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Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 17 May 2016, 09:25
by StMarks
Cav wrote:..... I've finished my HNC this year and am aiming to do HND and Degree so it's wise that I stay until those are completed seeing as the company is paying for them, but after that I don't know what I want to do.
At risk of making this thread sound repetitive, progress towards that Degree would be my suggestion fwiw.: Unless you are seriously unhappy, then doing so will ultimately offer you by far the best options in the future, and whilst it is being funded for you as well makes it a gift.!
When you've completed your education, perhaps you could write to the MD explaining that you are leaving & pointing out (in stark detail) all the reasons that you brushed on with us about what is wrong with his company. Would make a great leaving letter IMHO. ;)
Cav wrote:....I don't know what I want to do.

"If you love your job you never have to work a day in your life"

My main love is motorcycles, I love riding them, .....
Perhaps it depends on what you want from your life Cav.?
We only have one bite at this cherry, so learning from other's mistakes is a smart tool if you can use it mate. Fwiw I was offered a lot of good advice in my time, none of which I followed, and all of which I regret ignoring.! What Cav "wants to do" is likely to be substantially different from what Cav+10 yrs +15, +20 etc...."wants to do". So you can either live in the moment (my dog does, and she's a happy little hound) or you can put up with some temporary reduced fulfilment.???

On the subject of learning from others, there is something I feel must say about your love of motorbikes.: When I was at school there was a farmer's son who I was great friends with, as like me he was an avid mechanical tinkerer. He went on to be a professional mechanic, and won apprentice mechanic of the year. Within three years he had his own repair company.
He is now a pub landlord. :^
Another lad I knew at the same time had "the most highly tuned Fs1E", and tinkering with bikes was a love taught to him by his dad. He went on to become a plumber, in fact his company will be servicing my parents heating system later today. He is still in love with motorbikes, although he gave up racing a little while ago due to failing hips.

So, perhaps be careful about "knowing" what will make you happy, and wary of steering your life in the direction you "feel" will offer you the greatest fulfilment.?

Good luck.!

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 18 May 2016, 14:40
by D41
Find a rich chick.

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 21 May 2016, 09:33
by Rossgo
Haven't read through the posts cav but get your degree mate. Get everything the company are willing to pay for, you are clearly a very bright man with a lot going for you so take it! My question is why wouldn't you?!

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Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 14:11
by Cav
Off the back of 3 meetings (supposed to be 4 but 1 didn't happen) I quickly realised that I wasn't the one trying to impress them, they were trying to sell their role. I subsequently had 3 roles made available to me.

I have since made the decision and as of July 1st I will be in a permanent design position.

I want to thank all of you for your input, I've read and understand what you all have to say and it's definitely helped me consider my future.

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 14:25
by Kwacky
Well done that man. You're clearly an employee they want to keep.

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 14:35
by TonyB
Good shit. All the best to you.

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Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 14:37
by Monty
Nice one Dude

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 17:25
by Perkles
well done its a great company you work for they are going places,you will do well there

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 17:49
by Rossgo
Wow that is great news Cav. You must be so happy buddy.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 18:24
by StMarks
Good to learn that you've settled your mind Cav, I hope you'll look back & be pleased with your decision.
Will the new role incorporate the HND direction that you were expecting.?

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 25 May 2016, 19:38
by Blade
Good luck with the future career Cav. You have given the decision alot of thought so I'm sure it will be the right one.

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 26 May 2016, 07:12
by Cav
Thanks guys :)

I have given it a lot of thought and in the meeting I made it clear what my academic targets are - HND and Degree were mentioned and agreed upon. I'm over the moon to be honest as I've been pretty stressed out since the new year for various reasons and it finally seems to have subsided.

I'm sure I'll update you guys when I start the new job anyway :)

Re: Cav's Future

Posted: 26 May 2016, 11:02
by kiwikrasher
Glad to hear mate, like everyone has said about you sound like an asset to the comment so glad they recognise that and have decided to invest in you. From what I've picked up about you on here I'd say it's a sound investment in their behalf.

All the best with the future Cav.