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European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 01 Jul 2014, 11:13
by Kwacky
France banned clothing which covers the face. It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular but some said it was a direct attack on those religious groups which say females must have their face covered.

The European Court of Human Rights has upheld the ban.

I wonder if the UK and other European nations will follow suit after this ruling?

I see no reason why a face should be hidden. If you see someone at a rally or a football game or a protest with their face covered they're doing it to prevent detection. Women being told to cover up because it makes men want to rape them is an idiotic argument." onclick=";return false;

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 01 Jul 2014, 21:14
by Deegee
Glad to hear of a decision coming out of that Court that upholds common sense and sovereign power, as you point out, the ridiculous reasons given for the veil don't hold up, and it appears to be worn as a politico/religious statement, the wording in the Qu'ran states only that Women should dress modestly, facial veiling of any type is by choice.

Given that at least one wanted criminal has escaped the UK behind a veil, we may be hearing some electoral rhetoric concerning Burqa's and veiling generally over the next year or so, even if the main parties don't want to mention it, you can bet Farage and his bunch of closet racists will want to.

Interesting read on the link, particularly page 9 for quick info, not finished it yet but will try later. ... 001_AC.pdf" onclick=";return false;

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 02 Jul 2014, 07:17
by C00kiemonster
I do hope the UK adopts this and makes it stick.

I'd like to know how many women this would affect in the uk as I heard on the news there are only 2000 in France. I imagine it's way more in the uk.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 02 Jul 2014, 08:01
by Bratty
It'll cause a few problems over here Cookie but I think it will happen eventually.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 20:52
by Godzilla
I hope it does happen over here. When I was growing up I had never seen a Burka. Now they are all over. I don't think the religion has changed. It's not part of any religion.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 22:20
by Tricky
C00kiemonster wrote:I do hope the UK adopts this . . . .

they wont. the government will just feel sorry for them, give them a big furnished house, food vouchers, and all the social benefits they want, . . . . or am i just being cynical! :@

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 09:34
by Perkles
Lol I won't happen in the uk were far to soft here

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 09:49
by D6
I wish some women would cover their face.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 09:55
by Frankie
ha ha

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 10:22
by Kwacky ... ls-ntl-ban" onclick=";return false;

A British Imam has launched a nationwide campaign to ban the Burqa (full body Islamic covering) in Britain. The campaign aims to ban the wearing of face coverings in all public places, including the burqa and the niqab, which he describes as un-Islamic.

He argues that it is a 'Saudi-Afghani fad' imposed on British Muslims, who are predominnantly of Pakistani origin, where the burqa was never traditionally worn.

This is a good read. Very balanced.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 10:45
by Godzilla
Kwacky wrote: ... ls-ntl-ban

A British Imam has launched a nationwide campaign to ban the Burqa (full body Islamic covering) in Britain. The campaign aims to ban the wearing of face coverings in all public places, including the burqa and the niqab, which he describes as un-Islamic.

He argues that it is a 'Saudi-Afghani fad' imposed on British Muslims, who are predominnantly of Pakistani origin, where the burqa was never traditionally worn.

This is a good read. Very balanced.
Very interesting.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 10:49
by Deegee
Glad to see the subject being discussed in the press by an Imam. Cameron and the entire House of Commons are too afraid of offending next years voters to say anything now, if there's going to be a proper debate (not just a circular exercise) it should happen in the new Parliment post Election, any vote should be a free vote as well.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 11:49
by Kwacky
The minority spoil it. Very few muslims want this dress code, very few muslims want to change this country, the vast majority of muslims like it here and want to keep things the way they are. Some idiots push their luck and then another set of idiots allow them for fear of offending anyone.

I'm fairly liberal and I'm certainly against discrimination, but there should be a middle ground. I see no reason why extremism from either end of the spectrum should be entertained.

A law regarding face covering would be easy. I've lost count the number of times at football matches police have told people to remove a scarf or the like from their face.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 18:58
by Tricky
Deegee wrote:.... Cameron and the entire House of Commons are too afraid of offending next years voters to say anything now, ....
it shouldnt worry them, nobody votes anymore. if they did discuss more "sensitive" issues then maybe more people would vote.

Re: European Court Upholds veil ban

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 21:58
by Deegee
Problem being that people with an axe to grind always turn out regardless, it's the can't be bothered's that swing elections, the Daily Mail brigade will turn out if pensions or immigration are contentious on the run up and you can bet if someone brings up limiting Muslims freedom in any way they will turn out for the other side. Simple self preservation in both cases.