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Thanks Teachers

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 15:22
by Kwacky
That's a day I need to book off work to look after my kids because you've decided it's time for another strike.

But hey, dare I ever want to take my child out of class for a day. I could go to jail for that.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 16:00
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:But hey, dare I ever want to take my child out of class for a day. I could go to jail for that.
Not sure you can blame them for that. This is about meeting Ofsted minimum attendance figures.

But it is decking annoying!

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 16:53
by Kwacky
But the schools have the say in allowing your request to take a child out of school.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 17:11
by Monty
Yes and Ofsted lower the School's rating on attendance figures. They can only work within the rules.

Will had 4 days off sick and we got texts from the School asking when he was coming back. The School is graded as outstanding and you need a very high attendance to keep that rating.

I wouldn't be a teacher for any money at the moment with that wazock in charge.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 22:35
by Deegee
As per Monty's point, If you want to blame someone blame that f*ckwit Gove, he is the one that is ramming through an agenda that is driving seasoned, quality teachers out of schools and into anything else - I met one who is now a builder because he was ready for the rubber room if he'd stayed in the job.
Tbh the one day strike is pointless, it is a minor inconvenience in the great scheme of things, a week however is another matter altogether and may make him actually listen to somebody other than the man in his mirror. Notice if you will the timing of the strike, no student will suffer due to preparation for exams etc, knowing what I do about the way our school has been mismanaged c/o Ofsted and the County Council Education Authority, Education as a whole would be better served being as far away from the politicians as it is possible to get.

Fwiw I also think that as a Professional body the Teachers are perceived as being too nice and too wet to be taken seriously by Gove et al.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 23:43
by Binno
Kwacky wrote:That's a day I need to book off work to look after my kids because you've decided it's time for another strike.

But hey, dare I ever want to take my child out of class for a day. I could go to jail for that.

If you don't like it teach your kids yourself.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 07:11
by Kwacky
Bit hard for me to give up work seeing as I bring in 80% of the money in the Kwacky house.

The kids year end disco is this Thursday after school. My daughter and her mates were looking forward to it as this is there last chance to get together before they go to their new schools. That's been canceled. That might be minor for some but my daughter is devastated.

As for Gove he's not got a clue.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 08:02
by duke63
Things like this are one of the reasons I gave up being a school governor.

Times are tough and in the great scheme of things the teaching world has got off VERY lightly compared to most of the rest of the public sector and most certainly the rest of the working public.

They need to change the law on strike action for all so that it only goes ahead with at least 51% of the balloted members voting for a strike.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 10:15
by D6
Can't you just say your kids have swine flu, and take them on holiday?

I'd be annoyed by this if I had kids too.

There was a head teacher in LEicestershire that was allowed to go to Brazil to watch the football during school term. Caused a bit of an uproar locally apparantly.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 12:13
by Monty
It's unbelievable what that Ass is doing to schools and teachers through ofsted. My eldest 6 now but 5 at the time was showing signs of dislexcia (no I can't spell it either) and I went to meet with his phonics teacher. While I was sat outside the office waiting I was going through his phonics books reading his teachers comments. It was full of sentences like "Great work Will, brilliant use of a split infinitive"

At the end of the meeting I asked her directly if the notes she made were actually comunuicated to Will or was it just more ofsted BS. She nodded her head slowly and said "I couldn't possibly say".

I'm fairly certain I didn't know what a split infinitive age 5, nor did I need to. I only know now because I looked it up after the meeting.

Schools are being ripped a part by shite like this, and it's only getting worse. Gove is talking about IQ tests at 4, an age where just one year is a quarter of their life. They are already streaming kids at 5 and above.

The man is a buffoon, and that's being very kind. I just hope that the good teachers and there are many of them can hang in there long enough.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 12:30
by Kwacky
I often smile at the Facebook updates when people have been to a parents' evening. Don't these tools realise teachers aren't allowed to say anything negative about pupils these days?

It's all crap. Look at the Nordic system. They let kids develop before worrying about testing them. They don't start writing until they're accomplished at reading.

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 12:33
by duke63
Problem is ,Monty, that neither the government nor the Unions are really interested in giving the children a top education.

They are both acting in their own interests or the interests of their members in the case of the Unions.

There are some first class teachers out there who are not being given the tools to teach effectively and there are also far too many muppets pretending to be teachers who the Unions defend regardless of the damage they do to the children in their class.

It would be good if they all sat down and put the children first!

Re: Thanks Teachers

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 15:17
by Perkles
Public services will suffer under this government for sure,my daughters 3 so I've got all this to come (sweat)