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Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 07:55
by Bratty
Insurance is up for renewal on the 17th of next month so I've been doing a few searches, I've decided not to go for the cheapest like I normally and one of the best deals I've got at the moment is with Bennets, I used Bennets a few years ago and never had a problem but thought if ask you knowledgable people for your thoughts, fully comp £100k of legal cover, £750 leathers and helmet cover, RAC breakdown cover including 90 days European breakdown cover all for £250 sounds like a good deal to me ?

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 08:29
by Kwacky
Go for it. You are right to go with a well known company. I've heard some horror stories of cheap policies are from shady Russian companies.

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 09:00
by Bratty
Cheers mate that's what I was thinking.

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 09:16
by Kwacky
Mine is up in a couple of weeks. I'm with MCE but they've got a reputation for bumping the price up after the first year with them. I'll see what they offer.

Bennetts and Carole Nash will get a call as well.

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 09:38
by Deegee
I've had multi bike policies for years, I've always found Carole Nash to be very expensive, I've used several different outfits but found in the end that Hastings Direct to be the best price and most helpful on the phone without going to the dregs of the market, mind you I haven't had to claim either, and the proof of an insurance company tends to be in the claims dept imho.

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 10:05
by DaytonAndy
I'm with Hastings this time, MCE previously. No claims yet so no reason to complain. I tend to just go with the cheapest known company that includes leather cover etc from an insurance comparison site. I think there are only 20 or so actual insurance providers and then hundreds of brokers?

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 10:07
by Kwacky
You're right, there aren't many insurance companies providing cover for motorbikes. Equity Red Star and Aviva are both pretty big in the biking world. AXA are getting into it.

I've had to rely on the service from Carole Nash and every time it's been excellent. They are really good.

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 10:22
by Cavetroll87
Im with MCE and had a claim with them and they were really good, but I do think I was just lucky as the other party admitted fault straight away so was all relatively straight forward but I cant complain about them, Swinton on the other hand I wouldnt touch with a barge poll after having a bike stolen they tried to tell me I wasnt covered on a TPFT policy, I had to read my contract down the phone to them to prove I was. Will never use them again

Re: Insurance time

Posted: 22 Jun 2014, 10:38
by Itchy
Bratty, up until last year I used Bennets since I started biking and had no probs.
Last year though they bumped up my premium from 230ish to well over 400 quid. No reason for it and not interested in price matching.
So just keep an eye out at renewal time!