a way around so decided to go Ross on Wye way! I'll have to rememebe your suggestion for next time mate

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 09:32
by Rossgo
So Friday me and a mate (BIL) popped across the boarder to Wales for some fun!

We met up at 7AM with full tanks and decided the best route. Originally we was going to ride straight to Crickhowell and then grab some food at maybe a cafe or something whilst there. But when we realised it was 3 hours away he immediately said 'I can't wait that long!!' So we changed our schedule and decided to stop off at a service station just before Swindon Jct on the M4 (Membury services).

We parked up in the good biker fashion...rode straight up on the drop down kerb right next to the entrance kicked down our kick stands and hopped off!! There are some pretty big wooden outside tables at these services so we literally only had to step a couple of meters away so we could eat, chill and keep our eyes on our bikes and possessions (both got tail backs, both had lids, gloves and mine had the sat nav on it). We stayed for approx 30 to 40 mins then carried on our way.

Mainly stuck to big A dual carriages which wasn't our orginal plan and I didn't quite realise why we got stuck to them, but hey ho we was heading to Wales!

We did manage to get lead onto some SMASHING roads, however we got stuck behind a BLOODY lorry on fresh tarmac, sweeping bends, up and down terrains all bloody double whites! When we found our opportunity we nailed it past leaving all the poor buggers to deal with this lorry driving at 30 in a 60! The starting of the test for my new BT016 PROs between Glouster, Ross on Wye and Monmouth with spectacular views all around with my jaw dropping, hands uncontrollably lifting up off the grips and feeling 'free'!

This is what riding is all about, I thought

So carried on and got to yet another dual carriage way but this time only 30 miles away from Crickhowell and we found a tunnel (small but a tunnel nevertheless). Well my soon to be BIL couldn't help himself, pulled up along side me, took a look at me, gave that cheeky nod, knowing exactly what he wanted to do (having a newish slip on fitted to the bike and never experiencing through a tunnel, this was his opportunity) knocked it down a couple of gears and boom he was off! Pretty sure the other drivers must of thought a jet fighter was in their midsts, they all moved to one side and allowed him through!

So got to Crickhowell, filled up at the shell there and got told off!

'No 6 please get off the bike and take off your helmet'

'What did she say mate? Can't hear a **** thing with these ear plugs!!'

*got off and took lid off anyway as i guess (being the only 2 in there at that moment) it was to do with us!!

Anyway so my soon to be BIL wanted to find a road that Top Gear used to use, yes Mr Clarkson himself films at, the B4560

From Crickhowell it was only down the road.....and we got lost getting there after not taking a correct turn *gah* heading down a very narrow lane for 2 or 3 miles *headbang*

But we did manage to take a couple of pics of a lovely river with canal boats heading down it

So we managed to find the B4560. What a fantasic road, its across into fields that have live stock in them and they defo weren't afraid of us!!

We headed down into Devils country, 'Devils Bridge'. Had such a hoot down this part. When we reached the end we heard something, loud, really flipping loud, actually scared me.
What was that noise, is it my bike, 'oh great' passed through my head. Was it my mates bike, no, was it a Lambo that we didn't see, got louder and louder *looked up* a massive RAF transport carrier (HERCULES) flew past low and fast overhead. What an experience!

Skip a little now and we were 30 miles away from Aber (our end point). It started to rain, not heavy but enough to not want much more and the tyres performed perfectly!

We was really in the valleys now. Hills all around us on a tiny single track road but with pull in spaces and high visibility in the distance, not fast roads as they had clearly just resurfaced with that 'pour tar down, then throw stones down' but it wasn't bad like what you get across the boarder, it seemed better laid. In England we all know stones are all loose on Top of the road and stones being thrown up or making you feel uneasy even at 30mph, the Welsh just know how to make the road I guess, it seemed properly done espcially as i cant imagine this road getting much traffic, only saw a total of 4 or 5 cars driving along here and that was easily 15 miles!

Finally got to Aber. Entered Aber from a different road this time, espcially the amount of times I've been there (old mate used to go Uni there) never been that way before. Headed straight for the coast and to the diner for some lunch, was starving by then!

After eating 'time to head home now' we thought, but which route

Well the A44 is the best route and quickest and most direct, but do we go on M4 or take a little more of a zig zag route. Well I really didn't want to go down M4 straight from the Welsh board, that's pretty much giving up on the world! So we decided to head down zig zag routes up to Gloucester then Swindon then finish it off on the m4!

