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Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 14:41
by Cav
Fingers are crossed for you mate! I hope the next few hours are quick, painless and trouble free. Enjoy your restful night (i hope)

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 14:57
by Kwacky
Good luck. We're all thinking of you.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 17:01
by D41
... What that man said. (y)

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 17:38
by StMarks
Jack wrote: 18 Nov 2022, 14:40 .., hoping to recover soon enough to be able to enjoy the festive season.
That sounds like an Xmas gift we can all celebrate.. I'll raise a drink to that mate.! (beer)

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 18:28
by Perkles
GL Jack

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 20:52
by Frankie
Jack wrote: 18 Nov 2022, 14:40 Currently sat in the hospital waiting for the first of my IV bags to arrive from the pharmacy, hopefully this is the final round of chemotherapy, hoping to recover soon enough to be able to enjoy the festive season. Full scan is scheduled for four weeks time so I should get the results of that just in time for Christmas.
I am sure you will, a great Christmas present.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 21:03
by Cav
How was it mate? Hope you're resting well and keeping warm. Take care.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 22:13
by Stonesie
Fingers crossed for you Jack.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 22:44
by D6Nutz
Hope today went well mate and your not suffering too much this evening...

Given the strength of character you've shown so far I get the feeling that this christmas is certainly going to be celebrated well. And hopefully there is a nice present of positive news.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 20 Nov 2022, 00:52
by kiwikrasher
Can only reiterate what the rest of the lads have said. I have been amazed by your positive attitude and fortitude and I have my fingers crossed that your scans show results that rewards the strength and good fight you've delivered (muscle)

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 22 Nov 2022, 08:51
by Cav
Thinking of you, Jack.. hope you're alright?

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 15:12
by Jack
Been a rough week , starting to feel a bit better today , I am so happy I don't have to do this again - I don't know if I could , feeling a bit sorry for myself too , hopefully I'll pick up in all respects very soon .

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 16:24
by Kwacky
You're bound to have days when you feel low and shit. That's more than understandable.

I'm always here if you need a chat

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 17:05
by Cav
A low day or week was bound to happen at some point mate, you've done incredibly to hold it back until now! I hope you're resting up well though and are keeping warm and fed.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 17:06
by Kwacky
How are you feeling mate?

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 17:11
by Jack
It's taking a while to recover from the last chemo session , struggling to eat and therefore feeling quite weak , still got pain in the kidney area too.
That being said I am feeling positive mentally and am making arrangements for xmas and the coming season of racing .

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 17:12
by Kwacky
Shout if you need owt

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 11 Dec 2022, 11:23
by duke63
Good on you, Jack.

Keep your spirits up. We are with you all the way, mate.

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 15:51
by Jack
I went to the doctors this morning to get some stronger painkillers , the doctor was able to access the results of the scan I had last week , Testes, bladder ,bowels, pancreas , spleen , liver and Brain appear all clear , lung tumour is stable , tumours on the adrenal glands are increasing in size and I have a tumour in my neck . Not sure if the adrenal masses are increasing due to swelling or the tumours growing , I will have to see what the consultant says tomorrow .

Re: Jack's Updates

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 15:59
by Cav
I hope the painkillers help you mate and good luck for your consultation tomorrow.