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Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 12:31
by bb41
is it me or does this happen less and less.

The amount of times I pull over to let a bike filter with plenty of room and I rarely get a heads up lately, or is everyone saying "cheers' and "thanks" in their helmets :D

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 12:32
by Cavetroll87
I always try and put a hand up or a leg out as thanks, just polite I think

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 12:35
by Kwacky
Can't you hear me as I say it?

It depends on how much traffic there is an what speeds I'm doing. Drivers on my right will get a head nod or a leg out unless I'm moving at a decent pace, in which case it's a half wave whilst not letting go of the throttle.

Drivers to my left get a proper "thanks" with the hand.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 12:38
by Perkles
ditto i always acknowledge people who pull overI know theres been some negatives about car drives lately but coming back to bikes after a long lay off I have to say the majority of drivers pull over and are good to bikers from what I have seen

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 12:45
by Kwacky
Most drivers are fine

I did my good biking deed today. Riding along the A46 and there's a tractor ahead in the left lane. An HGV behind is indicating to pull out but no one is letting it out (all too busy rushing to work) so I swung across to the right lane, backed the traffic up and flashed the HGV out.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 12:52
by DaytonAndy
Kwacky wrote:
It depends on how much traffic there is an what speeds I'm doing. Drivers on my right will get a head nod or a leg out unless I'm moving at a decent pace, in which case it's a half wave whilst not letting go of the throttle.

Drivers to my left get a proper "thanks" with the hand.
I've only ever see one person try and deliberately block me and it just made filtering past on the other side more enjoyable. I do see a lot of cars moving over for me including a few that do it going into a blind bend with traffic coming head on. They must think bikers are crazy!

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 12:55
by DaytonAndy
Kwacky wrote:Most drivers are fine

I did my good biking deed today. Riding along the A46 and there's a tractor ahead in the left lane. An HGV behind is indicating to pull out but no one is letting it out (all too busy rushing to work) so I swung across to the right lane, backed the traffic up and flashed the HGV out.
In a car I don't mind stopping to let people out (ideally if they're not going my way lol). I try not to do it on a bike as I think it leaves you in a very vulnerable position- far too open to getting shunted.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 13:03
by D6Nutz
I've noticed that very few rush hour riders give thanks for cars that move over in big motorway queues. I guess thats because they either don't notice or the fact that there is plenty of room between the lines of traffic to filter makes it irrelevant. I'd also noticed that fewer and fewer car drivers are also saying thanks when you flash them across a lane, I guess this is another side effect of our self obsessed society.

I'll always do my best to acknowledge someone who gives me a bit of needed space. It might be a foot out, a nod, or a wave, depends on whats going on round me at the time.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 13:12
by D6
I always say thanks, especially on my commutte as chances are I'll meet the same drivers most days. Saying thanks means they are more likely to be corteous in future too.

I agree though, sometimes they move into the gutter, even when I'm still miles back and had no intention of overtaking (if for example already doing a decent pace)

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 17:28
by Tricky
i do lots and lots of mileage in my job, so i come across loads of bike filtering. the ones that tend not to wave as much are rush hour people, but then they are generally trapping anyway, and most bikers inside the M25.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 19:11
by StMarks
I try to always lift my hand in response to drivers who create extra space for me, although that momentary reduction in control disturbs me.
I suspect that they will not see my token wave, and feel a little guilty, although the extra space given is usually unnecessary anyway.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 19:17
by Bratty
Yep I always give a wave or a thumb if safe to do so.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 20:06
by Tricky
StMarks wrote:. . . . . although the extra space given is usually unnecessary anyway.

as may be, but my thought and action is its better to give too much space than not enough or none at all.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 20:18
by StMarks
Tricky may be, but my thought and action is its better to give too much space than not enough or none at all.
Very true Tricky, which is why I always try to acknowledge my appreciation of their efforts even if I would have coped fine without it.
No one likes it when then they make an effort & it is spurned, & the next bike may need it or I may need it "next time".

To my mind it is common courtesy. (Although it seems common courtesy isn't all that common these days, is it).

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 20:49
by Tricky
StMarks wrote:
Tricky may be, but my thought and action is its better to give too much space than not enough or none at all.
Very true Tricky, which is why I always try to acknowledge my appreciation of their efforts even if I would have coped fine without it.
No one likes it when then they make an effort & it is spurned, & the next bike may need it or I may need it "next time".

To my mind it is common courtesy. (Although it seems common courtesy isn't all that common these days, is it).
:) (y)

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 20:54
by Tricky
PS. I dont move over/make space for self gratification/thanks, I just know what its like to ride on the road on a bike and what arse holes car drivers can be.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 22:14
by Spudda
I thank where necessary, especially if someone has made an effort

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 00:21
by Frankie
Same here, hopefully they will do it again for someone else.The only time I get annoyed is when someone pulls over into the gutter and kicks up a whole lot of crap, especially when they do it a time when you have no hope in hell of actually passing them ha ha.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 02:59
by Mac
I live In a mountainous region of two lane road so I never have to filter, but the downside is the slow cars in no-passing zones. I always wave to those who pull off to let me by or wave me around.

Re: Putting hand up to car drivers who pull over

Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 09:40
by C00kiemonster
Generally they are quite good over here, but then again there isn't much traffic tbh!

Bikers wave at each other with their left hand to the side and use the right foot to say thanks to drivers once you are past.

Biggest issue over here is pissed Frenchmen in cars, especially after lunch :D More often than not the gendarmes are out catching squiffy drivers rather than speed. Though they do hide in hedges with laser guns too.