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Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 14:09
by Kwacky
Good article about the subject.

Subsequently we have discovered that it saved more lives than it took because so many people switched from cocaine and amphetamine to mephedrone that deaths from these more toxic stimulants decreased by up to 40%. Since mephedrone was banned in 2010, cocaine deaths have risen again and are now above their pre-mephedrone levels. ... gle-answer" onclick=";return false;

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 16:15
by Blade
As far as I can make out because it's not socially acceptable by the majority of voters in this country and the government don't rises taxes from it although granted they could if it was legalised.

The Dutch have a good common sense approach to cannabis and dont seem to have any social issues from the controlled use of the drug. But than perhaps that's were the problem is in the fact our government lacks common sense.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 17:57
by Cav
Natural selection should be allowed to take place in my opinion. Legalise everything and lets just see what happens

Rant over..

I've never done drugs besides Alcohol so can't really comment! haha..

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 18:02
by Kwacky
You have to love the approach to dealing with heroin users - replace one drug with another. How are they supposed to improve if they're hooked on a legal version of heroin?

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 20:08
by Jack
Kwacky wrote:You have to love the approach to dealing with heroin users - replace one drug with another. How are they supposed to improve if they're hooked on a legal version of heroin?
There are many countries that do not give their addicts Methadone as it is more addictive and has more physical side effects than Heroin , I don't believe that there is an easy answer to the addiction problem but I am certain that Methadone isn't it or part of it .

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 20:41
by duke63
Why is anything illegal though?

We have laws to supposedly mean we have a decent society in which we all would wish to live where there are rules to make sure that their are standards to live by.

Laws generally i would say are there to protect the majority from a minority who would abuse it.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 22:12
by Kwacky
Doesn't work though, does it? It won't work if there aren't enough people to police the laws.

But if they legalise cannabis, then the police can spend more time dealing with crimes that are likely to affect us, like theft.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 22:18
by duke63
Don't disagree with you. Just trying to explain in my way why i think laws make things illegal.

Laws are ultimately a politician's way of controlling the masses in the way HE/SHE see fit.

There are times when a 70mph speed limit is not really relevant but other times it is and perhaps isn't even low enough. But its difficult to make a law to cover that so its blanket for everyone.

Laws just dumb down everyone to cater for the stupidity of a very small proportion.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 22:26
by Kwacky
The article gives a good reason why some things are banned.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 18:42
by D41
Kwacky wrote:Doesn't work though, does it? It won't work if there aren't enough people to police the laws.

But if they legalise cannabis, then the police can spend more time dealing with crimes that are likely to affect us, like theft.
Yes and no.....laws require people to adhere to a set of standards, many of which are common sense. And then where do you draw the before you end up with a "police state" where the Police exercise their powers beyond reason??

I don't pretend to know the answer, but overall I'd say we have it pretty good.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 07:00
by Rossgo
Personally don't see a problem with cannabis for example, government could make a killing if they just control the substance inside certain cafes or something. Other drugs are too strong and should be illegal. I wouldn't want anyone injecting crap into themselves next door. but earth provides everything we need. most drugs have a propose the drugs that are man made and tampered with obviously provides the actual risk. Isn't it heroin that people chew for altitude sickness?

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 07:02
by Rossgo
I'm not to quick with drugs in all honesty, don't know enough about them because don't want to become a addict. I'm addicted to chocolate that is my downfall and I'm fine with this...chocolate will make you fat then kill you with plenty of warning, certain drugs will just kill you there and then haha!!

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 09:07
by duke63
Rossgo wrote:Personally don't see a problem with cannabis for example, government could make a killing if they just control the substance inside certain cafes or something. Other drugs are too strong and should be illegal. I wouldn't want anyone injecting crap into themselves next door. but earth provides everything we need. most drugs have a propose the drugs that are man made and tampered with obviously provides the actual risk. Isn't it heroin that people chew for altitude sickness?
Even if you legalise it, you would still need laws to control its usage.

No one would want drivers with a spliff in their hand.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 09:51
by Rossgo
Agreed, but a lot of the cannabis users aren't what people think them to be , gangsters who fight and drink and smash stuff to bits, it's actually the drinkers who are mainly violent. Personally I'm not a drinker, go out on any Friday or Sat night and your see some poor person with the face smashed in. Laws should change for drink in my opinon.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 10:19
by Blade
Totally agree Rossgo. The unfortunate truth is alcohol and drinking is too well established in our society now and would be political suicide for any party to try and tackle the problem.

Alot of people in this country don't go out for a drink socially they go out to get smashed out of their mind and that is fundamentally the problem.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 10:26
by Monty
The average pot smoker is an Engineer, Doctor, Bin-man, Lawyer, shop assistant, accountant, Policeman, Judge and for all I know Mr fecking Ben.

Plus there has been a massive shift in who grows it in the last 10 years from criminal gangs to enthusiasts. Sadly still viewed as criminals by the state.

They simply have to change the laws on cannabis or ban drugs like alcohol, there is no argument left for them to use against it. (said every international study)

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 10:26
by duke63
Alcohol abuse is a big big problem in this country. Having a son who now goes to parties with his mates and seeing the state some of them are in so early in the evening is, it has to be said, really sad.

For many of them their only goal for the night is to get totally smashed out of their skulls as quickly as possible.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 10:29
by Kwacky
Binge drinking has been an issue for as long as I can remember. When I was a teen you had to look out for lager louts.

What I don't understand is this habit of pre-loading - getting wasted at home before you go out. I know it's cheaper but for me the fun of a night out is the gradual descent into drunkenness with your mates.

The prohibition on cannabis has left us with this super strength gear being smoked now. I used to smoke it when I was younger but it was a social thing. Have a few spliffs, chat shit, watch a movie. This current stuff knocks me out with a couple of drags. It's not enjoyable.

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 10:32
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:This current stuff knocks me out with a couple of drags. It's not enjoyable.
Another argument for developing the industry

Re: Why are drugs illegal?

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 11:11
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:Binge drinking has been an issue for as long as I can remember. When I was a teen you had to look out for lager louts.

What I don't understand is this habit of pre-loading - getting wasted at home before you go out. I know it's cheaper but for me the fun of a night out is the gradual descent into drunkenness with your mates.

The prohibition on cannabis has left us with this super strength gear being smoked now. I used to smoke it when I was younger but it was a social thing. Have a few spliffs, chat shit, watch a movie. This current stuff knocks me out with a couple of drags. It's not enjoyable.
The preloading culture is definitely because of the costs, certainly in our experience with our girls having friends over and getting ready to go out on the town. Our girls used to drink vodka and then take a bottle with them in the handbag. Our eldest knows how to drink (too much) but our youngest isn't too bothered and will get pissed, but only if she's having fun.

Culture is the correct word, the drinking culture as a 'blow out' to get over their busy weeks and stress is now normal sadly. That culture doesn't seem to exist in Europe from what I see and the evenings out are far calmer.

It's when the norm moves from when your in your early twenties through to proper adulthood that it seems to ruin people.

As for drugs, well you can argue cannabis should be legalised because many people use it, but it is a gateway to paranoia and mental health issues if used too much and in some leads to harder drugs.

I saw it first hand with a girlfriend of mine many years ago now, destroyed her and those around her.