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Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 13:00
by Blade
Anyone ever been ?

I m travelling via London tonight and could either enjoy a nice meal in the city at my favourite steak gaff, Goodmans or get the train over to he Ace Cafe where there is a Brit bike meet on tonight apparently.

It's a cafe so I'm sure I can get something to eat. Maybe not a a 42 day aged t'bone steak but I'm sure they could sort out a burger or egg and chips or something it is a cafe after all.

So had anyone been ? Is it worth popping over ?

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 13:01
by Kwacky
I've been once. That was a few years ago so things may have changed, but I was less than impressed with it.

If there's an event on it might be worth your while, but better than a 42 day old steak? Possibly not.

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 13:21
by kingfixer
Im a bit in Kwacky's corner on this, if I was close I would maybe call in but I wouldn't go out of my way, 42 day old steak sounds bob on :P

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 14:04
by TonyB
Go for the steak. At least you know the food will be fresh. The Ace Cafe is VERY overrated and serves food from Iceland.....the one that Kerry Katona was in the ad for, not the country in the North Atlantic.

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 14:09
by rocket
Go to the steak place and ask the waiter to tell you that he can ride like Rossi and that he can wheelie his rsv4 in 5th out the McDonald's drive trough. Best of both worlds.

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 15:01
by Jack
Steak .

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 16:21
by Blade
I'll do as I'm told and get a steak then :P

Cheers lads (y) sounds like you saved me a wasted train ridem

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 19:03
by Blade
Had a last minute change of heart as had a good steak last week so gone for a chinky in China town and I know a great place I've been going too for years

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 20:50
by Frankie
I really dont get the excitement from people about the ACE, been a few times, food is average, service average, getting to for a ride out, boring, why would anyone want to spend time on the north circular and A40?
Possibly because I have spent so much time driving around North London I am sick of the place, I would rather head out into the countryside for a ride then some munch.

Not really answering your question mate, but you have made right choice anyway ha ha...

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 09 Sep 2015, 20:57
by Blade
Cheers Frankie.

It was just to grab a bite to eat and kill a few hours tbh. After hearing everyone's advice sounds like I did the right thing heading into China town.

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 13 Sep 2015, 08:46
by Rossgo
Clearly late here Blade but made the right choice. And also I have been once to a brit bike night and some other times after that for other events. I wasn't too impressed with the brit bike night only a hand full of brit bikes were there and then a few jap bikes as well, and they buggered off when the scooter crew rode over and started doing wheelies and burn outs. Not what I was expecting from the legendary ACE Cafe night. But then again it could of been a bad day. I went a couple of times after that but food wasn't that great and its a nightmare riding in when there's a decent amount of people there, they park too close and are stupid outside the cafe show boating etc but these times were in the morning. Eg Brighton burn out and whatever

Re: Ace Cafe

Posted: 13 Sep 2015, 20:01
by Blade
Sounds like I did the right thing and skipped it for a nice chinky instead.