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Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 13:18
by Kwacky ... d=38199240" onclick=";return false;


That looks fooking ace

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 13:45
by D6
Looks awesome. The hero is a girl again though? Boring. They've already done that.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 13:54
by Kwacky
D6 wrote:The hero is a girl again though? Boring. They've already done that.
She's a Brummie. Her family live about a mile away from my house.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 14:00
by D6
So a brummie ****** hmm spoiler maybe I shouldn't say what happens in the film

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 22:24
by D41
That looks great.....beyond great - like they managed to get that 'used' look to the gear and characters that got lost somewhere in the last installments....spaceships that have scratches and need a wash. etc. (and people that are in similar shape).

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 23:03
by Monty
It's got AT-ATs, what else do you need?

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 23:30
by D41
Sharks with frickin.....oh, nevermind!

Good call though.....AT-ATs are one of the coolest vehicles in the Sci-Fi world.

Except X-Wings.
And TIE fighters.
And Snowspeeders with Dack 'I'll-Never-Get-Another-Acting-Job-Ever' Ralter manning the harpoon.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 08:34
by Kwacky
I like the 70s feel some of the costumes have.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 18:07
by D41
I'm sure I told you lot that I applied for a role in that (3 lines or less and you don't need a SAG card)....made 2nd tier choice....which basically means "Thanks for applying, here's a few SW t-shirts, now eff off and have a nice life!"

TBH, I though they would film in England, and I was angling for a free trip.....still, the T-shirts and stuff made for some nice Xmas pressies for Matthew. At least I tried.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 13:12
by Kwacky

This is alleged to be the poster for the film

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 13:48
by C00kiemonster
Is the guy who voiced Vader still alive?

Looks good :)

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 15:00
by Kwacky
Earl Jones is still kicking about. I've seen him appear in the Big Bang Theory.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 12 Aug 2016, 06:26
by Itchy
New trailer just came out...


Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 12 Aug 2016, 08:14
by C00kiemonster
That looks really good. Star wars without some of the shininess - gritty almost.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 12 Aug 2016, 09:03
by Kwacky
Good find (y)

It's got a nice retro feel about it.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 12 Aug 2016, 12:59
by D41
Agree....that looks REALLY good!! I was very disappointed with the last movie, but to expect all of them to be good is perhaps expecting too much. Doesn't look like it has any stupid feckin' Ewok motherf**kers in it either, which is an added plus.

A girl in the lead role makes sense....the guys will go no matter what.....the lasses who've been dragged along on a blind date might just enjoy it a bit more and be more prepared to put out afterwards. Win/win.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 21:10
by Kwacky
It's fan made but it's still a good watch


Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 03 Oct 2016, 00:47
by D41
Aw hell yes!!!!!!

That was pretty damn good.....the AT-AT 'flinching' when it got laser-socked to the mouth was a nice touch!! I love little details like that...they make all the difference, even though subtle stuff like that often doesn't get noticed.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 03 Oct 2016, 08:50
by Kwacky
It's good isn't it? It's like it's taken a punch to the face.

Re: Star Wars - Rogue One Trailer

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 15:09
by Kwacky
The second official trailer is out.
