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Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 15:44
by duke63
Just feck off the lot of you. If I ever want something I would go looking for it and not wait for some nob to ring me up and try and sell it to me. (gah)

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 16:08
by C00kiemonster
I usually pretend I'm interested and then start giving silly answers that ruin their script :)

I had someone from Bike Magazine ring me the other day as I'm a subscriber and 'offer' me some other titles however they clearly have something in the script where they could 'bond' with the customer by asking what bike they have. They also clearly don't have motorbikes as they have a list of bikes that are similar so they can say they have one too.

I told him I had an RC8 and he told me he had some similar...... A Harley Davidson.... Lol.

I don't get pissed off anymore as I like to wind them up :)

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 16:20
by Kwacky
I'm on the telephone preference service which seems to work in the main.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 16:28
by Monty
I had someone on trying to sell me a conservatory and it didn't seem to matter to the caller when I told them I lived in a second floor apartment. I let them make an appointment for a no fee quotation but no one ever knocked on the door. I like to think someone somewhere had an Oh FFS moment!

It really really really and a do mean really p!sses me off when i get unsolicited calls

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 17:26
by DaytonAndy
If they're hassling you on your landline I can highly recommend the truecall call blocker. It's subscription based or you can buy it outright. It's basically a box connected before your telephone that intercepts the call before the phone rings. You can program in an approved list of callers (friends, family etc) that can get straight through but all other callers are asked to say their name before it will ring through. This stops 99% of the time wasters and automated hasslers before they can annoy you! You can then listen to who is calling before you decide whether to answer or ask them to leave a message or dump and or block the caller.
You have to be subscribed to the caller id service I think but it really does work. My nan used to be plagued by charity begging calls and sales calls as after donating they don't seem to leave you alone and then pass your details on to anyone who wants them.
If it's your mobile numner they have I think you're screwed!

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 17:56
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:I'm on the telephone preference service which seems to work in the main.
(f1) I've been on the tps suppression list for a few years now, takes a while to kick in but really does work. It's also good fun ask you need to do is ask where they got the number from, tps is a legal obligation four call centers, then time how quickly they hang up.

Don't think there is the same for mobiles, I generally make up an emergency for which I need to put the phone down and then just leave it on the desk to see how long they wait for.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 19:18
by duke63
Its the mobile that i have issues with, the home phone is TPS'd.

I just wonder how much of the UK' whole working year is lost through these companies cold calling. I know there are new rules coming in which means any company's directors can be personally prosecuted for nuisance calls but it needs a few well publicized court cases to have any effect.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 19:23
by Norfolknchance
Oh Jesus Christ. When I hit that bloody great rock in the road last year, the RAC must have given my number out as I was inundated with fecking ambulance chasers. They were rude and aggressive, really unpleasant. They have finally stopped, but god knows it was a pain in the arse.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 19:52
by C00kiemonster
Tbh I don't answer my mobile if the number is withheld or I don't recognise the number.

I guess that may be different for you duke as it may be a potential customer :(

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 19:56
by duke63
I don't generally answer witheld numbers either as i think if they don't want me to know their number then the chances are i don't want to speak to them.

However many of the sales callers seem to have cottoned on to this and now show their number or it seems they are now able to make a number up and for it to appear on the screen.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 20:03
by C00kiemonster
Just had a quick look and you can register your mobile with the TPS too... Worth a look?

The TPS can accept the registration of mobile telephone numbers, however it is important to note that this will prevent the receipt of marketing voice calls but not SMS (text) messages. If you wish to stop receiving SMS marketing messages, please send an 'opt-out' request to the company involved.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 22:26
by Spudda
duke63 wrote:
However many of the sales callers seem to have cottoned on to this and now show their number or it seems they are now able to make a number up and for it to appear on the screen.
When they come through on my mobile like that, I block the number (iPhone 5)

So far so good (y)

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 07 Jul 2015, 08:15
by Rossgo
That TPS idea sounds pretty good. I don't get any through my house phone because never give that one out. I do however through the mobile. I am with EE and they have changed a fair bit since becoming EE they like their cold calling. I had one the other day saying he was go I g to save me money on my actual bill per month. Im not really interested but wanted to waste his time. He carried on and to be honest really sounded like he could half my bill for my contract I currently have and this is what he was was only until he carried on when he said can't change the phone bill but can sell you a new iPad etc on the same bill. Wasn't saving g anything and said thanks but no thanks. And hung up haha

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 07 Jul 2015, 08:51
by Kwacky
If I see a number on my phone I don't know I leave it. I then google the number to find out who owns it. If it's a spam account I block it.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 07 Jul 2015, 09:45
by Norfolknchance
That's pretty much what I did, There were a lot of complaints on the net about the companies that were calling me.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 07 Jul 2015, 10:19
by D6
Kwacky wrote:If I see a number on my phone I don't know I leave it. I then google the number to find out who owns it. If it's a spam account I block it.

Same, And if they really wanted me they'd leave a message.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 07 Jul 2015, 16:59
by Tricky
ive got two phones, family and friends with a call blocker app on contract, and an anybody phone pay as you go throw away sim.

Re: Sales calls

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 01:25
by Blade
We are on the tps but still get loads of calls.

Tbh we never answer our land line now as we know it is some sales tw@t wanting us to lodge a ppi claim or some other non sense. Everyone who we want to speak with has our mobile numbers so we just take calls on our mobiles as its easier to see if its a contact or a bellend to ignore.