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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017, 18:07
by Frankie
I just wrote a whole story about a prick on the road today and just deleted the lot... I cant be arsed.
Its the same every bloody day on our roads.... :( Thats my vent!

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9 & 10.... Thank you TS I have vented, deleted and now will be calm....

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017, 19:35
by Kwacky
We care :)

Yep, it can be easy to get wound up when you face dickheads on a daily basis.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017, 20:43
by C00kiemonster
Frankie wrote:I just wrote a whole story about a prick on the road today and just deleted the lot... I cant be arsed.
Its the same every bloody day on our roads.... :( Thats my vent!

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9 & 10.... Thank you TS I have vented, deleted and now will be calm....

So difficult not to get wound up by muppets.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017, 21:38
by Blade
I'm now trying to find out who actually is my buyers solicitor as they plus the buyer are on the borderline of being told to fook off and stop wasting my time.

We agreed to Exchange Contracts in 4 weeks it's now been 10 weeks and the honest truth is nothing has happened other than excuses for the last 3 weeks.

I genuinely dislike the people we are selling to now. Even if there solicitor is useless it doesn't excuse there bad manners in never replying to any correspondence. I genuinely don't get how some people operate. We have been patient, respectful and helpful but getting sh1t on, on a regular basis is wearing thin enough I'm consider at the point of pulling out.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017, 22:27
by Kwacky
Give them 14 days otherwise it's going back on the market.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017, 10:57
by Blade
I need to do something but not sure what tbh.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017, 11:01
by Kwacky
Remind me this evening and I'll ask Mrs Kwacky for her advice

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017, 11:09
by Monty
Tell the buyers you're considering another offer from a buyer that wants to exchange quickly and then give them an achievable deadline.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017, 11:16
by C00kiemonster
Blade wrote:I'm now trying to find out who actually is my buyers solicitor as they plus the buyer are on the borderline of being told to fook off and stop wasting my time.

We agreed to Exchange Contracts in 4 weeks it's now been 10 weeks and the honest truth is nothing has happened other than excuses for the last 3 weeks.

I genuinely dislike the people we are selling to now. Even if there solicitor is useless it doesn't excuse there bad manners in never replying to any correspondence. I genuinely don't get how some people operate. We have been patient, respectful and helpful but getting sh1t on, on a regular basis is wearing thin enough I'm consider at the point of pulling out.
Sounds like a typical house sale in many respects. Its normally poor comms between solicitors.

Do you have contact details for their estate agent? If they are selling too and the chain is going to break it's amazing what a motivated estate agent will do.

I've bought and sold a few houses and its worth noting that once you've moved you'll forget quickly about all this stress so stay cool, talk calmly and push a few people around first (nicely :) )

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017, 11:47
by Blade
Thanks guys all advice is very much appreciated.

Its getting quite complicated tbh and a lot of what is going on I have not posted but I have got a very good solicitor and EA working for me and hopefully we can iron out some of these silly issues soon..

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017, 19:47
by D6Nutz
Unfortunately our recent house sale was very similar, and I was being pushed by the property we where buying as they wanted a really quick completion.

The cherry on the cake was when, 2 days from exchange, our buyers decided they where entitled to 10k of the asking price as they had paid for loads of surveys. (finger)

IMO best way is to just bite your tongue, get the deal sorted with the minimum stress, and remember the process is only a few weeks, the new house is for years

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017, 21:42
by Blade
I only wish that were true Jon and it had been just a few weeks.

Discussions have been ongoing since the beginning of October on a multitude of issues from specification, boundary positions, tree preseration orders, layouts, garage doors, fixtures and fitting, flooring, allowances, incentives etc... and that is before we even get onto to the subject of Exchanging of Contracts once on a Part Ex basis and now hopefully for a second time on a private sale basis.

On my kids life I m in no way exaggerating when I say there have been in excess of 600 emails on the subject (just counted up and shocked myself) countless telephone calls and many site visits and meetings and it is far from complete yet. It genuinely is becoming a part time job for me and a busy one at that.

I have bought many houses over the years (this is my 6th hopefully) and during those times we've had buyers pull out, we've been gazumped and we've had chains collapse but I can honestly say this has been the most intense, most stressful, most worrying and most sleepless night inducing of them all put together.

I truly hope we can resolve the final issues and Exchange contracts soon but when that is done there are other conversations to start that are going to be very difficult and probably involve solicitors but I cant say too much on that subject at the moment.

I do really hope this can go through as its a lovely home and financially a very good deal and then one day in the not too distant future I can sit down with beer and this will all be a distant and unimportant memory.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017, 09:37
by StMarks
Blade wrote:I do really hope this can go through as its a lovely home and financially a very good deal and then one day in the not too distant future I can sit down with beer and this will all be a distant and unimportant memory.
(clap) Good attitude Blade.!

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017, 12:30
by Deegee
My darling Wife. (See the drinks thread).

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 10:56
by kiwikrasher
Had my day obsolutely wasted today.

Got a few chores in town done and was on my way back to get into some gardening. As I get home I got a message then an email from my credit card company saying my new card had been approved and was ready to activate.
I haven't applied for anything. About now I start to worry as I've got a mate that has recently had his identity stolen and $15,000 fleeced from his account, so I wanted to get to the bottom of this new card asap.
Rang the company, on wait for 90 mins!! Got shunted a few different deptments then told that'd had a computer glitch and it had sent erroneous emails to a bunch of people. Just ignore it. 4 hrs later an get a text and email saying the same.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 12:18
by Rossgo
That's s*& kiwi mate. But you did the right thing for ringing them just a shame they made you wait. Although not surprised you had a wait the lines were probably full of people ringing for the same reason

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 12:36
by kiwikrasher
Rossgo wrote:That's s*& kiwi mate. But you did the right thing for ringing them just a shame they made you wait. Although not surprised you had a wait the lines were probably full of people ringing for the same reason

Yeah thought the same Rossgo, justcwish if they knew about it that they emailed/txt sooner!!

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 26 Feb 2017, 17:58
by TonyB
Absolute fukctards just hooning around residential streets as if they're racing on (shock) gixxers, the boy racers/chavs/cu*ts/fair weather riders 'go-to' bike of choice around here. With any luck they'll come off because with the amount of gear they're not wearing they'll be out of action for a while regrowing new skin. Plenty of country roads or even motorways, if you can't corner (majority of them), to go and race on. I'm not bothered about the noise they're making, just the speeds. No need.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 08:37
by D41
kiwikrasher wrote:Had my day obsolutely wasted today.

Got a few chores in town done and was on my way back to get into some gardening. As I get home I got a message then an email from my credit card company saying my new card had been approved and was ready to activate.
I haven't applied for anything. About now I start to worry as I've got a mate that has recently had his identity stolen and $15,000 fleeced from his account, so I wanted to get to the bottom of this new card asap.
Rang the company, on wait for 90 mins!! Got shunted a few different deptments then told that'd had a computer glitch and it had sent erroneous emails to a bunch of people. Just ignore it. 4 hrs later an get a text and email saying the same.
LMFAO!!!!! (lol) (lol) (lol)

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 20:33
by D6Nutz
* 2 x bus drivers
* 1 x car driver
* 1 x motorcyclist

Who all tried to kill or seriously injure me tonight.

And the weather, because it just sucks !!