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Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 17:00
by Kwacky
So who on here has a partner who also bikes?

Mrs Kwacky is going to take her CBT next month. She's not sure yet if she wants to get her full licence, a lot will depend on how she gets on.

Now that the kids are older I'm not so protective about her being a pillion with me, so next year I'll change my insurance to include pillions. That way she can come out with me and I can give her some pointers on riding to help her decide if she wants to go for her full licence.

Just wondering what your experiences are like. Is it good to have a shared interest or do you prefer having an excuse to get out of the house on your own on the bike?

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 17:12
by rocket
Mrs did cbt and liked it but work and baby got in way of taking her test. Its something we do together and we have made some good friends through biking. She likes being a pillion but i do get told I ride to fast ....... Alot. I actually ride very steady with her on the back. she watches the odd race and seems to enjoy it.


Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 17:27
by Monty
Sarah's a pretty good pillion she's done 1000s of miles on the back, but most of them while travelling abroad. She's not really into it as a hobby, it's was more just a way of getting to places for her.

Since we've had kids she made the decision not go on, as she can't handle the thought of us both dying at the same time!

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 17:31
by duke63
Interesting that nearly every woman has the same view on riding pillion once they have kids.

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 17:33
by duke63
Just to add my missus wouldn't be safe riding her own bike. :D

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 17:35
by kingfixer
Er indoors has no interest in bikes at all, she will never get on the back of the multi. But then she has just decided to come with me to moto gp as she has bought club class tickets. (facepalm) bring on all the questions, "who's winning then" , "which ones are British" etc etc.

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 17:41
by DaytonAndy
My mrs decided having been in a car with me she would rather not get on a bike with me. I tried to explain how I can't ride a bike the way I drive a car and would be slow with her on the back anyway but gave up when I realised I didn't want to crawl everywhere.

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 18:24
by D6Nutz
Mrs nutz has no interest in bikes as a rule. That said, she came out on the back of the xjr a couple of times. As soon as I turned up with the RSV she said "you know there is no way I'm getting on the back of that don't you", I grinned and promptly removed the pillion pegs (giggle).

We also had the " post kids " conversation.

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 18:38
by Blade
Missus used to follow and enjoy all the racing but never been a fan of pillion riding tbh which suits as I would rather go for a blast on my own anyway.

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 18:50
by Deegee
Mes Gee used to go pillion quite frequently, but the birth of our young 'un stopped 99% of all that, when he's independent it'll probably start again I think. Of course I'll likely be retired by then, but that's another matter completely.
She used to be into the racing somewhat but I also had the same questions as Mick had to contend with. However she has never ever wanted to ride her own bike and has stated so quite frequently. Apparently she's too girly for that. (makeup)

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 18:53
by Motodaz
Wifey used to come out on the bike years ago, but died off after we got we'd... Went out about 18 months ago and bought her a load of new gear; she's not even been out on the bike in them...

She does say she sees it as my thing and quite happy for me go out on my lonesome...

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 19:07
by Perkles
my mrs would never ever get on a bike but shes a massive moto gp fan and watches every race without fail

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 19 Aug 2015, 19:34
by C00kiemonster
It's well known my missus is a biker. She used to ride very quickly and a few years ago could keep up with the best of us. She still mourns the sale of her R6 :(

In more recent years she has lost some confidence, due to less time on the bike and an arm injury and does it occasionally now. I think she wants to do more again now her arm is better and we have more time.

It depends on the trip as to if its a problem or not tbh. It's great for most rides but occasionally we all want to ride alone or with the lads and it can get difficult having that shared interest as she can be offended if you say she's not invited!

Plus if they ride they hate pillion regardless of circumstance :)

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 20 Aug 2015, 03:18
by Mac
My wife will never ride, and I prefer it that way. This is my hobby and she has hers which I won't intrude upon. She knows I'm prone to push fast and doesn't even like watching the bike videos I've shot. She's had the occasion to ride in the 'company' car which I've usually taken the opportunity to scare the crap out of her, and she always hates me for it after. Our marriage is a basic 'love/hate' relationship I suppose... (wasntme)

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 20 Aug 2015, 05:41
by wazza675
I pushed and pushed my then girlfriend (and now wife) to ride pillion with me when we started going out. When she eventually gave in, I perched her atop the tiny pillion seat of a '94 Blade (which was also several inches higher than my seat) at the top of a driveway with a very steep slope. She sat there balling her eyes out, and so I had a decision to make: just get on with it and hope she relaxed a bit OR shut up and never mentioned it again!! So I pushed on, and she eventually relaxed and started to enjoy the experience once we got on the freeway.
From there she began riding with me regularly, so I traded the 'Blade (which had a tendency to wheel stand under acceleration with our combined weight), on a Sprint RS. We even test rode other bikes together before I bought the Sprint, including the BMW R1100s... which gave her a 'wetty' so I almost bought it on the spot!!
After touring NZ (solo) with the Sprint and finding out more of the bikes history, I was urged to sell it by mechanic before it went BANG, so I bought an '02 955i Daytona.... and that pretty much ended our two-up days. The pillion pegs were set too high and too far apart, and my wife got serious hip cramps that killed any enjoyment she got.

Now I only ride on the track and so she's not interested. The 675 only has a single seat, and trackday providers here don't cater for pillions. Plus we have 2 kids and like others have said, she prefers to spread the risk as it were.

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 08:57
by Rossgo
My partner has no I retest in going in the back however that night be because I'm.short and I have said to her I couldn't handle having someone on the back so I haven't really filled her with much confidence there! I personally don't want her riding as of anything happened to her it would just break me so I prefer to ride alone with friends and she quite happy with that! Although sometimes I think it would be nice as we could tour together and would get part of my bucket list done without having to spend on 2 lots of holidays!! Haha!!

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 23 Aug 2015, 12:08
by Itchy
The missus loves to come on the back (wheeeeeyyyyyy) but wouldn't even contemplate riding herself.

I've seen her drive, it's probably for the best!

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 08:53
by Kwacky
She's booked to do her CBT at the end of next month.

We'll see how she gets on.

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 11:14
by Rossgo
Hope she enjoys it...but just think...your bling money may end up being her bling money [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES]

Re: Biking other halves

Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 23:17
by Tuffers
My Mrs needed step ladders to get on the back of mine. Once round the block was enough to put her off for life (thank fook)