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Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 10:04
by Kwacky
Do cyclists do anything other than moan? ... t=13064528" onclick=";return false;

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 11:13
by Itchy
Yeah, they hog the road riding 3 abreast!

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 13:30
by D6
Itchy wrote:Yeah, they hog the road riding 3 abreast!
I hate that. then they moan when you hit them with your wingmirror

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 13:36
by D6
To be fair, just read the thread and there's a few that say cyclists can be as annoying and that an idiot is an idiot no matter what mode of transport

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 13:43
by Cav
I hit a cyclist with my elbow and mirror once about about 50mph.. 3 abreast on a fast hedge lined bend with oncoming traffic.

No idea what happened to him but served him right to be honest, natural selection if you ask me

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 13:54
by Kwacky
Then you get those dickheads blindly overtaking cyclists as motorcyclists are coming in the opposite direction

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:07
by Monty
Cyclists, Bikers and Quarry Lorry Drivers, are a recipe for disaster in the Peaks. All at fault for different reasons, and the reason I try and stay off the main drag.

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:40
by Cav
Kwacky wrote:Then you get those dickheads blindly overtaking cyclists as motorcyclists are coming in the opposite direction
I don't know anything about this... please continue !! |(

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:49
by D41
Cyclists have just as much right as anyone else to be on the road. Period.

But I'm biased....I came to biking from cycling and have raced more times than I can remember. I've rarely had a problem with them. I think the main thing people do is underestimate just how fast a bicycle can go....I've had speeding tickets on the street....60mph in a 40 zone....granted it was a hill, and the Judge laughed and said..
"This is on a bicycle??? Are you serious??
"Yes, your Honor".
"Well, then....I'll reduce the fine....I figure if you're going that fast then you know what you're, $200...we'll make that $5...can you pay it today??"
"Er...I dunno...can you break a hundred??"

Oh, how we laughed!!

All said and done though....yes, most are dressed like a bunch of gay trapeze artists riding with a seatpost and no saddle.

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:52
by D41
Ooooh....I nearly forgot!! I did a cameraman stint for a day during the Tour Of California....riding pillion, facing backwards, and using a fecking massive camera...fecker weighed a ton!!

Er....someone (me) forgot how to work the camera....I shot a massive 11 seconds of footage!!

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:53
by Kwacky
I have no problem with cyclists or anyone else using the road.

My issue is the way some elements of rod users seem to think that they're the only ones entitled to use the roads. Be it muppets in cars using phones or cyclists who insist on riding side by side up a hill because they're entitled to do it. Sod manners or civility.

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 14:55
by Cav
I agree they're entitled to space on the road but be sensible... on a 60mph hedge lined road 3 abreast is plainly and simply stupidity of the highest order! Oh, and this bit of road is on an incline so they were doing maybe 20mph?!

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 15:10
by D41
If it were a horse and cart doing the same speed would it be any different?? Or disabled people in wheelchairs??

They ride abreast to make themselves the width of a vehicle....2 is fine....3 is pushing it a bit, but not out of the realm of feasibility....3 basically means they're pretty experienced riders....something happens and there's very little options for the man/woman in the middle - female is the middle is the unwritten rule for 3 abreast...

A 60mph limit is just's not required to do that speed.

Bicycles have been on the roads long before cars ever's motorized traffic that needs to guys are the newbs, not us.
Plus, they should let us on the motorways, too!!

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 15:52
by Monty
What p!sses me of the most is riders or drivers that don't slow down to the bike's (or horse's) speed and then either pull out into oncoming traffic or cut them up

Doesn't take much effort to sit behind a bike for 30 seconds, 90 if it's a woman in that cheap lycra that goes see-through when they peddle!

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 16:00
by Kwacky
Monty wrote: 90 if it's a woman in that cheap lycra that goes see-through when they peddle!
Or 3 to 5 years if you knock her off the bike so you can sniff the saddle.

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 16:23
by rocket
Had quite a few play chicken with me in the peaks. At a set of crossroads my right of way and had to jam the brakes on as they just go straight across the road on both occasions they looked at me for quite some time as its a low stone wall. I cycle on the road and sometimes with my son I Always try and give them time and room. But like has been said and idiot is still and idiot.

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 17:13
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:
Monty wrote: 90 if it's a woman in that cheap lycra that goes see-through when they peddle!
Or 3 to 5 years if you knock her off the bike so you can sniff the saddle.
I'd still only need about 90 seconds

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 18:38
by D41
rocket wrote:Had quite a few play chicken with me in the peaks. At a set of crossroads my right of way and had to jam the brakes on as they just go straight across the road on both occasions they looked at me for quite some time as its a low stone wall. I cycle on the road and sometimes with my son I Always try and give them time and room. But like has been said and idiot is still and idiot.'s always the bad apples that stick out and people remember....usually a gang of fat cretins on $6K road bicycles who are training for Le Tour De McDonalds.
I take cycling pretty seriously, or I did for a long time...was sponsored by a local shop and a few component companies....raced for a team a few times...was really into it. It's just SOOO time regimens, diet, sleeping habits, etc.....your whole life ends up revolving around something that's supposed to be just fun...and once that started to wane it was time to dial it back a bit. Well...that, and I met the ex. around that time, which prolonged it for a little while with the stepkids and all that, but only for a few years.
I even had a trailer to take Matty with me....but change diapers halfway up a mountain a few times and the novelty starts to wear a bit thin, as does my patience.

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 20:06
by Perkles
Etiquette of old school cyclists is to ride two abreast unless there is oncoming traffic or vehicles behind,in which case you single out.Unfortunatley the new trendy breed of cyclist couldn't give a fook about etiquette and are more interested in being Bradley Wiggins or some other Lycra clad hero

Re: Two wheels good....

Posted: 17 May 2016, 20:15
by nsr500
Shoot all of them if you ask me :P