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The Fitness Thread 2.0

Posted: 15 Mar 2014, 21:06
by Itchy
This seemed to be a fairly popular thread on the old site so I thought it was worth carrying on.
I believe it was originally started to keep a running track of our progress as an increasing number of us were trying to get into some sort of shape.

I'm still trying to get into shape, although I'm not sure my body understands what shape I'd like it to be. I've been trying to gain mass, but I seem to have lost weight since September, despite my arms appearing a little 'denser'. That could be down to the difference in scales though, however as it stands I'm 82kg.

Additionally, I'm doing this next weekend..." onclick=";return false;

I said I'd do a Tough Mudder a couple of years ago.

I didn't do it.

I said I'd do one last year.

I didn't do it.

I've signed up, registered and paid for this and am in a team of 4 others.

I'm doing it!

Re: The Fitness Thread 2.0

Posted: 15 Mar 2014, 21:27
by D6Nutz
Yay the fitness thread returns...

Good luck with the run next weekend, that looks messy !!

I'm still in exactly where I've been for over a year, want to loose weight and it's just not happening. I'm going to have to sort the diet out I think if I really want to get somewhere. But the biggest issue at the moment is my ankle, not sure what I've done to it but since the half marathon it has been hurting, and boy does it hurt. I can't run for more than 10 mins without having to bail.. I'm wondering if I've got a stress fracture from the pre-race training.

Re: The Fitness Thread 2.0

Posted: 15 Mar 2014, 21:57
by Itchy
Might be worth a trip to the docs if it's still bad.

Re: The Fitness Thread 2.0

Posted: 15 Mar 2014, 22:53
by Kwacky
I was told they wouldn't touch my ankle if I could walk on it. But it is worth mentioning to your GP, he might be able to get you an appointment for an xray.

The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 14:08
by duke63
Just got back from the Stafford Half Marathon and really pleased to say I managed it in 1hr 56 mins, a whopping 16 minutes faster than last year.

To say I am delighted would be an understatement.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 14:11
by Bratty
Well done Duke very impressive

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 17:25
by Itchy
Ahem..." onclick=";return false;

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 17:26
by Itchy
Well done, by the way. Awesome time.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 17:30
by D6Nutz
Outstanding time mate, well done. Hope your not too stiff tomorrow.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 17:56
by Kwacky
Top time that Duke. Well done.

I'm supposed to be going to the gym as I didn't go yesterday, but I'm currently eating left over pizza.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 18:45
by Bratty
Haven't trained for about 7 weeks now, not much over 11 and half stone, gonna do a bit in the loft tomorrow morning

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 19:11
by duke63
Sorry Itchy i didn't see your thread.

Can they be merged?

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 22:43
by Mac
Well done, Duke (y) top time!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 23:11
by Kwacky
Legs and traps tonight. My legs were tired from riding. Oh well, in for a penny.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 10:37
by Kwacky
Back, shoulders and abs last night.

It shows how important it is to get your form right. My instructor dropped the weights for some of the back exercises but showed me the right way to do it. Despite having much lower weights to deal with I couldn't finish all my sets.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 10:41
by Itchy
Day off for me today, I've got the Airfield Anarchy thing tomorrow, I don't think a leg session would do me any favours, tbh.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 11:04
by D6
Been running with work last couple of weeks. Keep trying to keep with the fastest runners, and yesterday was only 10seconds behind after 5miles. We was doing 6min 40 miles at one point. Aching now.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 12:38
by C00kiemonster
D6 wrote:Been running with work last couple of weeks. Keep trying to keep with the fastest runners, and yesterday was only 10seconds behind after 5miles. We was doing 6min 40 miles at one point. Aching now.
That's a fair pace that!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 18:34
by D6
That wasn't for all of it. It averaged out at 7min 30 per mile for the 5 miles. Weirdly the 6:40 was going up the hill on the route. Think because it was a hill we was putting extra effort in.

I want to try and get my average for a 6.2 mile run (10k) down to under 7 min per mile. That is my goal this year.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 18:48
by C00kiemonster
D6 wrote:That wasn't for all of it. It averaged out at 7min 30 per mile for the 5 miles. Weirdly the 6:40 was going up the hill on the route. Think because it was a hill we was putting extra effort in.

I want to try and get my average for a 6.2 mile run (10k) down to under 7 min per mile. That is my goal this year.
Sound like you will do it too.

I never managed below 7min miles. I blame the windy conditions (giggle)