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Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 21:24
by Kwacky

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 21:44
by markrsvr15
Did he pulled clutch in

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 21:45
by Kwacky
sounds like clutch in and off the limiter

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 21:49
by markrsvr15
Yeah does as said dick head i live in the sticks abit i see horse riders clutch in but just glide buy wait then go back on gas but they generally not in a 60 anyway

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 21:56
by rocket
I do agree he should not have done that. Were we live there are lots of horse's and some poor riders if you can not handle 1 ton animal then stay away from public places.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 22:03
by duke63
Bloody Kawasaki riders!

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 22:17
by Monty
There's actually two of them, utter retards.

Personally I don't like horses (they don't like me either) but have a dislike for their riders more. But have to say there's no excuse for that.

I should also add I grew up in a horse riding community/family so have every right to comment, w@nkers on both sides!

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 00:16
by D41
Dunno the answer there??

The rider defo should not have done that.

The equestrians should have been in better control of the horses, but that's about as likely as Pinocchio having wooden balls.

A bicyclist riding up behind them could have elicited the very same reaction....I know this because I've had the same thing happen....several times.....ask them, and the 'horse people' will take their sweet-ass time just to be annoying....the near-silence of a bicycle will have the same effect....have no idea why.

Note to the Lone Ranger and Tonto:....You're riding a fricking animal that has a mind of it's own, and a very small one at that....on a public road.....with motor vehicles on can claim right of way all day long in the trauma unit, but it won't do you one bit of good by that time.
Do us all a big favour and get to work in the kitchen cooking up some Red Rum pie, woman....the Industrial Revolution has been and gone.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 05:55
by Rossgo
Can't see the video doesn't wa t to load for me!?

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Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 08:21
by Itchy
Rossgo wrote:Can't see the video doesn't wa t to load for me!?

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Basically it shows a horse riders gesticulating for an oncoming motorcyclist to slow down.
Said motorcyclist pings it off the limiter as he rides past, spooking the horses.

Whilst I agree with Kwacky's title of the thread, I personally feel that gesticulation from horse riders is an aggravating factor in incidents like that.
We all know we need to slow down for horses, just like we did on the rideout on Sunday, but when somebody tells you that you need to slow down for them it's like they're questioning your driving ability.

Don't get me wrong. The guys a dickhead, plain and simple.

Is it time in this day and age though to maybe consider getting horses off the road?

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 08:48
by Kwacky
I thought the horse riders were doing the right thing. You could hear the bike coming a mile away. It was clear they were hammering it. Waving your arms to ask them top slow down increases the chance of them being seen.

I also thought that the horseriders did well to control their horses.

Personally I don't have a problem with them being on the road.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 09:03
by Monty
I wouldn't like to see horses banned from the roads but I would like to see ridding licenses for the riders and MOTs for the horses. Some horses and ridders shouldn't be on the road.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 09:40
by StMarks
Well, as most of you know I can see this one from both sides.
Maybe the bike rider pulled in the clutch to cruise by, and forgot to release the throttle.??
Unlikely, but we don't know for sure. On the face of it he was being an utter dick & could quite easily have been responsible for causing a serious or even fatal accident (proper control of a horse is by acquiescence, no rider can control a horse in "fear & flight" mode).
Fwiw when I'm riding (a horse) I do NOT make like a car & use a road lane. I always move out of the carriageway to allow motor vehicles to use the full road, and I always stop my horse & prepare it if I perceive that we are about to encounter something that will alarm it.
From the video those (horse) riders did little wrong IMO, apart from making a very poor choice of route.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 09:43
by duke63
I'm with Kwacky on this. The roads are not a personal racetrack for anyone and you have a duty to consider other road users at all times.

That rider should be looking at a ban for that. He's a complete cock and makes it ever easier for legislation to be thrown at us.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 09:56
by TonyB
I don't mind horses on the road, as said, clutch in and cruise by. What I am opposed to though is horse riders leaving their horses to SHIT on the roads and then leaving it in situ.

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Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 10:11
by Itchy
TonyB wrote:I don't mind horses on the road, as said, clutch in and cruise by. What I am opposed to though is horse riders leaving their horses to SHIT on the roads and then leaving it in situ.

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I'm with you on that, I used to walk my dog around a forested area very popular with dog walkers and horse riders.
There were signs everywhere telling you to pick up after your dog or risk fines, even free poop bags in the car park.
Then you go on your walk and spend half your time walking around massive steaming piles of horse crap!

That's just on a walk. Horse poo doesn't make for good traction on a road.

Again, don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-horse, I just think riding them on roads populated mainly by vehicles is putting them and others at risk.

But I digress.

Back to the video...

What a bell-whacker.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 11:12
by DaytonAndy
The rider was clearly a cock. I wouldn't say he was the norm thankfully but almost certainly a cock in his day to day life too. I'm not keen on horses personally. When one kicks off they're properly scary! Wouldn't dream of deliberately upsetting one like that it could have been really nasty. There could have been more traffic or anything behind those horses.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 11:14
by Kwacky
What you can't make out from that footage at normal speeds is that there are two bikes, it's the kwak, the first bike, who clutches in. The second bike could have been taken out had the horse not been controlled.

Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 14:53
by Rossgo
I have managed to watch this video. I totally agree he is a dick. I really hope that was a mistake and not him being him. That's dangerous and in all honesty if it turned out he was doing it too spool the horse, he deserves a big fine

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Re: Dickhead

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 14:58
by Monty
Rossgo wrote:I have managed to watch this video. I totally agree he is a dick. I really hope that was a mistake and not him being him. That's dangerous and in all honesty if it turned out he was doing it too spool the horse, he deserves a big fine
Yeah, the horse spooling B@stard!