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Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 14:35
by Kwacky
Flag flying is very serious business in some parts of the US. You'll find dedicated areas where you can dispose of your old and weathered Stars and Stripes so you can't be accused of throwing it away. They have national flag day where you're expected to put a flag on your house or your lawn.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 16:00
by Rossgo
I'm sorry but I don't believe the EU will ban flags. Where has this been said?

I really hate where all this is going. It's provoking so much hatred towards everyone else it's unbelievable.

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Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 16:21
by Kwacky
Rossgo, there is no proposal to ban flags, but people are being told this crap so they vote to leave the EU.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 17:12
by D41
Kwacky wrote:The latest rumour doing the rounds is that the EU plans to ban national flags, so the only way you can keep the Union Jack* is if we leave.

*I'm not getting into the Jack/Flag debate :P

Good....I hate being proven wrong(ish).


Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:45
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:Rossgo, there is no proposal to ban flags, but people are being told this crap so they vote to leave the EU.
It's becoming silly all of this. These campaigns are just making themselves look bad!!

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Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:49
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:Rossgo, there is no proposal to ban flags, but people are being told this crap so they vote to leave the EU.
However some people are gullible and I can see people getting angry over this because they believe it. Does my nut in!!

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Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 09:26
by Kwacky
I see that David Beckham has weighed in and supports the Remain campaign.

That's it then, call the whole thing off. Beckham has spoken.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 09:29
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:I see that David Beckham has weighed in and supports the Remain campaign.

That's it then, call the whole thing off. Beckham has spoken.
Thank God. :)

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 09:51
by duke63
Whoops. Oh look the truth is out. Even the leave campaigners know we will be worse off.

[video] ... u_1gHps92A[/video]

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 09:54
by Monty
Michael Gove says vote Remain and he may quit.

Finally, a vote remain positive I can really get behind.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 11:58
by C00kiemonster
Monty wrote:Michael Gove says vote Remain and he may quit.

Finally, a vote remain positive I can really get behind.
Win win frankly.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 13:29
by Monty
At last, someone that actually seems to know something, actually talking about the EU without scaremongering. This really is a must watch if you're on the fence.


Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 15:49
by D41
Kwacky wrote:I see that David Beckham has weighed in and supports the Remain campaign.

That's it then, call the whole thing off. Beckham has spoken.
Hmmmm...but is it a bad thing that he speaks out??

Beckham may not be a rocket scientist, but surely he represents more the voice of the 'everyman' than most, and is in a position to make his views heard very publicly....why shouldn't he use his position to be heard by those of a like mind?? He Point is....I don't see a lad like Becks using his opinion to manipulate people per se.....he may be using his influence, that much is true, but I don't see him as being conniving in any sort of way....just speaks his mind in an honest manner.

I rather there were more people like him, frankly.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 17:10
by duke63
Did you know Michael Gove is a big buddy of Rupert Murdoch? Yet another reason I would rather not see his smug ugly face on TV again.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 17:28
by D41
It wouldn't put me off him Duke. The fact that he has friends who have disparate points of view is encouraging I think. Doesn't mean that he agrees with the guy, just that he's willing to listen to other sides of the argument.

I think the key is to understand that both sides want what they see as "best" for the country. Then...assuming any of them actually achieves office, they get in there and realise that the system is so mired down in minutae that there's very little that can be changed that will alter the "big picture".
The US Supreme Court is a classic comparative example of the limitations of the modern political system....if an S.C. Justice can get just one meaningful measure altered/approved during his/her tenure, it is considered to be quite an achievement.
To my own mind, it's a system that for all it's faults...and they are numerous, actually works pretty well. Even the fact that we are able to freely debate it's demerits on an open medium such as this is ample proof of that.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 17:33
by Monty
We're fecked if we leave the EU regardless of what happens to the economy. Doris PM, IBS Work and Pensions and Gove Home Secretary. If that doesn't put the fear of God into you nothing will. And yes i know it's IDS, but IBS suits him better!

It's all contrived and was planned months and months ago. Why do you think IBS suddenly resigned at his supposed disgust of Osbourne's budget. He didn't just wake up one morning grow a conscience.

Why are all Murdock's papers pushing to vote leave and relentlessly spreading vile racist immigration crap, when every expert says leaving the EU will have no impact on immigration.

I'm sorry to say if you already have or are going to vote leave you're putting these B@stards in power.

Don't all shout out they are all the same, they're not. We lost an amazing one just last week but there are many more.

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 18:38
by D41
I don't think it will make much difference either way. The UK has a pretty good position in the EU insofar as it has retained the GBP as it's currency...also the strongest valuated currency in the World.

If the UK leaves, are people suddenly going to stop traveling abroad...stop doing business with companies in other remaining EU countries just because they are no longer part of the club??
No....the ramifications are far more perceived than real. There will be an adjustment period, as there always is, and then things will settle down and it will be business as usual.

That is, of course, until I assume my mantle of dominance and reign supreme over all my underlings and minions.


Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 19:31
by Jack

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 21:33
by duke63
How low can humanity go.? Surely the man should be sacked, no questions asked. Hopefully Cameron will make it happen. ... rial-fund/" onclick=";return false;

Re: In, out or shake it all about?

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 21:49
by duke63
:D :D
