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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 22:14
by Itchy
Went to Stradsett Country Show.

Quite a few things to see and do, had a good time with the kids, we took the pooch as well because they were having the "Festival of Dogs" or something like that.
Jesus, that dog likes to pull. There were so many sights, sounds and smells he didn't know where to sniff, look or pee on next!

We found an arena where you could have a go at Agility or Flyball, so we had a go at both.

Agility was, interesting! He was enthusiastic enough but didn't know what the hell was going on.
He peed on at least half of the obstacles, he even peed INSIDE the tunnel. But he had a good time.

Flyball however...
He loved it. Took to it really well for the few goes that we were allowed, and the woman doing it said she's seen dogs take 6 weeks of lessons to get to the standard he was at after 5 balls!

I've been saying since he was born that we wanted to look at getting him involved in either of those two disciplines. Guess I've found which one, time to start looking around for classes!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 08 Jun 2015, 10:20
by Kwacky
Someone has gone on holiday and transferred a load of work into my name.

Thanks. I'll remember this.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 08 Jun 2015, 11:22
by TonyB
Go to their office and change all the keys on their keyboard around and run all of their stationery down your crack, sit back and chuckle.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 08 Jun 2015, 11:52
by Perkles
battling man flu and a nasty chest infection,pissed off because its going to put my running training on hold just as i felt i was getting somewhere |(

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 20:53
by Kwacky
Had a 3 day headache so that with a boss with a grump on and having to work late leaves Kwacky in a crappy mood.

I need a night in the pub (beer)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 21:21
by kiwikrasher
Waking up at 4.30am because the codeine has worn off over night.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 21:32
by Jack
Getting mentioned in the live radio commentary for the superstock TT race ( Jacks Snaps not me personally) , NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that happening . Pleased is a bit of an understatement.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 21:37
by Kwacky
Nice one Jack.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 21:46
by D6
Nice one.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 07:56
by Kwacky
In work early. Wife had her snoring head on then my son woke up at 5.30 to watch youtube videos of blokes talking about a computer game.

I love having a crap night's sleep

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 08:05
by bb41
Oh the dreaded move.... I moved at Xmas and I am now in the process of going through the sale of my house back in Oxford so I have to go back home and get removals to store the furniture , then buying hopefully in Evesham so have to pack up here and then arrange for the furniture in store and my things from here all to arrive at the same place and on the same day , then have to sell here .

This will be move number 16 for and I'm sincerely hoping this will be my final one apart from the box they carry me in !!!

Oh and to top it all I am having to fight a really snotty no win no fee solicitor acting for some builders who completely wrecked my old house. Talk about stressful living

Good luck with the move, I always find it handy to get a skip !!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 08:12
by Kwacky
You sure you want to move to Evesham? You're within striking distance of me dropping by for tea and cake (giggle)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 09:18
by kiwikrasher
Watching the bruise on my hip develop. There's a nice black halo around the huge lump on my upper thigh.

I'm going to mix gin with my codeine tonight and see if I sleep better.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 10:59
by bb41
KWacky if it happens we would love you round for tea and cake, but would you mind using the door rather than dropping in !!!!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 11:17
by Kwacky
I intend to stuff the bike into a nearby hedge or wall and come flying into your house via a window

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 13:07
by bb41
Kwacky wrote:I intend to stuff the bike into a nearby hedge or wall and come flying into your house via a window
Then could you make sure you don't wear a blue leotard and you don't wear your pants on top , I'm not used to it.

Also just give me the nod so I can open a window for your landing

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Jun 2015, 07:50
by Rossgo
So far. Woke up at 550 (a hole hour extra than I usually get as it's a Sat) fussed the cat (realised she know tries to wake me up specially for a fuss every morning), took the dog out for a nice walk, caught up on 675cc and no catching up with the weeks threads on here. And my partner is still sound asleep haha!!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Jun 2015, 07:56
by D6Nutz
Cheers bb, the move went well and we are in. The removals guys where fantastic and the solicitors managed to tie up the whole completion by 12:30.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 13 Jun 2015, 11:18
by kiwikrasher
D6Nutz wrote:Cheers bb, the move went well and we are in. The removals guys where fantastic and the solicitors managed to tie up the whole completion by 12:30.
Awesome, that's how you want a move to go!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 14:51
by Kwacky
Rehousing some the tarantulas. 2 have made a run for it so far. Fast little buggers