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Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 20:54
by D6Nutz
The ride yesterday made me realise a couple of things...

My body is starting to get a bit older and 13 hours out on the bike now is a lot more uncomfortable than it was a few years ago. I'm still knackered and my legs have been aching all day.

After watching Frankie and Kwacky munch the miles on their bikes, I'm beginning to think that the end of sports bikes on the road may be nigh.. Is it possible for a mid life crisis to take you closer to something sensible rather than the norm ??????

BTW: don't start spending my money just yet.. Financially it's going to be a year or more before I can change...

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 20:57
by Blade
What would you fancy a swap too Nutz ?

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 21:00
by D6Nutz
Don't let Frankie hear this, but I really like the look of the S1000R.. It just looks to do everything comfortably..

Others I like the look of are Z1000/Z750 or Street/Speed Trippples... Such choice, but no money to spend :(

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 21:01
by Perkles
Something's in the air I want a tailpack for mine

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 21:02
by Kwacky
I told you you shouldn't have moved house this year ;)

z1000 are ace. But the beemer is a sweet tool as well.

There really is too much choice.

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 21:06
by kiwikrasher
I came to that awakening on my NZ trip, I did 11 days back to back, 3250 km in total of mainly tight and twisty roads, and apart from the torrential rain day, I never felt like I wanted to get off the bike. I would've never considered a bike like the Multi as my main ride and have always been a dedicated sports orientated rider. Anything else was for 'old men'. Buit riding should be for pleasure, and I had more than enough fun on an adventure style bike without all the pain of a sports bike. Definitely has made me think.

Kwacky's Z looks mean, thats had me thinking too.

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 21:16
by Blade
Frankie's S1000R was amazing and seemed to do everything a sports bike could. I would be seriously interested in one in a few years I reckon.

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 18 May 2015, 21:19
by duke63
I was talking a a guy at the Station cafe yesterday who had a 15 plate S1000R. He was of the same opinion that it did everything his previous Fireblade did but also stopped the riding at silly least for any length of time.

He was no youngster but by the looks of his rear tyre, was no slouch either.

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 19 May 2015, 06:49
by Frankie
She done me proud, not checked the miles I cracked up, as I went a wondering on my route home, but she was there in the pack Most of the day :)

I must admit I did switch the suspension to soft mode on my way home, was feeling pretty tired. To be fair it was a pretty full on day of riding from start to finish lol.

I am looking forward to the launch of the XR next month, The BMW inline four adventure bike, using the same engine I have in mine....its going to be awesome.

Jon we have just put a new White R on the test fleet, give me a call I will get you on it for a test ride :) it's even got cruise control ha ha, could have done with that on Sunday for the ride up.

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 19 May 2015, 08:19
by kingfixer
So the XR is out next month ;) I noticed it has a QS for up and down the box 8)

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 19 May 2015, 08:25
by Blade
The xr is going to be a huge seller.

BMW are already established in this sector with a loyal customer base but the tech and performamce is going to appeal to a lot of new customers too.

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 19 May 2015, 10:52
by kiwikrasher
Frankie wrote:
I am looking forward to the launch of the XR next month, The BMW inline four adventure bike, using the same engine I have in mine....its going to be awesome.
I didn't even know about this coming out, looks like a brillant bike. Will be interested in ride test reviews and pricing in Australia.

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 19 May 2015, 11:53
by Perkles
amazing that the adventure/multi purpose bikes are now pushing out 150 bhp + with TC etc ,things have really changed in the bike world

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 19 May 2015, 13:51
by Blade
I guess everything is moving on in the bhp stakes, sportsbikes and adventure bikes have a good 40-50 more bhp than only 5 years ago.

Where will we be in another 5 years ???

Re: Humm.. I think times are changing

Posted: 20 May 2015, 15:46
by Rossgo
You mentioned a street triple, how would you adjust as it wouldn't have equal power to what you have now however as it isn't a litre you can (I think) have more fun without the fear of being chucked off! But Triumph is only down the road from you and I know they don't mind test rides so think you will have fun searching for the right one haha