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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 10:39
by Kwacky
Jack wrote: Atomic Blonde - not bad at all , that Theron woman gives me the horn .
I saw that not too long ago. I think I mentioned as well how good she looks in that film.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 21:12
by Kwacky
The Empire Strikes Back


Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 11:09
by Cavetroll87
well last night I watched a movie on Netflix called "A Christmas Horror Story"

It was a collection of short horror stories set around xmas that intertwine, the highlight of which for me had to be a pretty bad ass Santa wearing leather greaves and Viking style braids fighting an army of zombie demon elves followed up by a boss fight against Krampus with a genuinely shocking twist that I did not see coming.

Its not a good movie, but It did crack me up, especially the point at which an undead elf told Santa to "get F*cked you Christmas C**T!" I was in stitches!!!!

The other stories weren't as good as Santa vs undead elves, sorta wish they had just stuck with that as the whole movie, the other 1 was about a little kid going a bit mental and torturing his parents on xmas eve and the other was about Krampus hunting down a family.

Id give it 3 outta 10 but Id watch it again coz it was so bad it was funny haha

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 11:26
by Rossgo
The apprentice. Next week it's the final 2. I do enjoy the apprentice and this series hasn't changed that!

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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 11:37
by Kwacky
I tried to watch it. But I can't. There are enough arseholes in the world without having them pushed on to my TV screen.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 16:10
by Rossgo
Haha!! I love it. I love how arrogant these people are. There s a bloke who earned 200K a year...but that's not good enough for him, I mean totally understand I wouldn't be happy with that little amount of money a year either, you can only by 2 Ferraris or a house each year defo not good enough what a tw@!!!

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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 16:11
by Rossgo
Watching Unbroken with one of my favourite British actors. I always forget his name but he is such a good young actor think he will be one of those types who will be around for many years to come

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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 16:25
by D41
Jack O'Connell??

Decent movie-ish kinda-sorta....I guess. Maybe.

I liked it but I didn't love it.....the lass who showed it to me had built-it-up a little bit too much know how when a film is never as good as the book?....sorta like that.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 21:04
by Rossgo
That's the one. He's from Skins...unsure if the US did their own but from our British Skins and a few other films as well and he acts very well. He is defo going places in my opinion

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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 22:24
by D41
Think much of it was a 'vehicle' for Angelina Jolie....nearly every actor wants to take a stab at directing at some point, but not many get to actually do it. Good first effort, all things considered.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 00:24
by D6
On the plane over to LA I watched;

Atomic Blonde - was quite good. I actually liked the way she was actually battered and bruised after a fight.

Despicable Me 3 - not that great

Valarian - I really liked it. Effects and visuals are very good. I don't think it got great ratings, but I love sci-fi and thought it was pretty good

I started watching IT - but got to the bit where the little boy had his arm ripped off and had to stop watching. It's now I'm a bloody dad, I couldn't see a kid in pain. Ruining my film enjoyment.

I also started watching Alien convenant, but we landed before I barely got half way through, but seemed exactly the same as Promethous so far. And a bit shit.

Might have watched another film, but I've forgot now.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 00:25
by D6
And I watched now you see me 2 on the tablet last night in bed when I couldn't sleep.

Not as good as the first one, and mostly obvious as to what was going on.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 14:22
by D41
Whatever happened to just getting smashed & then sleeping it off on the flight??

Watching the latest about the Royal Wedding.

I'm so excited.

Re: What you

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 19:03
by D41
Ancient Aliens.

Apparently someone has discovered a secret alien base at the bottom of some lake in South America.

I sh*t you not!

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 22:09
by Kwacky
Polar Express with the kids.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 22:44
by Perkles
American sniper ,good film

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017, 22:50
by D41
Bravo Two-Zero

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017, 23:24
by Deegee
Arthur Christmas.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017, 15:00
by Kwacky
The Last Jedi

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017, 15:02
by Perkles
@-_-@ ^