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Anyone know...

Posted: 07 Sep 2015, 18:17
by Rossgo
Where you can buy ASV lever replacement parts?

My spring broke a while back and I can't stand the feel of the standard levers and need to pull my finger out and buy the correct parts for the lever. However ASV do a replacement part set but can't seem to find it located in the UK! Anyone had to buy the set or spring in particular to fix the levers before?

Mine are the C5 Series if that helps?

Any help would be appreciated

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 07 Sep 2015, 18:30
by Blade
Get in touch with the UK distributor they will sort you out Rossgo." onclick=";return false;

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 08 Sep 2015, 05:50
by Rossgo
Thanks Blade. Will try these guys later. I tried everything but seemed to be American sites or just for the full lever it's self. Didn't realise there was a UK distributer, yesterday I was about to order off the American site until I decided to post this up! The ASV levers are brilliant and wantb them back so much now!

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 08 Sep 2015, 08:05
by Blade
Got ASV's on the ten and agree great levers (y)

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 08 Sep 2015, 18:15
by Rossgo
All ordered. Very friendly service, will be here in a couple of days. Hoping it arrives Friday or before as off to 675cc Fest so hoping I can change them over for leaving

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 08 Sep 2015, 18:59
by Blade
Nice one Rossgo. Glad you got it all sorted and the people I suggested could help you out. Nice one mate (y)

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 11:30
by Rossgo
It's really strange but I am really looking forward to getting these parts and swapping the standard levers back to the ASV ones. Am I the only one who is sad enough to feel like this over bloody levers?!

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 11:36
by Kwacky
Yeah, you're a weirdo :P

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 11:41
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Yeah, you're a weirdo :P
Don't listen to him Rossgo :P

If he's a weirdo I'd hate to see what you'd call me Kwacky (lol) I wouldn't even admit to a portion of my 'sadness'

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 11:43
by DaytonAndy
I love my asv's. Wouldn't have tried them if I hadn't picked them up cheap off but they're just such lovely tactile things. I would even consider paying full price for them next time!

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 13:34
by Rossgo
Hahaha!! They really are great bits of kit. I haven't had them on now for a little while...guess a few months (over bloody summer period!!) And when they broke I wrapped them up in a bag and put them back inside their box. Took them out the other night and I had forgotten what beautiful bits of kit they are. I remember them being so smooth to use. The parts were sent off yesterday so they should be over tomorrow fingers crossed.

Andy totally agree with you they are expensive but you can feel the work ASV have gone through to get them to be correct.

Re: Anyone know...

Posted: 10 Sep 2015, 19:28
by Rossgo
So arrived home to a little package, opened it up and there they were the new parts. That was very quick despatch and the company were great to deal with. I rang them up yesterday to ask whether it was sent out and they were very polite and gave me all the information I needed.

So of course I had to put it all together...thought 10 min hour and half later job done hahaha!! Brake lever 5 mins, clutch lever spring 1 hour 15 mins haha!! Bloody thing the videos on YouTube were pretty bad (the ones I watched) but dad to the rescue and he took a look at it had a fiddle around and said have you tried it that way because he reckoned the tension would be correct that way...whacked it together and boom 10mins done with him! Wouldn't of been able to do it without him

Now looking forward to using them tomorrow [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH]