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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2015, 22:12
by kiwikrasher
I don't know about the weight but from the times you've been posting you are definitely a lot faster! Impressed with your effort Jon (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2015, 22:29
by Kwacky
Lats and delts tonight

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 19:55
by D6Nutz
Well, I did an 9 mile run on Monday and it's caused some real problems with my knees. I could barely walk on Tuesday, and as for stairs !!!!

Recovery is coming on, but I think I'm going to have to hold back on the running a bit for a few weeks. So tonight I decided to get the push bike out and go for a ride, the first time in over a decade (blush) I did only of my half marathon training routes and a smidge extra, so turned 14 miles in an hour. I'm quite happy with that.

I live about 11 miles from work so I'm seriously considering getting the push bike serviced and cycling into work once a week over the summer months..

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 22:24
by kiwikrasher
Riding is good for knees, I dislocated my knee at work when I first moved to Australia. Work was 10 km away so biked constantly for over a year. I had a good tri bike as I'd completed a 160 km race in NZ a few months earlier. Was the best thing for my knee, and the Physio agreed.

Good luck with the recovery mate.

As a side note, be worth seeing a physio to find out the cause. My dislocation caused an ITB issue as well and they gave me some good stretches to help that.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 12:14
by beermonster
I'm back cycling to work (or doing a mix of cycle and train) and it doesn't half help!

Having said that, I'm not fully gig fit (think it's the extra stone I'm carrying since last September) as I found out last night in the pit....I was still ruling it, but even I had to take a couple of breathers!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 16:52
by Kwacky
I did squats today. First time in months so I took it easy.

I had forgotten how much they're about confidence. I need to get back into them.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 16:04
by Kwacky
I must have got the squats right, as my legs and backside are killing me.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 21:21
by D6Nutz
To run or not to run, this is the question....

Easy Monday run tomorrow, and I've not run since last week because of the knee... I've bought a couple of decent knee supports, and I'm really tempted to run.. It's really starting to bug me at the moment because I can't run...

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 21:31
by Kwacky
Leave it. It's better to miss a race and give your knee time to heal than run it and end up needing an op in 6 months time.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 00:06
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Leave it. It's better to miss a race and give your knee time to heal than run it and end up needing an op in 6 months time.
Wot he said! Go biking instead. You won't lose any cardio form from substituting while you get your knee right.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 21:20
by Kwacky
Monday night is Taekwondo night. We did sparring for 20 minutes. Fighting is very hard work.

I managed to kick my son in the face. Good job he took it in good spirits. I think he's waiting until he's big enough then going to hand it all back to me. (punch)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 20 Apr 2015, 21:31
by D6Nutz
I never was good at taking advice (blush)

Went out for a run tonight. Stuck to the group pace of 6 min/km, wore a proper sports support on the knee as well. So far all feels good, hopefully will be the same tomorrow.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 21:49
by D6Nutz
Club run again tonight, was supposed to be a recovery / easy paced 6 mile run... Easy paced my arse !!!!

I started at a good pace, but then dropped off the back of the leading group, knowing I had an issue with my knee one of the coaches caught up with me and checked I was ok. Once she worked out I was and had just been pushing it a bit she stuck with me for a bit, we started talking about my goal to pick my pace up a bit and do the 10k series. From then onwards the pace picked steadily up and she stayed with me, pushing me up the hills and keeping my pace a lot higher than I would have done. We completed a hundred meters or so short of 10k in 53 minutes, to say I'm chuffed is an understatement.. To say I'm knackered is also an understatement..

I wonder if I can shave 3 minutes off that time in 8 weeks (mm)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 20:45
by Kwacky
The gym was packed tonight, I hate it when it's like that.

But there were some worldies to distract me (inlove)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2015, 12:54
by Itchy
This thread almost seems like an alien world to me at the moment.

I haven't been hitting the gym like I used to. I haven't been hitting it at all, to be honest. I've had to force myself to take a break from it, and that's something that's hard to do when I've spent the last few years lifting weights and really enjoying it.

But about a month ago I made the decision to go to the doctors about my shoulder. For those who have forgotten my ramblings, I dislocated it when I was in Qatar whilst grappling with a barely-evolved ape (a 102kg Royal Engineer)!
After giving it a bit of time off after the initial injury I gingerly started to work out again, but the dislocation had taken it's toll.
My bench press had gone from a comfortable 5 reps of 100kg down to a wobbly and uncomfortable 10 reps of 40kg.
I couldn't use the preacher bench because of the levering of the shoulder joint (however little force it put on there, it still hurt)
I couldn't squat properly because I couldn't take my hand far back enough to support the bar on my traps.
Deadlifts, well, I could do them and I think at one point I got the weight up to 120-130kg, but I was worried about my arm dropping off, and consequently my form was turd.

So, once I got back and had the obligatory extra-long leave period where I went to the gym twice in 2 months, it was off to the docs. I kept hurting myself doing simple things like walking past things whilst putting my hand on the wall, or making a sudden movement with it. It hurt.

He referred me to the physiotherapist, who examined me and put me on a rehab program with the excercise therapists here on base.

4 weeks in now. My shoulder seems to be tweaking less and less during my day to day activites, when I do the simple things that hurt before it's not always hurting now. And when it does, it seems to hurt less.

So hopefully, things are on the up.

I don't want to rush back into training, but there's only maybe another 6 or 7 years max before my daughter delves into the murky world of dating. I need to be massive by then, or at least strong enough to fold any potential suitors in half. Backwards!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2015, 13:04
by Kwacky
I know what it's like to have a shit shoulder. Even know I have to make sure I'm very careful. The moment it starts to complain or if it's tiring quickly then I change what I'm doing at the gym. That's my main reason for struggling to stick with a training plan.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 03 May 2015, 14:09
by D6Nutz
The knee seems to be back on track. Got out on the push bike yesterday, covered just over 22 miles in 1:45. Worked out I can cycle to work in about 50 mins, can take longer than that to drive some days.

Going to try riding into work one day this week.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 May 2015, 12:23
by Kwacky
In the gym last night and it seemed to be weakness time. Miles off what I normally can do weight wise, so I switched to light weights and high reps.

2 hours later I got my breath back (sweat)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 May 2015, 19:50
by Perkles
I'm doing the Birmingham half marathon,I've started running 1st time in 4 years and God it hurts

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 May 2015, 22:10
by D6Nutz
Perkles wrote:I'm doing the Birmingham half marathon,I've started running 1st time in 4 years and God it hurts
Good man (y)

Might be worth searching out a training plan online. My only worthwhile advice would be to start small and build up the distance gradually, that should reduce risk of injury.