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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 16:21
by D41
You have to be pretty hardcore to go to those lengths with R/C planes.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 18:13
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:Your google skills are weak ... /67784-001" onclick=";return false;
I wasn't googling I was using the official app! Fecking lot of good that is then.

I'll try and watch it on the train tomorrow, cheers for the link.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 20:17
by Kwacky
The RNLI programme on bbc2

Proper heroes.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 04:08
by D41
"102 Minutes That Changed America".

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 08:21
by Kwacky
There was a good documentary last night talking about the "airfuel doesn't'#t burn steel beams" conspiracy theories.

It doesn't.

But aluminium does. It melts much quicker than steel. Molten aluminium is 3 times more explosive than TNT when it comes into contact with water vapour.

They reckon that the aluminium from the aircraft melted then exploded which in turn caused the damage to the structures which say them fail.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 13:51
by D41
You know, the 9/11 conspiracy theorists really do piss me off.

You take an aircraft weighing hundreds of tons, fill it full of fuel (and people), and fly it into a building at around 400 knots, you don't need to be Werner Von Braun to figure out that some serious sh!t is going to go down.

But they're conspiracy theorists, and as such, can always be counted on manipulating 'facts' to reach a pre-ordained conclusion.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 15:15
by duke63
I still suspect parts of the US Govt knew far more before the attacks actually happened than they will ever admit too.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 15:51
by D41
It depends to what extent you mean. It's not like The WTC hadn't been bombed before, and Bin Laden openly/publicly declared war on the US in the mid-'90s.
So yes, it stands to reason that they knew about the guy. But specific knowledge of the 9/11 attacks & their exact, I very much doubt that.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 20:02
by Deegee
Have a look at “The New Jackals” by Simon Reeve, this book was researched, written and printed years before 9/11 and predicted another larger attack on the WTC and the rise and rise of another level of terrorism. I was listening to an interview with the author this morning on the radio, fwiw his phone didn’t stop ringing for 18months after that day.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 20:13
by D41
Yeah...Tom Clancy did the same thing in one of his novels....airplane being flown into The Capitol Building & destroying the seat of govt., the President, etc.

Is this really that far removed from WW2 Kamikaze fanatics sacrificing themselves for a "higher cause"??

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 22:51
by Kwacky
Hang Ups. A C4 comedy.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 13 Sep 2018, 06:32
by Rossgo
I like that, very odd, but good Britishness to it. Americans wouldn't be able to pull it off, kinda like the office!

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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Sep 2018, 05:16
by D41
Godzilla!!!! (raaar)

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Sep 2018, 06:37
by Kwacky
Which one?

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Sep 2018, 06:44
by D41
The "new one" I guess??

Godzilla is battling some humongous bat-looking creature carrying radioactive eggs (!!??).

It figures that after millions of years in cryo-stasis, two giant monsters would show up at the same time, in the same place.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Sep 2018, 13:28
by D41
Watching Hurricane Florence destroy the Eastern seaboard.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Sep 2018, 10:56
by Frankie
Just catching up with a new series I recorded, A Discovery of Witches.... Looks like its going to be a good watch :)

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Sep 2018, 22:36
by Deegee
Infinity War.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Sep 2018, 23:38
by Stonesie
The secret life of pets

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 16 Sep 2018, 06:45
by Rossgo
YouTube catch up

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