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Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 16:12
by duke63
Why is it everyone time we have a warm sunny weekend, we have to be inundated with the stench of grease and fat burning in some feckers garden?

Its every bloody day and I keep having to shut the house windows to stop the house smelling like a big greasy fat overdone bull's arsehole.

Use your imagination people and cook something that smells like you would actually want to eat it and not the left overs the meat industry can't get rid of that have been burnt to a cinder.


Re: Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 16:16
by C00kiemonster

Have a small but dirty fire to put them off. Stick an old bike tyre on it :D

I haven't had a BBQ yet and the weather here is lovely. I can't piss my neighbours off as I don't really have any.

Re: Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 18:05
by duke63
Its pissing down now so they will have been well and truly extinguished. :D

Re: Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 06:05
by Bratty
Never liked BBQ's but the sister inlaw is always inviting us round for one most Sundays in the summer, id rather go to work.

Re: Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 07:04
by bb41
Bratty wrote:Never liked BBQ's but the sister inlay is always inviting us round for one most Sundays in the summer, id rather go to work.
I've just never liked my sister in law (lol)

Re: Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 07:29
by Kwacky
We can't do BBQs in the UK. They're generally crap efforts.

Re: Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 08:11
by D6
I love BBQ's. I love to eat outside in the nice weather, and it's not just the grilled meat, but also the salads, potatoes, beer and all the other things that go with it. And yes usually people around too. It's usually good family time. I can eat inside the other 345 days of the year.

Re: Time for a rant - BBQs

Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 08:50
by Rossgo
BBQs are great when done right but I have a problem with eating outside! I can do it I just don't like it! Think it stems back to the day's when you was at school at a young age every day during the summer you were forced to go outside with everyone else eating on the grass just because it was a nice day so you get flies, wasps, ants and grass clippings all over your food and yourself. Sounds really snobby!! From then I've hated it.