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Feeling very proud

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 20:19
by duke63
Sometimes despite all the other shite going around in the same day, something comes along to completely change my mood. :D

To say i am proud would be an understatement and, have to admit pretty close to shedding a tear or two or pride too.

But anyway today my son received this.......


Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 20:21
by Kwacky
fantastic news. Well done.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 21:15
by Rossgo
Brilliant congratulations first hurdle done. He must be very excited [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH]

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 23:06
by Blade
Awesome news well done.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 23:20
by kingfixer
Brilliant news Duke, now where is De Montfort Uni ?

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 08:48
by duke63

To have an offer that is not conditional on his A level results takes a huge amount of pressure of him but we are trying to instil into him that he must still give them his best efforts.

The job market is now so competitive that employers methods for filtering job applicants get ever more complex and detailed.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 08:54
by C00kiemonster
Fantastic. Well done him!

Your right to make sure he doesn't get a bit complacent now his offer is unconditional, however that's a real relief for you too on his future.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 09:02
by Blade
What cookie said (y)

Well done to your lad and also to you and your wife Duke I know he will have the best support and help available so you have a right to be very proud parents.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 09:36
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:...Feeling very proud..
& justifiably too Mr Duke63. (clap)

Congratulations to master Duke, he's obviously carrying good genes mate,

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 10:58
by DaytonAndy
Well done to mini Duke. (beer)

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 11:12
by duke63
DaytonAndy wrote:Well done to mini Duke. (beer)

Thanks all.

He isn't very 'mini' Andy, he's taller than me, :D

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 14:18
by DaytonAndy
duke63 wrote:
DaytonAndy wrote:Well done to mini Duke. (beer)

Thanks all.

He isn't very 'mini' Andy, he's taller than me, :D
Bloody hell (ninja :D

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 13:52
by Itchy
Nice one.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 13:54
by Kwacky
Shame about the fees though. It pisses me off that we have to pay for education.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 14:37
by Rossgo
I do agree it's silly we have to pay for education but problem is if it was free I really believe we would have higher drop outs, waste of spaces going into uni which would just waste the lecturers time and the guys who dont know what they want would just pile into unis. In my opinion it's better to have to pay for it, people who are serious about getting degrees and who seriously want to get in and do their best with like minded people. They are more likely to not want to waste their money on a term at uni or something.

Although 9K is high, in my opinion it's pretty good value. For what you can get out of it eg jobs wise

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 14:45
by Kwacky
£9,000 a year though. So you leave university with at least £27,000 debt before you start working.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 16:21
by C00kiemonster
Both my children owe over £30k to the government eventually now they have finished / finishing university.

If the university degree helps with a job then I think it's good. If it's to have fun and get a degree in something useless (have you seen some of the degrees some people get?) then it's a poor start to your adult life IMO.

It still worries me the debt they have and the lack of affordable housing mind :(

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 16:47
by Rossgo
Totally agree it's a silly amount of debt for someone who has qualifications but have no real life experience out in the real world.

But as an example my mate worked his bum off while at uni, he had a full time apprenticeship in the field he wanted which helped so much and now pulls in a obscene amount of money a year. Paid off a mortage inside a matter of a few years starting with only 5K deposit! The pluses can outweigh the minuses if you pick the right course, have a can do attitude and don't stop even for sleep! Potentially retire mid life and have an easier life while most still slogging their guts out every day with back breaking work.

However I have also worked with the uni guys who have got great degrees, and masters and end up earning 800quid a month in a dead end job because they never hear back from.any of their job applications!! Try to pay the debt off while earning that makes out for a fairly hard up life!

Personally I wish i was an academic. I'm not, never have been and I accept that. Trying to write essays and trying to get my head around scientific crap wasn't my strong point. As a result I' the back breaking work category who's lucky to have a full time job. I will prob die like one of my old bosses while still working!! If I carry on like this stress will prob get me like 2 of my colleagues form the environment I work in!!No rest for the wicked!! But hey ho I play hard too [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES]

In todays world do the hard work now if that means a bit of a debt and tired from working nights and learning through the day then do it!! It's only 5 years of your life. Ive worked 7 years in the same place and my body is falling apart [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES]

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 17:34
by Monty
Good solid degrees that benefit society should be free for all with a grant, 30k of dept before you even start work is just fecking ridiculous. It just handicaps the poor and those very important degrees like teaching and nursing that don't lead to high paying jobs.

Universities have become private schools for those that can afford them not those that deserve them and that doesn't benefit the vast majority, the country or society in general.

Re: Feeling very proud

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 20:44
by duke63
Whilst i don't like the idea of a £9k+ per year as a debt for him to start his working life, it is ultimately just another way of taxing people. If you don't work or earn enough, you don't pay it back.