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Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 14:51
by Norfolknchance
So now we know how hight the snow was in Balmoral in 1932

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 16:52
by Kwacky
Hitler couldn't afford what he was doing though, which is why he could do all that he promised. He needed to invade other countries to pay what he had spent. The intention was to effectively enslave conquered lands and use the populations to mine the local resources which Germany would use or sell.

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 17:20
by Deegee
Absolutely, the country was bankrupt and it was all being paid for with other countries money and labour aggressively acquired. I wasn't defending it, just pointing out the view from the floor level as described to me by a normal guy relating his grandparents recollections of that period in time.
The current sensitivity to overt Nationalism in Germany is extremely high - to the point where the clip on flags for car windows we see in the UK at World Cup time have been ripped off cars by irate citizens over there. Crazy but true.

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 20:50
by D41
Kwacky wrote:The Finns used it. No idea if the RAF did.
They didn' least as far as I'm aware....but the British govt. did supply the Finns with a number of Hawker can find pics or at the very least images of them daubed with the pale blue Finnish swastika here and there on the web.....because of that, they are maybe sometimes wrongly identified as being "British" craft.

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 21:42
by Kwacky
I did a google on the subject when Blade raised it. Some squadrons did use a form of the swastika up until the 30s

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 09:30
by Norfolknchance

Probably used for luck whilst in service in Asia, or a squadron marking. Also note it is the wrong way around.

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 09:32
by Norfolknchance
Actually I'm, wrong, the swastika is the correct way around.

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 10:21
by Kwacky
Wasn't that when we were out in the middle east, learning how to do blanket bombing?

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 08 Aug 2015, 02:06
by D41
Yeah, I think thats right...not 100% certain though

Re: Heil Hitler

Posted: 08 Aug 2015, 08:36
by Norfolknchance
Yep bombing the shit out of the Arabs, the first round.