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What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 08:32
by D6Nutz
So it's Friday again, and it's come round quickly again..

Don't forget it's MotoGP this weekend, just a quick reminder that you can block the On Track section if you want to do your best to avoid qualifying / race results. Have a look in the On Track section for details on how to do this.

As for the weekend. Not much planned. I've got to find some time to clean the bike off and fit the new front brake pads, then it's probably just weather watching to see if this rain that's hurling down here is going to bugger off by Sunday so I can get out on the Wales ride.

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 08:50
by Cavetroll87
Hoping to go out for a meal tonight and cinema but as it stands my boss has forgot its payday and money has yet to materialise.
Tomorrow I need to go to pet shop and stock up on bits and spend a fair amount of time cleaning out the snakes and lizards
Sunday hoping its dry so I can go out and do my best (read god awful lol) Tom Sykes impressions around Kents finest but more likely spending it in sheltering from rain and watching the racing, also wanna phone round and get some quotes for a major service including valve clearances for the bike as its not idling great so want to get that all done as not sure when it was last done by previous owner and thats something I wouldn't feel happy doing myself.

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 09:25
by Blade
Heading into town today to get some bits I need then tinkering on bike later.

Missus is out all day tomorrow so boys day for us. Swimming, football and park followed by a take away.

Sunday take kids bowling so missus hangover can get out of her system that hopefully do something as a family and get a meal out somewhere for tea.

Oh and watch every session of motogp and wsbk.

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 09:29
by Kwacky
Unpacking mostly.

If the weather isn't too bad and I've got time I might see about getting some new tyres on Saturday, but it's not urgent.

Sunday out on the bike.

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 09:51
by Deegee
Watching MotoGP qualifying tomorrow, but Sunday we're all trogging off to mini Gee's Rugby Festival which means the boys will be playing matches on and off all day, so I'll be catching up on the racing in the evening.

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 14:00
by Stew
Off tonight and Saturday, got an old Air Force mate coming up for the weekend so plenty of sand bags pulled up and pints downed plus off to see a mates band playing Sat night and back in for one night shift Sun night then off til Friday :)

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 14:38
by D6
Cycling along the river Mur, and drinking Austrian beer.

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 18:16
by Bratty
It's been manic all week at work with the kids off, was gonna go out tonight but by the time I get home around 7.30 I won't feel like it,
Sat am work pm meal with the wife,
Sunday it looks like work then home to watch motogp,
It's sad but I hope it rains so the rideout gets cancelled and I won't feel so bad at work lol.

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 18:18
by Perkles
Was supposed to be fetching my new bike but they just called to say it wont be ready :(
Might have a massive clear out in the man shed ready for its arrival 8-|

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 19:00
by C00kiemonster
Perkles wrote:Was supposed to be fetching my new bike but they just called to say it wont be ready :(
Might have a massive clear out in the man shed ready for its arrival 8-|
That's a bit off. What excuse did they give?

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 20:14
by Perkles
C00kiemonster wrote:
Perkles wrote:Was supposed to be fetching my new bike but they just called to say it wont be ready :(
Might have a massive clear out in the man shed ready for its arrival 8-|
That's a bit off. What excuse did they give?
Very busy In the workshop,to be fair I said no rush and it's going to piss down tomorrow

Re: What you doing this weekend

Posted: 25 Apr 2014, 21:22
by Moonie
Tonight, collapsed on the sofa (yawn)
Tomoz, bit of planning for Snett next weekend, spruce up the van, graphics orders...
Sunday, there's talk of SBK Assen and a MotoGP so that's us with the bacon sammidges and bikes on telly (rock)