What a BLOODY pallarvor that was! Passed Hereford got to a junction and there's road works. Tried to get around them and couldn't fathom how to get around this bloody road! So screw it went back to Hereford and along the A49 to Ross on Wye and then home!

I was contemplating life by the time I got home!

445miles in a day my a*se cheeks were bruised and battered by the time I got home!! But a great day out!!


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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 15:22
by C00kiemonster
Took the 765 out for a couple of hours, still lovely here so i'm determined to make the most of it.

The gendarmes are really trying to push the new speed limits in France - i saw loads today. It was almost a game of catch them up or see them, turn off somewhere else and repeat!

I'm still so glad i swapped to the 765. Relaxing when i want it to me and loads of fun also. It really is a spot on road bike for me.

If i get the test ride on the 1050 at the end of the month it will be interesting to see if i missed the power (devil)

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 16:21
by Blade
Blag a go on a PaniV4 Cookie 8)

226 bhp has to be experienced if only for the hell of trying too much (giggle)

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 08:58
by Kwacky
Bit chilly this morning. Surely summer can't be over already?

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 12:22
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Bit chilly this morning. Surely summer can't be over already?
Still bloody chilly here, snow just over the hill about 50km away. Between 0-2 deg overnight most nights. Should be warming up soon but no sign of it yet!

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 09:46
by duke63
Went for an eventuful ride last night making the most of the last of the light evenings.

Followed a couple of bell ends on new GSXR1000s. Slow as **** they were, braking for every bend but i guess we all have to start somewhere :D

Think they must have thought i was plod as they slowed right down to let me pass. The only thing plod could have done them for was riding like a big girl.

Then following two cars through some speed cameras. Car at the front suddenly stops to turn left. Car in front just brakes rather than go round. Thought i was going to end up in the back of him but thank **** for ABS and electronic suspension. Stopped safely but already had my escape route planned just in case.

Then on the last bit of decent road home, found it was blocked by blue flashing lights. By the looks of the number of bikes parked up, appeared to be a biker down. Hopefully the rider is not too bad. Sun was very low by now and dangerous so headed home. Lots of traffic about for a sunny evening.

Still a nice little blat out.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 10:19
by Kwacky
I forgot to mention that my ride home last night was blocked by beer barrels on the road :D

Looks like the side curtain had ripped and the contents decided to make a break for freedom.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 18:12
by D41
Can you even imagine what that would have like if it happened right in front of you??

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 18:14
by D41
Oh work with ins. claims.....I guess you could imagine it pretty well.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 20:38
by kingfixer
Advertised the multi for sale :( she’s been an excellent bike but time to move on !

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 14:19
by Kwacky
Took an MV out for a test ride then went for a spin on the Versys

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 18:23
by Hondaboy63
Tried to get my bike starting. Had problems with ignition barrel, engine runs with key removed. Now the neutral light won't show up, so I'm sure thats why its not starting. Need to check gear selector sensor, or something like that.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 20:56
by kingfixer
Put the rear light assembly on the 999 , what a PITA !! Them Italians don’t design things easy, took me over 2 hours on what I thought would be a 15min job. The when I finished found out the battery is buggered . Ordered a new one.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 21:17
by Frankie
Nipped out for a mad 2hr blat into Oxfordshire.....

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 21:38
by Kwacky
Washed and waxed it. It's going in tomorrow for some warranty work.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 09:28
by Rossgo
Father sin annual ike trip away. Weekend went to Silverstone for the races and it got rained off! Great!!

But was an interesting evening as shared a house with some French camera crew for the MotoGP (didn't meet them though) and also met a r3tired guy who works/ worked for the Moto GP in the states. He's here for the month for the Manx TT, BSB and Moto GP and also went off to Italy to explore Ducati world! He was a nice bloke, good to meet him and he tagged along to our tea on the Saturday night spent a few hours with him!

200 miles exactly all in, 90 miles of that was in the pissing rain...We were soaked!!

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 10:09
by Kwacky
I've got a Ninja 400 for the day. Nice little bike, but it is tiny. The handling is ace, it's really sharp. It's pretty gutless over 80mph though, which isn't a surprise given the smell engine.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 12:05
by Blade
Post a photo up not familiar with the ninja 400.

The old il400 zxr400 was a great bike.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 12:19
by Kwacky
Will do. I'll take a couple of snaps when I drop it off this evening.