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Re: That C word again

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 20:09
by Rossgo
Very touching he had so many friends and family to see him off Kwacky. Must of been very hard for you all

Re: That C word again

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 20:13
by Blade
As Rossgo says shows how well thought of he was to have such a huge turn out. Hope your all ok and sympathies and respect are with you.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 21:05
by R1ckster
My condolences to you and the family. Myself and my wife both have lost under same circumstances. The turn out shows how wonderful a man he was and has left a mark on everyone's lives forever. Your strength will be needed for your wife as she will need your comforting and support more than ever.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 14 Oct 2015, 16:51
by Kwacky
£700 was raised at the funeral yesterday for MacMillan Cancer.

I'm incredibly impressed.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 14 Oct 2015, 17:29
by Blade
That's amazing and all for a really good cause.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 14:13
by Kwacky
Shortly before Ron's funeral my mother-in-law was told that she has cancer. It's in her lungs and her right arm. There's not much they can do. She's been for an assessment today and they're suggesting having a go at radiotherapy. She'll have another assessment in two weeks then start treatment two weeks after that.

My wife is really struggling with it all. Poor thing hasn't had time to get over losing her dad when she's faced with this. Her mum's health has dipped quite quickly and I suspect that she's decided there's not much left hanging around for.

So 2015 has been pretty shit, to be frank. I'm trying to do what I can to keep a sense of normality in the kwacky household (that's relative normality for us, not general public normality :D) whilst keeping an eye on Mrs Kwacky to make sure she doesn't burn herself out. I made sure she did bugger all yesterday and rested. She's with her mum today. I've booked Friday off so we can spend the day together. I'll take her out for a nice lunch somewhere. Flowers have been sent to her office to cheer her up (I'm not a c!nt all the time, there are moments of niceness).

My advice is give your loved ones a hug, don't bear grudges or burn bridges, be quick to forgive and enjoy what you've got.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 14:17
by duke63
Amen to that.

I hope your family find some peace and decent family time over the Christmas holidays, Kwacky and that 2016 proves to be a far better year for you all.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 14:39
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:My advice is give your loved ones a hug, don't bear grudges or burn bridges, be quick to forgive and enjoy what you've got.
Amen to that mate, very well put

Re: That C word again

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 14:39
by Blade
Very sorry to hear this Kwacky. Truly hope you and your family find some peace and can enjoy some happy times and memories together this Christmas and have a brighter 2016.

Wise words as well and as Duke says Amen to that.

You know where I am if I can ever assist. Take it easy and take care. Best wishes and thoughts with your partner.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 15:03
by Perkles
chin up mate

Re: That C word again

Posted: 17 Nov 2015, 06:53
by Rossgo
Really sorry to hear this Kwacky. Really hope 2016 holds better fortune for you all.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 19 Nov 2015, 12:07
by Kwacky
Thanks again everyone.

She's had her assessments and starts radiotherapy next week.

My wife and I strongly suspect that her mum had cancer before her dad, or that it started around the same time. She's got growths in her right arm, right lung, neck, back and pancreas. That suggests we're dealing with primary and secondary cancer.

The NHS and the MacMillan support are both providing excellent support and service.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 19 Nov 2015, 12:25
by Monty
Stay strong Rich, Sam is really going to need you

Re: That C word again

Posted: 19 Nov 2015, 12:33
by Kwacky
Cheers mate.

Yep, I've taken some holiday so we can spend some time together, starting tomorrow. Got the day off so we're heading into Brum for some shopping and a spot of lunch.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 19 Nov 2015, 13:45
by Blade
Hope your both ok and as Monty says stay strong.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 06:42
by Rossgo
Can't say any more than what others have already said Kwacky. But it's going to be a testing time on your wife be her rock like you have been throughout your time together she will need it mate

Re: That C word again

Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 08:23
by D6Nutz
So sorry to hear this mate, I really feel for Sam.

She's lucky to have someone as strong as you for support.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 13:26
by Deegee
Life can be so sh*t sometimes. :(

So sorry to hear this Kwacky, please pass on our best wishes to Mrs K for us and let her know there's people out here rooting for her Mum and sending positive vibes her way.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 20:38
by TonyB
Kwacky, I couldn't even start to think what it is you're wife and you are going through. Very sorry to hear this.

Re: That C word again

Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 12:34
by Kwacky
We spent the day with Sam's mum at her house, as she wasn't well enough to come to our house.

Poor thing was clearly struggling but clearly appreciated that we had all gone to spend the day with her.

My son clocked her struggled as she tried to get up from her seat, the cancer means her right arm is effectively useless. His face said it all.

These last few days have taken it out of her. We've had a call this morning to say her friend called an ambulance as she's not doing well.

To be truthful, I hope it's not a drawn out affair. She's clearly had enough. She's very tired and misses her husband. She's seen Christmas through and made sure that her grandchildren were spoilt this year.