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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 16:41
by Kwacky
Sheffield is ace. He'll love it.

He's done very well. I know there have been issues in the past.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 16:56
by duke63
Cheers, kwacky. He has had to work very hard to get where he is but he still has a away to go if he wants to go to Uni there. However without some amazing support form some of his teachers over the years even this would not have been possible.

Their entrance requirement is ABB for his A levels and he isn't at that level yet. He has a year to go and knows he has to work very very hard for the next 8-9 months if that is what he wants.

I would say though that the opportunities at Uni and beyond are quite simply out if this world these days. I wish i had had those opportunities at 18.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 20:09
by TonyB
Been haemorrhaging money today while the living room was being painted. Lights, switches, cusions, vases, mirror and a new fecking carpet

Could have bought bike stuff

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 20:26
by D6
I am now resting after a bit of rewiring in the loft, lifting all the loft boards, laying new insulation, fitting new ceiling light fittings. All for the people moving in after us in a week or two.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 20:28
by Kwacky
Had a Streetfighter day with my lad.

My daughter was at dance and my wife went over to see her parents, so me and my son have watched a couple of Streetfigher movies and played the game inbetween.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 20:29
by D6
Cool. Round 1. Fight

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 20:57
by C00kiemonster
duke63 wrote:Been to the first University open day visit for my son to Sheffield.

The University looks great, the course is first class and it looks to be a nice play to live.

Apparently the 'happiest' City in the UK though quite how they measure that I'm not sure.

Oh and the Head of his department was fit. Wearing a short tight knitted dress and boots with heels made me want to go there too.
If he gets there he'd love Sheffield.

Our eldest went there for 3 years and graduated this year. We've been there and stayed a few times over that time and it's a great city. I wish I'd lived there for a while, really nice people and I do truly think they are happy there.

Good luck to him. Hard work should pay off.

What other uni's does he fancy?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 21:07
by Blade
Wow I can't believe your lad is getting ready for Uni already. How quick time flies by. I can remember seeing him at bike racing as a young lad which only seems like yesterday.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 09:25
by kiwikrasher
Enjoying Fathers Day

Got this haul
And rosemary and tyme plants in pots.

That Mr Black is a coffee liqueur made locally from local coffee. It's like an alcoholic expresso, so nice, but one or two is plenty.

The kids hand made stuff is what I enjoy receiving the most thou.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 10:10
by Blade
Got a date with slapper and his big red throbbing Ducati ;)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 16:01
by duke63
C00kiemonster wrote:
duke63 wrote:Been to the first University open day visit for my son to Sheffield.

The University looks great, the course is first class and it looks to be a nice play to live.

Apparently the 'happiest' City in the UK though quite how they measure that I'm not sure.

Oh and the Head of his department was fit. Wearing a short tight knitted dress and boots with heels made me want to go there too.
If he gets there he'd love Sheffield.

Our eldest went there for 3 years and graduated this year. We've been there and stayed a few times over that time and it's a great city. I wish I'd lived there for a while, really nice people and I do truly think they are happy there.

Good luck to him. Hard work should pay off.

What other uni's does he fancy?
He's looking at University of Lancashire in Preston too and Cardiff and then the fall backs are Leicester and Derby if thinks don't go to plan. :D

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 18:18
by Blade
Went for a ride with Rocket and although we had a good day it wasn't a great start.

We had only been together about 5 minutes when we came across stationary traffic just before the start of the snake pass.

I guessed there had been an accident so filtered to the front to see if we could help.

First sight was of a sole biker down, not moving and no one attending to him. Being completely honest I sh1t myself at first sight of the accidnet scene and I genuinely thought the biker was brown bread after looking at the impact and his motionless body.

We parked the bikes up and ran over at which point another lady was with the fallen biker. It must have happened only moments before our arrival as people assumed we were with the injured biker.

He was conscious when we arrived which was a huge relief as I genuinely did think he was a goner. The bike and car he hit before flying over the top off were clearly written off it must have been a huge impact. I would guess each vehicle would have been doing anything from 30 to 50 mph so a closing speed of 60 to 100 which would explain the carnage.

The biker was in pain but not screaming although his ankle was clearly broken as his foot was pointing 180 degrees to its natural position of rest.

An ambulance was on its way and other road users had made the approach in each direction safe so me and Rocket stayed with the fallen biker to reassure him and try and keep him as calm and relaxed as possible.

The police and ambulance arrived impressively quickly perhaps 5 minutes after being called so he was in safe hands quickly thank god.

After the services had arrived we departed but couldn't help feeling upset for the guy and obviously we were taking it pretty easy for most of the ride.

Not good but I think he will be ok and glad we stopped. I don't think we helped too much but I could never leave a fallen biker down and if it was me in the same situation just the fact another biker was with me helping would have offered some reassurance, which I hope me and Rocket did.

Hope the guys ok and wish him well on his recovery.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 18:23
by Rossgo
Very good of you and Rocket to help the guy out. Nothing is worse than being a lone when you have a tarmatic experience like that. I'm sure he is parsing his lucky stars that you guys stopped and helped. Poor guy it must of what him right up. Hope he is being looked after well by the hopistal. Expect some more police patrols down that stretch now

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 18:31
by Blade
The road has a reputation for accidents already Rossgo but never good to see a biker down anywhere.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 20:00
by Rossgo
Ahh I see. Yes definitely horrible to see but he prob knows it could of been a lot worse, sure he won't be forgetting the help and sure he will remember what you both did for the rest of his time now, must be relieved you guys helped

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 20:57
by TonyB
Big up to Blade and Rocket for helping when no one else did. Top work fellas. Respect

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 21:07
by Blade
Cheers Tony. I think other people wanted to help and as thinks went on people did help in various ways but I guess some people were just in shock as perhaps they saw it and we didnt as I reckon we arrived 2 or 3 minutes afterwards.

We did nothing special and certainly no more than any other person would have wanted too.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 21:29
by Frankie
What Tony said, never good to see a biker down, I can think of two occasions, especially when it's mates... kwacky and Bratty, both gave me that horrible feeling inside.... (whew)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 21:40
by Kwacky
Frankie wrote:... kwacky and Bratty, both gave me that horrible feeling inside.... (whew)
Are we still talking about crashes or that night a few years back?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 21:46
by Frankie