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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 10:16
by Kwacky
Off to the cinema on my own to see Dunkirk.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 15:40
by D41

Everyone here is barking on about the solar eclipse that's due. What a total frickin' non-event that'll end up being.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 17:46
by Rossgo
Had an hour of sleep after night shift then popped out for what should of been a few hours. .It's quarter to 6 and just got in now. It's been a long day then up for a course tomorrow at work! Fingers crossed their let us go early!!

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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 17:55
by D6Nutz
12 mile run, took the kids to have their feet measured, then to the park, home and cut the grass, trimmed the roses, cleaned 2 guinea pig hutches......

Now drinking a glass of wine, and it may not be the last!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 07:39
by D6Nutz
Back to the daily commute..

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 08:55
by Itchy
Back to work after having 2 weeks off.

I wasn't looking forward to it but I've got a relatively easy day lined up now I'm here, and after opening up the building and inspecting the trainees first thing, hopefully the "hard" work for today is done.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 15:21
by Cavetroll87
Bored, I am literally the only one in my office for the next 3 weeks, everyone else is on holiday bar 1 week when there is 1 other person in but they speak so little and sit completely outta sight so will be like being on my own anyway.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 15:30
by Kwacky
I'm trying to use new spreadsheets, which we've got to use. They're fine until you try to change anything, then they fall over and die. Even adding an extra column or line fecks it all up. Half a day wasted and I'm being asked why I'm not hitting my targets. Yeah, I'll charge the client for a form you want me to fill in because it looks nice and it doesn't work.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 17:20
by kiwikrasher
Last full night of night shift. Tomorrow night I work from 6 pm-10 pm go to bed then get up to be at work at 6 am to start two weeks of day shifts. This should be interesting!

At least I get to swap back out here rather than at home, so after 4 weeks out here I'll just be burnt out, rather than burnt out and sleep deprived.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 21:24
by Rossgo
Yesterday I finished work came home had an hour kip then spent the day with my partner. It was her birthday yesterdsy so we decided to go out for a meal with the dig had a meal in the pub garden. We then picked up a cake from the local supermarket and headed over to her nans and found out her uncle and kids were there too do we spent a few hours chilling all together. By around 1730 I was shattered and we headed home.

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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 21:31
by Rossgo
Today has been a rollercoaster day. Got up early for a course at work. Beat the rush hour traffic as I left nice and early and was an hour early for the couch. Great I though but was still tired from the night before. Chilled in the car. 30 mins before I decided to pop into the co defence centre and get myself all sorted. Asked the receptionist which room it will be in and she said that there was a course that was cancelled the end of last week.

She looked into it and low and behold it was cancelled. Anyway things escalated (not angry, I was laughing to be honest) and I rang the main guy who deals with all these courses, he said I wasn't even on the course and in fact No one was on the course so they cancelled it!!

Anyway I'm going to booked in the next mid October!!

Got home did a few things, watched a film, read my Fast Bikes mag then my partner came home

Now go to Vents section

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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 06:02
by Perkles
Going to local Roman sulphur baths

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 08:04
by Kwacky
I've left my phone at home, so I guess I'll have to do some work.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 22 Aug 2017, 09:36
by D6Nutz
Working from home, off to the docs this afternoon. Hopefully the xray results will give some idea of what's wrong with my shoulder.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 10:34
by Kwacky
Moving desks to join my new team.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 10:35
by C00kiemonster
Picking up 5 girls from the age of 20 to 23 years old from the airport. ]:)

Sounds amazing doesn't it? Apart from they are our kids or their cousins. No friends of the girls coming this year :( so no totty.

Big Brother on the TV, moaning about lack of internet and lots of girlie screeching |(

I do love them, but it makes me feel old (bear)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 10:53
by Cavetroll87
Today I will mostly be dealing with a solicitors who messed up a transfer of funds for some ones completion that is due today, already been on the phone non stop this morning to an unhappy client and clueless said solicitor. Wouldn't mind, not even my case (mainly coz I'm not qualified to do mortgages yet haha)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 11:18
by kiwikrasher
Struggling with sleep deprivation. Worked till 10 last night, only managed 3 hrs sleep then did a 12 hr day shift today. Luckily I only have 13 more to go!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 22:03
by Rossgo
Travelled 350miles up to the Lake District for a couple of nights away. I rented a car (Vauxhall Moka 4x4), underpowered but a comfy car)

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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 06:52
by Rossgo
Waking up to this view. This places bathrooms all have underground heating it's lovelyImage

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