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Please tell me...

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 04:06
by Mac

Re: Please tell me...

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 05:37
by Rossgo
Can't believe people like this. She stated she deserves sugerary on the NHS. No wonder why our people have to wait for even the smallest things when at the hospital and our country is so broke, people like her are taking up our beds. She's a horrible selfish botch in my opinion. and deserves everything that comes to her as she has done it to herself.

But this is my 2 pence piece

Re: Please tell me...

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 07:32
by Frankie
(facepalm) She says they should fit a gastric band for free...... Err have I missed something here, I don't think this will work if it's not food you are taking in but gallons of red bull..... She needs help, but metal addiction help not bloody surgery.

as I read the story, I got half way through and notice "she told the sun" (facepalm)

Re: Please tell me...

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 08:30
by Kwacky
Someone else who is sad enough to think people want to hear her story.

The world is full of muppets like this.

Re: Please tell me...

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 11:54
by kiwikrasher
No accountability for her own actions.. the generation we are breeding (facepalm)

I haven't had an energy drink in 4-5 years. I used to have nearly one a day for a while, while doing shift work at the refinery. It was habit forming and part of my drive to work, especially on night shift. I was having it on top of coffee and just smashing myself with sugar and caffeine for the quick fix. Easiest way forward was cut them out altogether and limit my coffee intake. Don't miss them at all now.

Re: Please tell me...

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 19:22
by D41
Never had an "energy" drink ever....OK, maybe once or twice....the $1 store sells some orange stuff that I like the taste of, but that's about it....I'm borderline diabetic and have been for years, so I watch that stuff pretty they taste like crap.

Re: Please tell me...

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 20:46
by Tricky
shoot her.